Most popular museums and galleries Most popular museums and galleries Museums and galleries mapSee on the map+PARISFranceLouvre Museum+LONDONUnited KingdomBritish Museum+ROMEItalyPantheon+VALENCIASpainCity of Arts and Sciences+MADRIDSpainPrado Museum+SÃO PAULOBrasilArt Museum+RIO DE JANEIROBrasilMuseum of Tomorrow+VATICAN CITYVaticanVatican Museums+BILBAOSpainGuggenheim Museum+AMSTERDAMNetherlandsVan Gogh Museum+AMSTERDAMNetherlandsRijksmuseum+LONDONUnited KingdomTate Modern+AGUAS CALIENTESPeruMachu Picchu+PARISFranceOrsay Museum+FLORENCEItalyUffizi Gallery+SÃO PAULOBrasilLatin America Memorial+LONDONUnited KingdomScience Museum+MILANItalyLeonardo's Last Supper Museum+CURITIBABrasilOscar Niemeyer museum+LONDONUnited KingdomVictoria and Albert Museum+POMPEIItalyArchaeological Park of Pompeii+MADRIDSpainNational Museum of the Queen Sofia Art Center+HAMBURGGermanyMiniature Wonderland+ATHENSGreeceAcropolis Museum+LONDONUnited KingdomNational Gallery+SALISBURYUnited KingdomStonehenge+PARISFranceLes Invalides+BERLINGermanyMuseum Island+FLORENCEItalyGalleria dell'Accademia+THE HAGUENetherlandsMauritshuisRanking - museums and galleries AlbaniaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityBUTRINTAlbaniaButrint+TOPnumber 3 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational History Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPOJANAlbaniaApollonia Archaeological Park+TOPnumber 1 in the cityDAJTAlbaniaBunk'art+number 2 in the cityKRUJËAlbaniaNational Museum Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu+number 6 in the cityDURRËSAlbaniaDurrës Archaeological Museum+number 3 in the cityKRUJËAlbaniaKruja Ethnographic Museum+number 3 in the citySHKODËRAlbaniaMarubi National Museum of Photography+number 6 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational Gallery of Arts+number 7 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational Archaeological MuseumRanking - museums and galleries AndorraShow all+number 1 in the cityENCAMPAndorraNational Automobile MuseumRanking - museums and galleries ArgentinaShow all+number 3 in the cityBUENOS AIRESArgentinaMuseum of Latin American Art+number 4 in the cityBUENOS AIRESArgentinaNational Museum of Fine Arts+number 7 in the cityBUENOS AIRESArgentinaCasa Rosada Museum+number 8 in the cityBUENOS AIRESArgentinaNational Museum of Decorative Art+number 10 in the cityBUENOS AIRESArgentinaGalileo Galilei Planetarium+number 1 in the cityENTRE RIOSArgentinaSalto Grande MuseumRanking - museums and galleries AustriaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityWATTENSAustriaSwarovski Crystal World+TOPnumber 11 in the cityVIENNAAustriaAlbertina+TOPnumber 12 in the cityVIENNAAustriaNatural History Museum+TOPnumber 14 in the cityVIENNAAustriaMuseumsQuartier+TOPnumber 15 in the cityVIENNAAustriaMuseum of Art History+TOPnumber 3 in the citySALZBURGAustriaMozart's Birthplace+TOPnumber 17 in the cityVIENNAAustriaMuseum of Military History+TOPnumber 1 in the cityINNSBRUCKAustriaGolden Roof+TOPnumber 26 in the cityVIENNAAustriaImperial Apartments, Sisi Museum, Silver Collection+TOPnumber 27 in the cityVIENNAAustriaRuhmeshalleRanking - museums and galleries BelgiumShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumMuseum aan de Stroom+TOPnumber 4 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumRubens House+TOPnumber 9 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumMuseum of Natural Sciences+TOPnumber 10 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumRoyal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium+TOPnumber 2 in the cityLIÈGEBelgiumGrand Curtius Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBASTOGNEBelgiumBastogne War Museum+TOPnumber 13 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumMuseum of Musical Instruments+TOPnumber 7 in the cityBRUGESBelgiumChoco-Story+TOPnumber 14 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumCentre for Fine Arts (BOZAR)+TOPnumber 2 in the cityYPRESBelgiumThe In Flanders Fields MuseumRanking - museums and galleries BoliviaShow all+number 1 in the cityVILLA IMPERIAL DE POTOSÍBoliviaNational Mint of Potosi+number 1 in the cityTIWANAKUBoliviaTiahuanaco+number 2 in the cityTIWANAKUBoliviaPuma Punku+number 11 in the cityLA PAZBoliviaCenter of Culture Franz Tamayo+number 12 in the cityLA PAZBoliviaNational Museum of Ethnography and Folklore+number 13 in the cityLA PAZBoliviaMemory and Future Interactive Space "Pipiripi"+number 3 in the cityTIWANAKUBoliviaTiwanaku Site Museum+number 14 in the cityLA PAZBoliviaNational Art's Museum+number 16 in the cityLA PAZBoliviaCoca Museum+number 18 in the cityLA PAZBoliviaSan Francisco MuseumRanking - museums and galleries Bosnia and HerzegovinaShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaTunnel of Hope+TOPnumber 12 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaNational Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina+number 1 in the cityJABLANICABosnia and HerzegovinaMuseum of the Battle for the Wounded at Neretva+number 25 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaWar Childhood Museum+number 6 in the cityBANJA LUKABosnia and HerzegovinaBanski Dvor+number 26 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaMuseum of Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide+number 2 in the cityJABLANICABosnia and HerzegovinaThe Battle of the Neretva Memorial Complex+number 3 in the cityTUZLABosnia and HerzegovinaArcheological Park+number 2 in the cityVISOKOBosnia and HerzegovinaPark Ravne 2+number 3 in the cityVISOKOBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnian PyramidsRanking - museums and galleries BrasilShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the citySÃO PAULOBrasilArt Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityRIO DE JANEIROBrasilMuseum of Tomorrow+TOPnumber 4 in the citySÃO PAULOBrasilLatin America Memorial+TOPnumber 2 in the cityCURITIBABrasilOscar Niemeyer museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPETRÓPOLISBrasilImperial Museum+number 7 in the citySÃO PAULOBrasilPinacoteca of São Paulo+number 11 in the cityRIO DE JANEIROBrasilRio Art Museum+number 3 in the cityBELO HORIZONTEBrasilBanco do Brasil Cultural Center+number 15 in the cityRIO DE JANEIROBrasilModern Art Museum+number 16 in the cityRIO DE JANEIROBrasilNiterói Contemporary Art MuseumRanking - museums and galleries British Sovereign Base AreasShow all+number 3 in the cityEPISKOPIBritish Sovereign Base AreasKourionRanking - museums and galleries BulgariaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityGABROVOBulgariaEtar Ethnographic Open Air Museum+TOPnumber 4 in the cityPLOVDIVBulgariaRoman Stadium+TOPnumber 4 in the cityVARNABulgariaRoman baths+TOPnumber 8 in the citySOFIABulgariaBulgarian Archeological Museum+TOPnumber 5 in the cityVARNABulgariaVarna Archaeological Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBELCINBulgariaTsari Mali Grad Fortress+TOPnumber 10 in the citySOFIABulgariaRoyal Palace - National Art Gallery+TOPnumber 11 in the citySOFIABulgariaNational Palace of Culture+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPETRICHBulgariaVanga House Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaPleven PanoramaRanking - museums and galleries ChileShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLA GRANJAChileMirador Interactive Museum+TOPnumber 9 in the citySANTIAGOChileNational Museum of Fine Arts+number 10 in the citySANTIAGOChileMuseum of Memory and Human Rights+number 4 in the cityVALPARAÍSOChileLa Sebastiana Museum+number 12 in the citySANTIAGOChileChilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art+number 16 in the citySANTIAGOChileLa Chascona+number 10 in the cityVIÑA DEL MARChileFonck Museum+number 18 in the citySANTIAGOChileNational Historical Museum+number 8 in the cityVALPARAÍSOChileBaburizza Palace+number 9 in the cityVALPARAÍSOChileOpen Air MuseumRanking - museums and galleries ColombiaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaGold Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaExplora Park+TOPnumber 4 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaNational Museum of Colombia+number 6 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaPedro Nel Gómez Museum+number 6 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaBotero Museum+number 7 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaMaloka Interactive Museum+number 7 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaCastle Museum+number 2 in the cityBOYACÁColombiaCasa Terracota+number 9 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaAntioquia Museum+number 8 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaGabriel García Márquez Cultural CenterRanking - museums and galleries CroatiaShow all+TOPnumber 8 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaMuseum of Broken Relationships+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKRAPINACroatiaKrapina Neanderthal Museum+number 12 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaNikola Tesla Technical Museum+number 17 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaMuseum of Contemporary Art+number 9 in the cityZADARCroatiaArchaeological Museum+number 1 in the cityKARLOVACCroatiaWar of Independence Museum+number 19 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaMimara Museum+number 1 in the cityMALI LOŠINJCroatiaMuzeum of Apoxyomenos+number 22 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaArt Pavilion+number 7 in the cityPULACroatiaHistorical and Maritime Museum of IstriaRanking - museums and galleries CyprusShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPAPHOSCyprusPafos Archaeological Park+TOPnumber 1 in the cityCHLORAKACyprusTombs of the Kings+TOPnumber 1 in the cityNICOSIA (TURKISH)CyprusGreat Inn+number 1 in the cityNICOSIA (GREEK)CyprusCyprus Museum+number 4 in the cityNICOSIA (TURKISH)CyprusMuseum of Barbarism+number 2 in the cityNICOSIA (GREEK)CyprusLeventis Art Gallery+number 4 in the cityLARNACACyprusLarnaca Castle+number 8 in the cityLIMASSOLCyprusCyprus Motor Museum+number 4 in the cityNICOSIA (GREEK)CyprusShiakola Tower Museum and Observatory+number 5 in the cityNICOSIA (GREEK)CyprusHatzigeorgaki Kornesiou HouseRanking - museums and galleries CzechiaShow all+TOPnumber 10 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaNational Museum+TOPnumber 13 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaNational Technical Museum+TOPnumber 16 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaNational Gallery in Prague - Veletržní palác+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTEREZÍNCzechiaSmall Fortress+TOPnumber 1 in the cityMLADÁ BOLESLAVCzechiaŠkoda Museum+TOPnumber 25 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaMucha Museum+TOPnumber 3 in the cityBRNOCzechiaVIDA! Science Center+number 28 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaFranz Kafka Museum+number 1 in the cityPETROVCzechiaCellars Plže+number 1 in the cityLIDICECzechiaLidice MemorialRanking - museums and galleries DenmarkShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityHUMLEBÆKDenmarkLouisiana Museum of Modern Art+TOPnumber 9 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkNy Carlsberg Glyptotek+TOPnumber 10 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkNational Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityHILLERØDDenmarkFrederiksborg Castle+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBLÅVANDDenmarkTirpitz Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBORREDenmarkGeo Center Møns Cliffs+TOPnumber 12 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkDanish Museum of Art & Design+TOPnumber 17 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkRoyal Representation Rooms+TOPnumber 1 in the cityHORSENSDenmarkFængslet+TOPnumber 1 in the cityNORDBORGDenmarkUniverse Science ParkRanking - museums and galleries EcuadorShow all+number 3 in the cityCUENCAEcuadorPumapungo Museum+number 15 in the cityQUITOEcuadorSitio Intiñan Museum+number 18 in the cityQUITOEcuadorCenter for Contemporary Art+number 19 in the cityQUITOEcuadorInteractive Science Museum+number 20 in the cityQUITOEcuadorItchimbia Cultural Center+number 21 in the cityQUITOEcuadorMuseum of the City+number 22 in the cityQUITOEcuadorAlberto Mena Camano Museum+number 23 in the cityQUITOEcuadorHomeland Museum+number 24 in the cityQUITOEcuadorPre-Columbian Art Museum+number 1 in the cityTOCACHIEcuadorCochasqui Archaeological ParkRanking - museums and galleries EgyptShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKAIREgyptThe Great Egyptian Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityKAIREgyptEgyptian Museum+number 7 in the cityKAIREgyptNational Military Museum Egypt+number 9 in the cityKAIREgyptMuseum of Islamic Art in Cairo+number 6 in the cityLUXOREgyptLuxor Museum+number 6 in the cityALEXANDRIAEgyptRoyal Jewelry Museum+number 3 in the cityASWANEgyptNubian Museum+number 11 in the cityLUXOREgyptMummification Museum+number 1 in the citySUEZEgyptSuez National Museum+number 5 in the cityAL-BADRASZAJNEgyptImhotep MuseumRanking - museums and galleries EstoniaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaLennusadam+TOPnumber 7 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaEstonian Open-Air Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityNARVAEstoniaNarva Castle+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTARTUEstoniaAHHAA Science Center+TOPnumber 9 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaKadriorg Art Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTILA KÜLAEstoniaEstonian National Museum+TOPnumber 12 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaTelliskivi Creative City+TOPnumber 2 in the cityNARVAEstoniaNarva Museum+TOPnumber 21 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaKiek in de Kök Museum and Bastion Tunnels+TOPnumber 22 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaEstonian Art MuseumRanking - museums and galleries FinlandShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityVANTAAFinlandHeureka+TOPnumber 6 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandNational Museum of Finland+TOPnumber 7 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandMuseum of Contemporary Art Kiasma+TOPnumber 9 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandAthenaeum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTAMPEREFinlandVapriikki Museum Center+TOPnumber 11 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandFinnish Museum of Natural History+TOPnumber 14 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandHAM Art Museum+TOPnumber 15 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandDesign Museum+TOPnumber 17 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandAmos Rex+number 4 in the cityTAMPEREFinlandFinlayson Factory AreaRanking - museums and galleries FranceShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityPARISFranceLouvre Museum+TOPnumber 5 in the cityPARISFranceOrsay Museum+TOPnumber 8 in the cityPARISFranceLes Invalides+TOPnumber 10 in the cityPARISFranceThe Centre Pompidou+TOPnumber 1 in the cityAVIGNONFrancePapal Palace+TOPnumber 1 in the cityNANTESFranceMachines of the Island - Machine Gallery+TOPnumber 14 in the cityPARISFranceQuai Branly Museum - Jacques Chirac+TOPnumber 16 in the cityPARISFranceNational Museum of Natural History+TOPnumber 18 in the cityPARISFranceMuseum of Decorative Arts+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLES BAUX-DE-PROVENCEFranceCarrières de LumièresRanking - museums and galleries GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityHAMBURGGermanyMiniature Wonderland+TOPnumber 2 in the cityBERLINGermanyMuseum Island+TOPnumber 8 in the cityBERLINGermanyPergamon Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityMUNICHGermanyGerman Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the citySTUTTGARTGermanyMercedes-Benz Museum+TOPnumber 13 in the cityBERLINGermanyTopography of Terror+TOPnumber 1 in the cityWOLFSBURGGermanyCar City+TOPnumber 15 in the cityBERLINGermanyDDR Museum+TOPnumber 3 in the citySTUTTGARTGermanyPorsche Museum+TOPnumber 8 in the cityMUNICHGermanyBMW MuseumRanking - museums and galleries GibraltarShow all+number 22 in the cityGIBRALTARGibraltarGibraltar National Museum+number 27 in the cityGIBRALTARGibraltarMilitary Heritage CentreRanking - museums and galleries GreeceShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityATHENSGreeceAcropolis Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTHESSALONIKIGreeceWhite Tower of Thessaloniki+TOPnumber 4 in the cityATHENSGreeceNational Archaeological Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityHERAKLIONGreeceArchaeological Museum of Heraklion+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKALLITHEAGreeceStavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center+TOPnumber 1 in the cityDELPHIGreeceDelphi Archaeological Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityAGIOS IOANNISGreecePalace of Phaistos+TOPnumber 1 in the cityAKROTIRIGreecePrehistoric Town of Akrotiri+TOPnumber 6 in the cityTHESSALONIKIGreeceAtaturk Museum of Thessaloniki+TOPnumber 2 in the cityARCHAIA OLYMPIAGreeceArchaeological Museum of OlympiaRanking - museums and galleries HungaryShow all+TOPnumber 9 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryHungarian National Gallery+TOPnumber 13 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryHungarian National Museum+TOPnumber 14 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryNew York Café+TOPnumber 21 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryPalace of Arts+TOPnumber 23 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryHouse of Terror+number 26 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryEthnographic Museum+number 2 in the cityPÉCSHungaryZsolnay Cultural Quarter+number 28 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryHospital in the rock+number 1 in the citySZOLNOKHungaryReptarr Szolnok Air Museum+number 1 in the citySZENTENDREHungarySzentendre Open Air Ethnographic MuseumRanking - museums and galleries IcelandShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandPerlan+TOPnumber 5 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandIcelandic Phallological Museum+number 6 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandThe National Gallery of Iceland+number 8 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandNational Museum of Iceland+number 3 in the cityBORGARNESIcelandIcelandic Settlement Center+number 12 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandWhales of Iceland+number 1 in the cityBJARNARHÖFNIcelandShark Museum+number 13 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandReykjavik Maritime Museum+number 14 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandSaga Museum+number 15 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandÁrbær Open Air MuseumRanking - museums and galleries IrelandShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityDUBLINIrelandGuinness Storehouse+TOPnumber 5 in the cityDUBLINIrelandNational Gallery of Ireland+TOPnumber 8 in the cityDUBLINIrelandNational Museum of Ireland - Archaeology+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBUNRATTYIrelandBunratty Castle & Folk Park+TOPnumber 14 in the cityDUBLINIrelandEPIC The Irish Emigration Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityDONOREIrelandBrú na Bóinne+TOPnumber 15 in the cityDUBLINIrelandNational Museum of Ireland - Natural History Museum+TOPnumber 16 in the cityDUBLINIrelandIrish Whiskey Museum+TOPnumber 17 in the cityDUBLINIrelandDublinia+TOPnumber 18 in the cityDUBLINIrelandNational Museum of Ireland: Decorative Arts & HistoryRanking - museums and galleries IsraelShow all+TOPnumber 5 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelIsrael Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelYad Vashem+TOPnumber 2 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelTel Aviv Museum of Art+number 2 in the cityHAIFAIsraelMedatech - National Museum of Science, Technology and Space+number 7 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelEretz Israel Museum+number 10 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelThe Yitzhak Rabin Center+number 24 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelMenachem Begin Heritage Center+number 8 in the cityHAIFAIsraelTikotin Museum of Japanese Art+number 10 in the cityHAIFAIsraelNational Maritime Museum+number 27 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelMuseum of Islamic ArtRanking - museums and galleries ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityROMEItalyPantheon+TOPnumber 3 in the cityFLORENCEItalyUffizi Gallery+TOPnumber 3 in the cityMILANItalyLeonardo's Last Supper Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPOMPEIItalyArchaeological Park of Pompeii+TOPnumber 6 in the cityFLORENCEItalyGalleria dell'Accademia+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPALERMOItalyTheater Massimo+TOPnumber 1 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyValley of the Temples+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTURINItalyEgyptian museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityNAPLESItalyNational Archaeological Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityMILANItalyPinacoteca di BreraRanking - museums and galleries JordanShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityJERASHJordanJerash Archaeological Site+number 4 in the cityAMMANJordanRoyal Automobile Museum+number 5 in the cityAMMANJordanJordan Museum+number 6 in the cityAMMANJordanNymphaeum Archaeological Park+number 8 in the cityAMMANJordanRoyal tank museum+number 9 in the cityAMMANJordanJordan National Museum of Fine Arts+number 1 in the cityALBALQAJordanDead Sea Museuma and panorama+number 10 in the cityAMMANJordanRas Al Ain Gallery+number 1 in the cityUMM AR-RASASJordanUmm al-Rasas+number 2 in the cityGAWR AS-SAFIJordanThe Lowest Point on Earth MuseumRanking - museums and galleries LatviaShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityRIGALatviaThree Brothers+TOPnumber 6 in the cityRIGALatviaRiga Motor Museum+TOPnumber 7 in the cityRIGALatviaLatvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum+TOPnumber 11 in the cityRIGALatviaCulture Palace "Ziemeļblāzma"+TOPnumber 13 in the cityRIGALatviaNational Museum of Art+TOPnumber 15 in the cityRIGALatviaLatvian War Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityZYGWOLDLatviaTuraida Museum Reserve+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLIEPAJALatviaKarosta Prison+TOPnumber 17 in the cityRIGALatviaCorner House+TOPnumber 19 in the cityRIGALatviaLaima Chocolate MuseumRanking - museums and galleries LiechtensteinShow all+number 2 in the cityVADUZLiechtensteinLiechtenstein Art Museum+number 4 in the cityVADUZLiechtensteinLiechtenstein treasure chamber+number 5 in the cityVADUZLiechtensteinVaduz Postal Museum+number 6 in the cityVADUZLiechtensteinLiechtenstein State MuseumRanking - museums and galleries LithuaniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuaniaLithuanian Sea Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaTiškevičiai Palace Amber Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKIERNÓWLithuaniaKernavė State Cultural Reserve+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBOREJKOWSZCZYZNALithuaniaVladislav Sirokomle Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityMALATYLithuaniaMuseum of Ethnocosmology+number 7 in the cityKAUNASLithuaniaVytautas the Great War Museum+number 1 in the cityPLOKŠČIAILithuaniaCold War Museum+number 8 in the cityKAUNASLithuaniaT. Ivanauskas Museum of Zoology+number 20 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaGenocide Victims Museum+number 2 in the cityPLUNGĖLithuaniaSamogitian Art MuseumRanking - museums and galleries LuxembourgShow all+number 9 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgCultural Center Neumünster Abbey+number 10 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgMudam Luxembourg+number 1 in the cityDIEKIRCHLuxembourgNational Museum of Military History+number 11 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgDraï Eechelen Museum+number 1 in the citySCHENGENLuxembourgSchengen European Center+number 14 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgNational Museum of History and Art+number 15 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgNational Museum of Natural History+number 17 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgLëtzebuerg City Museum+number 1 in the cityECHTERNACHLuxembourgMuseum of the Echternach Abbey+number 2 in the citySCHENGENLuxembourgBiodiversumRanking - museums and galleries MaltaShow all+TOPnumber 6 in the cityVALLETTAMaltaFort St Elmo - National War Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityXAGHRAMaltaTemples Ggantija+number 2 in the cityQRENDIMaltaHagar Qim Temples+number 8 in the cityVALLETTAMaltaNational Museum of Archaeology+number 1 in the cityĦAL TARXIENMaltaTarxien Temples+number 3 in the cityQRENDIMaltaMnajdra Temples+number 2 in the cityRABATMaltaSt. Paul's Grotto+number 3 in the cityATTARDMaltaMalta Aviation Museum+number 5 in the cityMDINAMaltaMuseum Domus Romana+number 3 in the cityBIRGUMaltaMalta at War MuseumRanking - museums and galleries MauritiusShow all+number 1 in the cityPAMPLEMOUSSESMauritiusL'Aventure du Sucre+number 1 in the cityMAHÉBOURGMauritiusMahebourg Museum+number 1 in the cityBOIS CHERIMauritiusBois Cheri Tea Factory+number 5 in the cityPORT LOUISMauritiusBlue Penny Museum+number 6 in the cityPORT LOUISMauritiusAapravasi Ghat+number 9 in the cityPORT LOUISMauritiusRajiv Gandhi Science Center+number 12 in the cityPORT LOUISMauritiusMauritius Postal Museum+number 14 in the cityPORT LOUISMauritiusPhotographic Museum of Mauritius+number 17 in the cityPORT LOUISMauritiusPere Laval MuseumRanking - museums and galleries MonacoShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityMONACOMonacoOceanographic Museum+number 7 in the cityMONACOMonacoMonaco Top Cars Collection+number 11 in the cityMONACOMonacoOld Monaco on the rock+number 20 in the cityMONACOMonacoNaval Museum of Monaco+number 25 in the cityMONACOMonacoNew National Museum of Monaco - Villa Sauber+number 30 in the cityMONACOMonacoNew National Museum of Monaco - Villa Paloma+number 43 in the cityMONACOMonacoMuseum of Prehistoric Anthropology of Monaco+number 48 in the cityMONACOMonacoMuseum of Stamps and CoinsRanking - museums and galleries MontenegroShow all+number 7 in the cityKOTORMontenegroKotor Cat Museum+number 4 in the cityCETINJEMontenegroKing Nicholas Museum+number 11 in the cityKOTORMontenegroKotor Maritime Museum+number 12 in the cityKOTORMontenegroCathedral Museum+number 1 in the cityRISANMontenegroRoman mosaics+number 6 in the cityCETINJEMontenegroNational Museum of Montenegro+number 7 in the cityCETINJEMontenegroBiljarda+number 5 in the cityPERASTMontenegroPerast City Museum+number 9 in the cityBUDVAMontenegroBudva City Museum+number 7 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroPetrović PalaceRanking - museums and galleries NetherlandsShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsVan Gogh Museum+TOPnumber 3 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsRijksmuseum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTHE HAGUENetherlandsMauritshuis+TOPnumber 4 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsAnne Frank House+TOPnumber 10 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsMuseum Het Rembrandthuis+TOPnumber 2 in the cityARNHEMNetherlandsDutch Open Air Museum+TOPnumber 12 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsNemo Science Museum+TOPnumber 13 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsMoco Museum+TOPnumber 4 in the cityROTTERDAMNetherlandsCube house+TOPnumber 14 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsStedelijk MuseumRanking - museums and galleries North MacedoniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityELSHANINorth MacedoniaMuseum on Water+TOPnumber 3 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaČifte Hammam+TOPnumber 5 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaMemorial house of Mother Teresa+TOPnumber 2 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaMuseum of Bitola+number 10 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaMuseum of the Macedonian Struggle+number 4 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaHeraclea Lyncestis+number 6 in the cityOHRIDNorth MacedoniaPlaošnik archaeological site+number 11 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaArchaeological Museum of Macedonia+number 1 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaToše Proeski Memorial House+number 2 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaIlindenRanking - museums and galleries NorwayShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityOSLONorwayViking Ship Museum+TOPnumber 7 in the cityOSLONorwayFram Museum+TOPnumber 8 in the cityOSLONorwayNorwegian Folkmuseum+TOPnumber 10 in the cityOSLONorwayOslo Ski Museum+TOPnumber 11 in the cityOSLONorwayMunch Museum+TOPnumber 12 in the cityOSLONorwayAstrup Fearnley Museum+TOPnumber 13 in the cityOSLONorwayNorwegian Technical Museum+TOPnumber 15 in the cityOSLONorwayNational Gallery+TOPnumber 16 in the cityOSLONorwayKon-Tiki Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityTROMSØNorwayPolar MuseumRanking - museums and galleries ParaguayShow all+number 3 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayNational Panteon+number 1 in the cityHERNANDARIASParaguayTierra Guaraní Museum+number 4 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayIndependence Muzeum+number 8 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayMuseum of the Central Railway Station+number 9 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayCultural Center of the Republic+number 11 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayNational Museum of Fine Arts+number 1 in the citySAN IGNACIOParaguayDiocesan Museum of San Ignacio Guazú+number 13 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayMuseum of Sacred Art+number 15 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayEthnographic Museum Andrés Barbero+number 2 in the citySAN LORENZOParaguayMuseum of Natural History of ParaguayRanking - museums and galleries PeruShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityAGUAS CALIENTESPeruMachu Picchu+TOPnumber 2 in the cityCUSCOPeruSaqsaywaman+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPUEBLO LIBREPeruLarco Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityLIMAPeruHuaca Pucllana Museum+number 1 in the citySANTIAGO DE SURCOPeruGold Museum of Peru+number 1 in the cityMARASPeruMoray+number 1 in the citySAN BORJAPeruNational Museum+number 1 in the cityESTUDIANTESPeruDrawings from Nazca+number 2 in the cityCALLAOPeruRoyal Army Museum+number 5 in the cityCUSCOPeruTwelve Angled StoneRanking - museums and galleries PolandShow all+TOPnumber 5 in the cityWARSAWPolandWarsaw Rising Museum+TOPnumber 7 in the cityWARSAWPolandNational Museum+TOPnumber 9 in the cityWARSAWPolandCopernicus Science Centre+TOPnumber 2 in the cityGDAŃSKPolandMuseum of the Second World War+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBRZEZINKAPolandAuschwitz II-Birkenau Memorial and Museum+TOPnumber 13 in the cityWARSAWPolandPOLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews+TOPnumber 4 in the cityWROCŁAWPolandRacławice Panorama+TOPnumber 1 in the cityGIERŁOŻPolandWolf's Lair+TOPnumber 6 in the cityGDAŃSKPolandEuropean Solidarity Centre+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBISKUPINPolandBiskupin Archaeological Open-Air MuseumRanking - museums and galleries PortugalShow all+TOPnumber 12 in the cityLISBONPortugalMAAT Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology+TOPnumber 15 in the cityLISBONPortugalMedeiros e Almeida Museum+TOPnumber 17 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Museum of Ancient Art+TOPnumber 4 in the cityPORTOPortugalLello Bookstore+TOPnumber 23 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Coach Museum+TOPnumber 24 in the cityLISBONPortugalMaritime Museum+TOPnumber 26 in the cityLISBONPortugalCalouste Gulbenkiana Museum+TOPnumber 29 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Azulejo Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityVIANA DO CASTELOPortugalGil Eannes Foundation+TOPnumber 37 in the cityLISBONPortugalMilitary MuseumRanking - museums and galleries RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the citySIBIURomaniaAstra Museum+TOPnumber 4 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNatural History Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Village Museum+TOPnumber 3 in the cityCONSTANTARomaniaMuseum of Natural Sciences Complex+TOPnumber 10 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Romanian History+TOPnumber 12 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Art of Romania+TOPnumber 1 in the citySIGHETU MARMAȚIEIRomaniaMuseum of Victims of Communism and Resistance+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTARGU MURESRomaniaPalace of Culture+TOPnumber 3 in the cityTIMIȘOARARomaniaBanat Village Museum+TOPnumber 7 in the citySIBIURomaniaBrukenthal National MuseumRanking - museums and galleries San MarinoShow all+number 9 in the cityCITY OF SAN MARINOSan MarinoMuseum of Ancient Arms+number 10 in the cityCITY OF SAN MARINOSan MarinoMedieval Criminology and Torture Museum+number 11 in the cityCITY OF SAN MARINOSan MarinoWax Museum+number 12 in the cityCITY OF SAN MARINOSan MarinoState Museum of San Marino+number 13 in the cityCITY OF SAN MARINOSan MarinoNational Gallery of Modern and Contemporary ArtRanking - museums and galleries SerbiaShow all+TOPnumber 6 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaNikola Tesla Museum+TOPnumber 11 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaNational Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityCAJETINA MUNICIPALITYSerbiaSirogojno Open-Air Museum+number 1 in the cityPOŽAREVACSerbiaViminacium+number 17 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaMuseum of Contemporary Art+number 21 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaMuseum of Yugoslavia+number 26 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaKC Grad+number 29 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaAviation Museum+number 1 in the cityZAJEČARSerbiaFelix Romuliana+number 31 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaMuseum of Science and TechnologyRanking - museums and galleries SeychellesShow all+number 8 in the cityVICTORIASeychellesNational Museum of HistoryRanking - museums and galleries SlovakiaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityČERVENÝ KLÁŠTORSlovakiaCzerwony Klasztor+number 1 in the cityZUBERECSlovakiaMuseum of the Orava Village+number 1 in the cityHAMULIAKOVOSlovakiaDanubiana+number 2 in the citySTARÁ ĽUBOVŇASlovakiaStara Lubowla Open-Air Museum+number 2 in the cityBANSKÁ BYSTRICASlovakiaSNP Museum+number 22 in the cityBRATISLAVASlovakiaSNM-Natural History Museum+number 1 in the cityPRIBYLINASlovakiaMuseum of Liptov Village+number 3 in the cityBANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICASlovakiaMining Museum+number 23 in the cityBRATISLAVASlovakiaMuseum of Transport+number 2 in the cityMARTINSlovakiaMuseum of the Slovakian VillageRanking - museums and galleries SloveniaShow all+number 9 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaAKC Metelkova+number 13 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaCankar Hall+number 14 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaNational Gallery+number 1 in the cityCERKNOSloveniaFranja Partisan Hospital+number 2 in the cityPTUJSloveniaPtuj Ormož Regional Museum+number 2 in the cityMARIBORSloveniaRegional Museum+number 2 in the cityKOBARIDSloveniaKobarid Museum+number 1 in the cityVRHNIKASloveniaTechnical Museum of Slovenia+number 2 in the cityŠKOFJA LOKASloveniaŠkofja Loka Museum+number 18 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaNational Museum of SloveniaRanking - museums and galleries South AfricaShow all+number 2 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaMaropeng Visitor Centre+number 5 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaApartheid Museum+number 6 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaConstitution Hill+number 8 in the cityCAPE TOWNSouth AfricaRobben Island Museum+number 9 in the cityCAPE TOWNSouth AfricaZeitz Museum+number 1 in the citySOWETOSouth AfricaMandela House+number 11 in the cityCAPE TOWNSouth AfricaIziko Bo-Kaap Museum+number 7 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaHector Pieterson Memorial and Museum+number 11 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaSci-Bono Discovery Center+number 15 in the cityCAPE TOWNSouth AfricaDistrict Six MuseumRanking - museums and galleries SpainShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityVALENCIASpainCity of Arts and Sciences+TOPnumber 3 in the cityMADRIDSpainPrado Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBILBAOSpainGuggenheim Museum+TOPnumber 7 in the cityMADRIDSpainNational Museum of the Queen Sofia Art Center+TOPnumber 19 in the cityBARCELONASpainNational Museum of Art of Catalonia+TOPnumber 20 in the cityBARCELONASpainSanta Cruz and Sant Pau Hospital+TOPnumber 21 in the cityBARCELONASpainCosmoCaixa Barcelona+TOPnumber 11 in the cityMADRIDSpainThyssen-Bornemisza National Museum+TOPnumber 5 in the cityVALENCIASpainScience Museum+TOPnumber 22 in the cityBARCELONASpainPicasso MuseumRanking - museums and galleries SwedenShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenVasa Museum+TOPnumber 3 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenSkansen+TOPnumber 2 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenUniverseum+TOPnumber 4 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenABBA The Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenThe Nordic Museum+TOPnumber 8 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenMuseum of Technoligy+TOPnumber 9 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenMedelhavsmuseet+TOPnumber 10 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenFotografiska+TOPnumber 5 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenVolvo Museum+TOPnumber 12 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenEgypt in MedelhavsmuseetRanking - museums and galleries SwitzerlandShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityLUCERNESwitzerlandSwiss Museum of Transport+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBROCSwitzerlandMaison Cailler+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLAUSANNESwitzerlandOlympic Museum+TOPnumber 4 in the cityZÜRICHSwitzerlandSwiss National Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityCORSIER-SUR-VEVEYSwitzerlandChaplin's World+TOPnumber 7 in the cityGENEVASwitzerlandInternational Museum of the Red Cross and Crescent+TOPnumber 1 in the cityWINTERTHURSwitzerlandTechnorama+TOPnumber 5 in the cityZÜRICHSwitzerlandZurich Art Gallery+TOPnumber 1 in the cityRIEHENSwitzerlandFondation Beyeler+TOPnumber 13 in the cityGENEVASwitzerlandMuseum of Natural HistoryRanking - museums and galleries Trinidad and TobagoShow all+number 6 in the cityPORT OF SPAINTrinidad and TobagoNational Museum & Art GalleryRanking - museums and galleries United KingdomShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomBritish Museum+TOPnumber 8 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomTate Modern+TOPnumber 9 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomScience Museum+TOPnumber 12 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomVictoria and Albert Museum+TOPnumber 14 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomNational Gallery+TOPnumber 1 in the citySALISBURYUnited KingdomStonehenge+TOPnumber 18 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomMadame Tussauds+TOPnumber 2 in the cityEDINBURGHUnited KingdomNational Museum of Scotland+TOPnumber 19 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomNatural History Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBATHUnited KingdomThe Roman BathsRanking - museums and galleries UruguayShow all+number 10 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayNational Museum of Visual Arts+number 12 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayJuan Manuel Blanes Museum+number 3 in the cityLA BARRAUruguayMaritime Museum+number 2 in the cityMALDONADOUruguayPablo Atchugarry Foundation+number 24 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayCarnival Museum+number 31 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayMaritime Museum+number 32 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayMuseum of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous Art+number 33 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayMuseum of Art History+number 34 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayFootball Museum+number 1 in the cityCIUDAD VIEJAUruguayTorres García MuseumRanking - museums and galleries VaticanShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanVatican Museums+number 5 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanVatican Library+number 6 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanPinacoteca+number 7 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanBorgia Apartments+number 9 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanGallery of Geographical Maps+number 10 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanCarriage Pavilion+number 12 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanGallery of the Candelabra+number 15 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanGregorian Etruscan Museum+number 16 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanGregorian Egyptian Museum+number 18 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanTapestry GalleryRanking - museums and galleries VenezuelaShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaEast Park+TOPnumber 6 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaNational Panteon+number 9 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaThe Military History Museum+number 11 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaChildren's Museum of Caracas+number 13 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaNational Art Gallery+number 14 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaMuseum of Natural Sciences+number 1 in the cityBOCA DE RIOVenezuelaMargarita Marine Museum+number 16 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaMuseum of Fine Arts+number 17 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaContemporary Art Museum+number 19 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaHumboldt PlanetariumOther categories:Gondola liftsAncient templesPyramidsMegalithsAnimalsBoardwalksLookoutsParksMilitary museumsGorgesGardensBeachesWaterfallsLakesCavesStreetsCathedralsFunicularsPalacesMonumentsCastlesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries