Most popular national museums Most popular national museums National museums mapSee on the map+MADRIDSpainNational Museum of the Queen Sofia Art Center+THE HAGUENetherlandsMauritshuis+EDINBURGHUnited KingdomNational Museum of Scotland+BOGOTAColombiaNational Museum of Colombia+WARSAWPolandNational Museum+NAPLESItalyCapodimonte Museum+PRAGUECzechiaNational Museum+BUCHARESTRomaniaNational Village Museum+PARISFranceMuseum of Architecture and Heritage+SAN BORJAPeruNational Museum+CARDIFFUnited KingdomSt. Fagans National Museum of History+COPENHAGENDenmarkNational Museum+BRASILIABrasilNational Museum of the Republic+BUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Romanian History+BUDAPESTHungaryHungarian National Museum+LEIDENNetherlandsRoyal Museum of Antiquities+HELSINKIFinlandNational Museum of Finland+CARDIFFUnited KingdomNational Museum Cardiff+ROMEItalyThe Baths of Diocletian - National Roman Museum+REGGIO DI CALABRIAItalyNational Archaeological Museum+KRAKOWPolandNational Museum+TILA KÜLAEstoniaEstonian National Museum+ZÜRICHSwitzerlandSwiss National Museum+HAIFAIsraelMedatech - National Museum of Science, Technology and Space+POZNAŃPolandNational Museum+STRAItalyVilla Pisani National Museum+ROMEItalyPalazzo Venezia National Museum+RIGALatviaNational Museum of Art+WROCŁAWPolandNational Museum+BELGRADESerbiaNational MuseumRanking - national museums AlbaniaShow all+number 7 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational Archaeological Museum+number 6 in the cityBERATAlbaniaNational Iconographic Museum "Onufri"+number 3 in the cityKORÇËAlbaniaNational Museum of Medieval Art+number 4 in the cityVLORËAlbaniaNational Museum of IndependenceRanking - national museums AndorraShow all+number 1 in the cityENCAMPAndorraNational Automobile MuseumRanking - national museums AustriaShow all+number 22 in the cityINNSBRUCKAustriaTyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum+number 39 in the cityINNSBRUCKAustriaMuseum in the Arsenal+number 16 in the cityKLAGENFURTAustriaNational Museum of CarinthiaRanking - national museums Bosnia and HerzegovinaShow all+TOPnumber 12 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaNational Museum of Bosnia and HerzegovinaRanking - national museums BrasilShow all+number 8 in the cityBRASILIABrasilNational Museum of the RepublicRanking - national museums BulgariaShow all+number 1 in the cityKALOFERBulgariaHristo Botev National Museum+number 6 in the cityRUSEBulgariaNational Museum of Transport and CommunicationsRanking - national museums ColombiaShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaNational Museum of ColombiaRanking - national museums CroatiaShow all+number 8 in the cityOSIJEKCroatiaMuseum of SlavoniaRanking - national museums CzechiaShow all+TOPnumber 10 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaNational Museum+number 82 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaNew building of the National Museum - Noah's ark+number 93 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaCeremonial Hall+number 2 in the cityKUKSCzechiaKuks Hospital+number 127 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaHall of Liberation+number 155 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaNational Agricultural Museum+number 173 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaAntique Tractors+number 197 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaPresidential lounge+number 208 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaLapidarium of the National Museum+TOPnumber 0 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaFishingRanking - national museums DenmarkShow all+TOPnumber 10 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkNational MuseumRanking - national museums EstoniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTILA KÜLAEstoniaEstonian National MuseumRanking - national museums FinlandShow all+TOPnumber 6 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandNational Museum of FinlandRanking - national museums FranceShow all+TOPnumber 30 in the cityPARISFranceMuseum of Architecture and Heritage+number 1 in the cityPAUFranceNational Museum and the Castle of Pau+number 1 in the cityCOMPIÈGNEFrancePalace of Compiegne+number 19 in the cityBORDEAUXFranceMuseum of Aquitaine+number 186 in the cityPARISFranceJean-Jacques Henner National Museum+number 32 in the cityBORDEAUXFranceNational Customs Museum+number 9 in the cityRENNESFranceMuseum of BrittanyRanking - national museums GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 21 in the cityMUNICHGermanyBavarian National Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityNUREMBERGGermanyGermanic National Museum+number 9 in the cityHANOVERGermanyLower Saxony State Museum+number 5 in the cityDARMSTADTGermanyHessian State Museum Darmstadt+number 17 in the citySTUTTGARTGermanyState Museum of Württemberg+number 6 in the cityMAINZGermanyMainz National Museum+number 19 in the cityBREMENGermanyFocke Museum+number 3 in the cityEMDENGermanyEast Frisian National Museum+number 21 in the cityKOBLENZGermanyNational MuseumRanking - national museums GibraltarShow all+number 22 in the cityGIBRALTARGibraltarGibraltar National MuseumRanking - national museums GreeceShow all+number 33 in the cityATHENSGreeceNational Historical MuseumRanking - national museums HungaryShow all+TOPnumber 13 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryHungarian National Museum+number 69 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryNational Museum of ParliamentRanking - national museums IcelandShow all+number 8 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandNational Museum of IcelandRanking - national museums IrelandShow all+number 2 in the cityDUN LAOGHAIREIrelandNational Maritime Museum of IrelandRanking - national museums IsraelShow all+number 2 in the cityHAIFAIsraelMedatech - National Museum of Science, Technology and Space+number 10 in the cityHAIFAIsraelNational Maritime MuseumRanking - national museums ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityNAPLESItalyCapodimonte Museum+TOPnumber 34 in the cityROMEItalyThe Baths of Diocletian - National Roman Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityREGGIO DI CALABRIAItalyNational Archaeological Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the citySTRAItalyVilla Pisani National Museum+TOPnumber 53 in the cityROMEItalyPalazzo Venezia National Museum+number 68 in the cityROMEItalyPalazzo Massimo - The National Museum in Rome+number 1 in the cityCALCIItalyNational Museum of the Certosa di Calci+number 28 in the cityTURINItalyMuseum of the Risorgimento+number 7 in the cityANCONAItalyState Tactile Museum Omero+number 15 in the cityLUCCAItalyNational MuseumRanking - national museums LatviaShow all+TOPnumber 13 in the cityRIGALatviaNational Museum of ArtRanking - national museums LithuaniaShow all+number 50 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaLithuanian National Museum New Arsenal+number 1 in the cityGORŻDYLithuaniaGargždai National MuseumRanking - national museums LuxembourgShow all+number 1 in the cityRUMELANGELuxembourgNational Museum of Iron Mines+number 2 in the cityESCH-SUR-ALZETTELuxembourgNational Museum of ResistanceRanking - national museums MaltaShow all+number 10 in the cityMDINAMaltaNational Museum of Natural HistoryRanking - national museums MonacoShow all+number 25 in the cityMONACOMonacoNew National Museum of Monaco - Villa Sauber+number 30 in the cityMONACOMonacoNew National Museum of Monaco - Villa PalomaRanking - national museums MontenegroShow all+number 6 in the cityCETINJEMontenegroNational Museum of MontenegroRanking - national museums NetherlandsShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTHE HAGUENetherlandsMauritshuis+TOPnumber 2 in the cityLEIDENNetherlandsRoyal Museum of Antiquities+number 4 in the cityNIJMEGENNetherlandsNational Bicycle Museum Velorama+number 5 in the cityDEN HELDERNetherlandsNational Rescue Museum Dorus Rijkers+number 4 in the cityALKMAARNetherlandsNational Beer Museum De Boom+number 6 in the city'S-HERTOGENBOSCHNetherlandsNational Carnival MuseumRanking - national museums PeruShow all+number 1 in the citySAN BORJAPeruNational MuseumRanking - national museums PolandShow all+TOPnumber 7 in the cityWARSAWPolandNational Museum+TOPnumber 13 in the cityKRAKOWPolandNational Museum+TOPnumber 9 in the cityPOZNAŃPolandNational Museum+TOPnumber 16 in the cityWROCŁAWPolandNational Museum+number 49 in the cityKRAKOWPolandPrinces Czartoryski Museum+number 1 in the citySZRENIAWAPolandNational Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-and-Food Industry+number 30 in the cityGDAŃSKPolandNational Maritime Museum+number 9 in the citySZCZECINPolandNational Museum+number 4 in the cityKIELCEPolandPalace of Cracow Bishops - National Museum+number 4 in the cityPRZEMYŚLPolandNational Museum of the Przemyśl LandRanking - national museums PortugalShow all+number 71 in the cityLISBONPortugalMuseum of the Presidency of the Republic+number 5 in the cityCOIMBRAPortugalNational Museum Machado De Castro+number 61 in the cityPORTOPortugalNational Museum of Press+number 183 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Museum of Sport - Foz PalaceRanking - national museums RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 6 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Village Museum+TOPnumber 10 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Romanian History+number 36 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Firefighters+number 46 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaCotroceni National Museum+number 17 in the cityCLUJ-NAPOCARomaniaNational Museum of History of Transylvania+number 59 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Maps and Old Books+number 3 in the citySLOBOZIARomaniaNational Museum of Agriculture+number 30 in the cityIASIRomaniaNational Museum of Romanian LiteratureRanking - national museums San MarinoShow all+number 12 in the cityCITY OF SAN MARINOSan MarinoState Museum of San MarinoRanking - national museums SerbiaShow all+TOPnumber 11 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaNational Museum+number 7 in the cityPOŽAREVACSerbiaNational Museum of PožarevacRanking - national museums SlovakiaShow all+number 40 in the cityBRATISLAVASlovakiaMuseum of History in Bratislava+number 15 in the cityPREŠOVSlovakiaSlovak National Museum - Museum of Russian CultureRanking - national museums SloveniaShow all+number 18 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaNational Museum of SloveniaRanking - national museums SpainShow all+TOPnumber 7 in the cityMADRIDSpainNational Museum of the Queen Sofia Art CenterRanking - national museums SwedenShow all+TOPnumber 17 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenNational MuseumRanking - national museums SwitzerlandShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityZÜRICHSwitzerlandSwiss National Museum+number 2 in the cityAIROLOSwitzerlandNational Gotthard MuseumRanking - national museums Trinidad and TobagoShow all+number 6 in the cityPORT OF SPAINTrinidad and TobagoNational Museum & Art GalleryRanking - national museums United KingdomShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityEDINBURGHUnited KingdomNational Museum of Scotland+number 2 in the cityCARDIFFUnited KingdomSt. Fagans National Museum of History+number 3 in the cityCARDIFFUnited KingdomNational Museum CardiffRanking - national museums UruguayShow all+number 46 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayGovernment House MuseumOther categories:Gondola liftsAncient templesStreetsPyramidsMonumentsMegalithsBoardwalksCathedralsAnimalsMilitary museumsLookoutsCastlesLakesCavesGorgesParksGardensBeachesWaterfallsFunicularsPalacesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries