It is a 12th-century castle within the walls of which today is a regional museum boasting a collection of old paintings, furniture and tapestries. Visitors can also view the rich gallery of castle art being one of the most famous exhibitions of Baroque and Gothic works in the country.
Most of the time the fortress was inhabited by clerics, who were the founders of later Minor and Dominican monasteries. From the beginning of the 17th century, the Leslie family ruled here, and then the counts of Herberstein. It was during their reign, at the beginning of the 20th century, that the fortress was thoroughly renovated and archaeological excavations began. On the ground floor of the castle is the tombstone of the last ruler of Ptuj, Friedrich IX. Among the famous museum exhibitions in the castle are the collection of musical instruments, numismatic instruments and a collection of photographs on glass. In turn, one of the most diverse museum collections is a collection of weapons, specifically more than 500 copies of firearms, cold, fire, sports and hunting.
Attractions inside