number 1 in the city

Car City

Local name: Autostadt

This car town is a real treat for car lovers, especially the Volkswagen brand. On site, visitors can learn about the production process of individual models, visit the factory itself, participate in many different projections, and visit pavilions of specific brands.

The area is divided into specific spheres, among which are the pavilions of Volkswagen, Lamborghini, Porshe, Audi, Seat and Skoda. In individual pavilions, visitors actively participate in the exhibition, often enriched with engine noise and roaring elements, watching specially made models, thematic films and video installations.

There are also two 48-meter towers that can accommodate 400 car models. Parents can also register their children for a children's driving course and take advantage of the opportunity to race on racetracks.


Attractions inside

    Car City map
    Stadtbrücke 38440 Wolfsburg , Germany