Most popular art museums Most popular art museums Art Museums mapSee on the map+LONDONUnited KingdomBritish Museum+SÃO PAULOBrasilArt Museum+AMSTERDAMNetherlandsVan Gogh Museum+CURITIBABrasilOscar Niemeyer museum+MADRIDSpainNational Museum of the Queen Sofia Art Center+BERLINGermanyPergamon Museum+BARCELONASpainNational Museum of Art of Catalonia+PETRÓPOLISBrasilImperial Museum+SÃO PAULOBrasilPinacoteca of São Paulo+BUENOS AIRESArgentinaMuseum of Latin American Art+BARCELONASpainPicasso Museum+BUENOS AIRESArgentinaNational Museum of Fine Arts+ATHENSGreeceNational Archaeological Museum+RIO DE JANEIROBrasilRio Art Museum+MÁLAGASpainPicasso Museum Malaga+BRUMADINHOBrasilInhotim Museum+MEDELLÍNColombiaPedro Nel Gómez Museum+LONDONUnited KingdomTate Britain+VIENNAAustriaMuseum of Art History+BOGOTAColombiaBotero Museum+MILANItalyRoyal Palace+GLASGOWUnited KingdomKelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum+SÃO PAULOBrasilFarol Santander+VÁRZEABrasilRicardo Brennand Institute+SANTIAGOChileNational Museum of Fine Arts+AMSTERDAMNetherlandsMoco Museum+SEVILLESpainMuseum of Fine Arts of Seville+LIVERPOOLUnited KingdomWorld Museum+AMSTERDAMNetherlandsStedelijk Museum+SANTIAGOChileChilean Museum of Pre-Columbian ArtRanking - art museums AlbaniaShow all+number 3 in the cityKORÇËAlbaniaNational Museum of Medieval Art+number 12 in the cityKORÇËAlbaniaMuseum of Oriental Art "Bratko"Ranking - art museums ArgentinaShow all+number 3 in the cityBUENOS AIRESArgentinaMuseum of Latin American Art+number 4 in the cityBUENOS AIRESArgentinaNational Museum of Fine ArtsRanking - art museums AustriaShow all+TOPnumber 15 in the cityVIENNAAustriaMuseum of Art History+TOPnumber 30 in the cityVIENNAAustriaMAK – Museum of Applied Arts+TOPnumber 6 in the cityGRAZAustriaKunsthaus Graz+number 17 in the citySALZBURGAustriaMuseum of Modern Art Salzburg+number 7 in the cityLINZAustriaLentos Art Museum+number 14 in the cityINNSBRUCKAustriaTyrol Panorama Museum+number 1 in the cityST. PÖLTENAustriaMuseum Lower Austria+number 3 in the cityBREGENZAustriaArt Museum+number 1 in the cityBLEIBURGAustriaWerner Berg Museum+number 2 in the cityBEZIRK KREMS AN DER DONAU (STADT)AustriaArt Museum KremsRanking - art museums BelgiumShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumRubens House+TOPnumber 10 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumRoyal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium+TOPnumber 14 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumCentre for Fine Arts (BOZAR)+TOPnumber 16 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumMagritte Museum+TOPnumber 17 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumArt & History Museum+number 9 in the cityBRUGESBelgiumGroeningemuseum+number 10 in the cityBRUGESBelgiumMemling Museum - Saint John's Hospital+number 9 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumMiddelheim Museum+number 8 in the cityGHENTBelgiumMuseum of Fine Arts+number 9 in the cityLIÈGEBelgiumThe Boverie LiegeRanking - art museums BoliviaShow all+number 1 in the cityVILLA IMPERIAL DE POTOSÍBoliviaNational Mint of Potosi+number 14 in the cityLA PAZBoliviaNational Art's MuseumRanking - art museums Bosnia and HerzegovinaShow all+number 8 in the cityBANJA LUKABosnia and HerzegovinaMuseum of Republika SrpskaRanking - art museums BrasilShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the citySÃO PAULOBrasilArt Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityCURITIBABrasilOscar Niemeyer museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPETRÓPOLISBrasilImperial Museum+number 7 in the citySÃO PAULOBrasilPinacoteca of São Paulo+number 11 in the cityRIO DE JANEIROBrasilRio Art Museum+number 1 in the cityBRUMADINHOBrasilInhotim Museum+number 14 in the citySÃO PAULOBrasilFarol Santander+number 1 in the cityVÁRZEABrasilRicardo Brennand Institute+number 6 in the cityPAMPULHABrasilPampulha Art Museum+number 7 in the cityPAMPULHABrasilCasa do BaileRanking - art museums BulgariaShow all+number 1 in the cityTROYANBulgariaMuseum of Folk Arts and Crafts+number 6 in the cityNESEBARBulgariaChurch of Christ Pantokrator+number 2 in the cityYAMBOLBulgariaBedesten+number 42 in the citySOFIABulgariaSocialist Art Museum+number 1 in the cityTRYAVNABulgariaMuseum of Carving and Ethnographic Art+number 5 in the cityKAZANLAKBulgariaChudomir Museum of Literature and Art+number 19 in the cityNESEBARBulgariaSt. Paraskeva Church+number 3 in the cityTRYAVNABulgariaMuseum of Asian and African Art+number 13 in the citySLIVENBulgariaHouse-Museum Mirkovich+number 76 in the citySOFIABulgariaMuseum of Christian ArtRanking - art museums ChileShow all+TOPnumber 9 in the citySANTIAGOChileNational Museum of Fine Arts+number 12 in the citySANTIAGOChileChilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art+number 8 in the cityVALPARAÍSOChileBaburizza Palace+number 9 in the cityVALPARAÍSOChileOpen Air Museum+number 23 in the citySANTIAGOChileArtequin+number 14 in the cityVIÑA DEL MARChileArtequin Museum+number 18 in the cityVALPARAÍSOChileMirador Lukas MuseumRanking - art museums ColombiaShow all+number 6 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaPedro Nel Gómez Museum+number 6 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaBotero Museum+number 9 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaAntioquia Museum+number 24 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaColonial Museum+number 7 in the cityVILLA DE LEYVAColombiaLuis Alberto Acuña MuseumRanking - art museums CroatiaShow all+number 19 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaMimara Museum+number 24 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaMuseum of Arts and Crafts+number 1 in the cityVELIKA GORICACroatiaMuseum of Turopolje+number 35 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaCroatian Museum of Naïve Art+number 6 in the cityOSIJEKCroatiaMuseum of Fine Arts Osijek+number 2 in the cityĐURĐEVACCroatiaDjurdjevac Art MuseumRanking - art museums CyprusShow all+number 9 in the cityNICOSIA (GREEK)CyprusByzantine MuseumRanking - art museums CzechiaShow all+number 14 in the cityBRNOCzechiaMoravian Gallery+number 14 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaOlomouc Art Museum+number 19 in the cityPILZNOCzechiaWest Bohemian Gallery+number 6 in the cityLITOMĚŘICECzechiaGallery and Museum of the Litoměřice Diocese+number 7 in the cityLITOMĚŘICECzechiaMuseum Crystal TouchRanking - art museums DenmarkShow all+TOPnumber 9 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkNy Carlsberg Glyptotek+TOPnumber 20 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkNational Gallery of Denmark+TOPnumber 1 in the citySKAGENDenmarkSkagens Museum+number 5 in the cityODENSEDenmarkBrandts Art Museum+number 1 in the cityNIVÅDenmarkNivaagaard+number 2 in the cityKONGENS LYNGBYDenmarkSophienholm+number 2 in the citySILKEBORGDenmarkJorn Musuem+number 2 in the cityGUDHJEMDenmarkBornholm Art Museum+number 1 in the cityTOREBYDenmarkFuglsang Art Museum+number 1 in the cityFAABORGDenmarkFaaborg MuseumRanking - art museums EcuadorShow all+number 24 in the cityQUITOEcuadorPre-Columbian Art Museum+number 7 in the cityGUAYAQUILEcuadorNahim Isaias Museum+number 30 in the cityQUITOEcuadorColonial Art Museum+number 37 in the cityQUITOEcuadorVírgenes MuseumRanking - art museums EstoniaShow all+TOPnumber 9 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaKadriorg Art Museum+TOPnumber 22 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaEstonian Art Museum+number 28 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaSt. Nicholas Church - Museum+number 1 in the cityVIINISTU KÜLAEstoniaViinistu Art Museum+number 57 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaMikkel Museum+number 10 in the cityTARTUEstoniaTartu Art Museum+number 5 in the cityKURESSAAREEstoniaSaaremaa Museum+number 19 in the cityTARTUEstoniaUniversity of Tartu Art MuseumRanking - art museums FinlandShow all+TOPnumber 14 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandHAM Art Museum+TOPnumber 17 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandAmos Rex+number 29 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandSinebrychoff Art Museum+number 7 in the cityTURKUFinlandTurku Art Museum+number 8 in the cityTURKUFinlandWäinö Aaltonen Museum+number 11 in the cityTAMPEREFinlandSara Hildén Art Museum+number 3 in the cityOULUFinlandOulu Art Museum+number 3 in the cityJYVÄSKYLÄFinlandJyväskylä Art Museum+number 18 in the cityTAMPEREFinlandMilavida Museum+number 5 in the cityKUOPIOFinlandKuopio Art MuseumRanking - art museums FranceShow all+TOPnumber 37 in the cityPARISFranceOrangerie Museum+TOPnumber 41 in the cityPARISFranceLouis Vuitton Foundation+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLENSFranceLouvre-Lens Museum+TOPnumber 48 in the cityPARISFranceClaude Monet's Water Lilies+TOPnumber 52 in the cityPARISFranceRodin Museum - The Garden of Sculptures+TOPnumber 2 in the cityMONTPELLIERFranceFabre Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityMETZFranceCenter Pompidou-Metz+TOPnumber 2 in the cityHAWRFranceMuMa André Malraux Museum of Modern Art+TOPnumber 2 in the cityLILLEFrancePalace of Fine Arts+number 5 in the cityNANTESFranceNantes Art MuseumRanking - art museums GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 8 in the cityBERLINGermanyPergamon Museum+TOPnumber 5 in the cityFRANKFURT AM MAINGermanyStädel Museum+TOPnumber 5 in the cityCOLOGNEGermanyMuseum Ludwig+TOPnumber 16 in the cityMUNICHGermanyOld Pinakothek+TOPnumber 37 in the cityBERLINGermanyOld National Gallery+TOPnumber 39 in the cityBERLINGermanyBode Museum+TOPnumber 17 in the cityMUNICHGermanyPinakothek der Moderne+TOPnumber 47 in the cityBERLINGermanyPainting Gallery+TOPnumber 8 in the citySTUTTGARTGermanyStaatsgalerie+number 10 in the cityPOTSDAMGermanyMuseum BarberiniRanking - art museums GreeceShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityATHENSGreeceNational Archaeological Museum+number 7 in the cityCORFUGreeceCorfu Museum of Asian Art+number 1 in the cityPEANIAGreeceVorres Museum+number 1 in the cityLARISSAGreeceMunicipal Gallery of Larissa - Katsigra Museum+number 1 in the cityPÝRGOSGreeceEl Greco Museum+number 17 in the cityCORFUGreeceByzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa+number 2 in the cityKASTORIAGreeceByzantine Museum of Kastoria+number 103 in the cityATHENSGreeceB. & M. Theocharakis Visual Arts Foundation+number 23 in the cityHERAKLIONGreeceHeraklion Museum of Fine ArtsRanking - art museums HungaryShow all+number 3 in the cityDEBRECENHungaryDeri Museum+number 11 in the cityPÉCSHungaryCsontvary Museum+number 12 in the cityPÉCSHungaryVictor Vasarely Museum+number 6 in the citySZEGEDHungaryRegional Art Center+number 54 in the cityBUDAPESTHungaryVictor Vasarely Museum+number 7 in the cityDEBRECENHungaryModem Center for Modern and Contemporary Art+number 14 in the cityPÉCSHungaryZsolnay Museum+number 5 in the citySZÉKESFEHÉRVÁRHungaryMuseum of the King Stephen I of Hungary+number 13 in the citySZENTENDREHungaryBarcsay Museum+number 13 in the cityGYŐRHungaryFloris Romer Museum of Art and History - Napoleon HouseRanking - art museums IcelandShow all+number 25 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandArt Museum Kjarvalsstaðir+number 26 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandReykjavik Art Museum Hafnarhús+number 27 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandArt Museum Ásmundarsafn+number 28 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandEinar Jónsson Art Museum+number 13 in the cityAKUREYRIIcelandSafnasafnið+number 2 in the cityKOPAVOGURIcelandKópavogur Art MuseumRanking - art museums IrelandShow all+number 4 in the cityLIMERICKIrelandHunt MuseumRanking - art museums IsraelShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelTel Aviv Museum of Art+number 8 in the cityHAIFAIsraelTikotin Museum of Japanese Art+number 27 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelMuseum of Islamic Art+number 18 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelIlana Goor Museum+number 12 in the cityHAIFAIsraelHaifa Museum of Art+number 24 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelBeit Hair MuseumRanking - art museums ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 9 in the cityMILANItalyRoyal Palace+TOPnumber 23 in the cityROMEItalyNational Gallery of Modern Art+TOPnumber 16 in the cityFLORENCEItalyMuseum of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore+TOPnumber 12 in the cityVENICEItalyPeggy Guggenheim Collection+TOPnumber 15 in the cityVENICEItalyAcademy Galleries+TOPnumber 37 in the cityROMEItalyMAXXI - Museum of Modern Art+TOPnumber 39 in the cityROMEItalyMuseum of the Casiono Noble+TOPnumber 19 in the cityFLORENCEItalyNational Museum of the Bargello+TOPnumber 17 in the cityVENICEItalyMurano Glass Museum+TOPnumber 19 in the cityMILANItalyMuseum of the Twentieth CenturyRanking - art museums JordanShow all+number 9 in the cityAMMANJordanJordan National Museum of Fine ArtsRanking - art museums LatviaShow all+TOPnumber 13 in the cityRIGALatviaNational Museum of Art+number 2 in the cityKIEŚLatviaCesis History and Art Museum+number 21 in the cityRIGALatviaArt Museum "Rīgas Birža"+number 39 in the cityRIGALatviaArsenal+number 5 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaHistory and Art Museum+number 5 in the cityMITAWALatviaGederts Elias Museum of History and Art+number 2 in the cityBOWSKLatviaBauska Museum+number 1 in the citySALDUSLatviaHistory and Art Museum+number 1 in the cityGULBENELatviaGulbene Museum+number 4 in the cityKRASŁAWLatviaHistory and Art MuseumRanking - art museums LiechtensteinShow all+number 2 in the cityVADUZLiechtensteinLiechtenstein Art MuseumRanking - art museums LithuaniaShow all+number 2 in the cityPLUNGĖLithuaniaSamogitian Art Museum+number 12 in the cityKAUNASLithuaniaM. M. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art+number 64 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaVytautas Kasiulis Art Museum+number 78 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaLithuanian National Museum of ArtRanking - art museums LuxembourgShow all+number 14 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgNational Museum of History and Art+number 20 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgVilla Vauban+number 1 in the cityDUDELANGELuxembourgNational Audiovisual CenterRanking - art museums MauritiusShow all+number 5 in the cityPORT LOUISMauritiusBlue Penny MuseumRanking - art museums MontenegroShow all+number 6 in the cityCETINJEMontenegroNational Museum of MontenegroRanking - art museums NetherlandsShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsVan Gogh Museum+TOPnumber 13 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsMoco Museum+TOPnumber 14 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsStedelijk Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityGRONINGENNetherlandsGroninger Museum+number 29 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsMuseum Van Loon+number 13 in the cityTHE HAGUENetherlandsMuseum Beelden aan Zee+number 3 in the cityHAARLEMNetherlandsFrans Hals Museum+number 1 in the cityZWOLLENetherlandsMuseum de Fundatie+number 1 in the cityDORDRECHTNetherlandsDordrechts Museum+number 4 in the cityDELFTNetherlandsVermeer Center DelftRanking - art museums North MacedoniaShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaČifte HammamRanking - art museums NorwayShow all+TOPnumber 11 in the cityOSLONorwayMunch Museum+number 15 in the cityBERGENNorwayKode 3+number 5 in the cityTROMSØNorwayNorthern Norway Art Museum+number 10 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayStavanger Art Museum+number 22 in the cityBERGENNorwayKODE 1+number 2 in the cityHALDENNorwayRed Manor House+number 39 in the cityOSLONorwayEmanuel Vigeland's Museum+number 3 in the cityTØNSBERGNorwayHaugar Vestfold Art Museum+number 3 in the cityDRAMMENNorwayDrammens Museum+number 8 in the cityKRISTIANSANDNorwaySørlandets Art MuseumRanking - art museums ParaguayShow all+number 11 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayNational Museum of Fine Arts+number 13 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayMuseum of Sacred ArtRanking - art museums PeruShow all+number 17 in the cityLIMAPeruLima Art Museum+number 3 in the cityBARRANCOPeruPedro de Osma Museum+number 21 in the cityLIMAPeruItalian Art Museum+number 16 in the cityCUSCOPeruPre-Columbian Art MuseumRanking - art museums PolandShow all+number 121 in the cityKRAKOWPolandArsenal Princes Czartoryski MuseumRanking - art museums PortugalShow all+TOPnumber 12 in the cityLISBONPortugalMAAT Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology+TOPnumber 15 in the cityLISBONPortugalMedeiros e Almeida Museum+TOPnumber 17 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Museum of Ancient Art+TOPnumber 26 in the cityLISBONPortugalCalouste Gulbenkiana Museum+TOPnumber 29 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Azulejo Museum+TOPnumber 40 in the cityLISBONPortugalMuseum of Portuguese Decorative Arts+number 14 in the cityPORTOPortugalSerralves Museum of Contemporary Art+number 52 in the cityLISBONPortugalBerardo Collection Museum+number 61 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Museum of Contemporary Art - Chiado Museum+number 75 in the cityLISBONPortugalMuseum of Popular ArtRanking - art museums RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 12 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Art of Romania+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTARGU MURESRomaniaPalace of Culture+TOPnumber 7 in the citySIBIURomaniaBrukenthal National Museum+number 6 in the cityCLUJ-NAPOCARomaniaArt Museum+number 16 in the cityCONSTANTARomaniaConstanța Art Museum+number 10 in the cityTIMIȘOARARomaniaArt Museum+number 46 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaCotroceni National Museum+number 49 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaMuseum of Art Collections+number 14 in the citySIBIURomaniaEmil Sigerus Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art+number 5 in the cityCRAIOVARomaniaCraiova Museum of ArtRanking - art museums SerbiaShow all+number 54 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaZepter MuseumRanking - art museums SlovakiaShow all+number 19 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaMuseum of Vojtech Löffler+number 5 in the cityŽILINASlovakiaPovažské Museum+number 75 in the cityBRATISLAVASlovakiaArthur Fleischmann MuseumRanking - art museums SloveniaShow all+number 18 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaNational Museum of Slovenia+number 2 in the cityLENDAVASloveniaGallery-Museum Lendava+number 3 in the cityVELENJESloveniaVelenje MuseumRanking - art museums South AfricaShow all+number 15 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaWits Art MuseumRanking - art museums SpainShow all+TOPnumber 7 in the cityMADRIDSpainNational Museum of the Queen Sofia Art Center+TOPnumber 19 in the cityBARCELONASpainNational Museum of Art of Catalonia+TOPnumber 22 in the cityBARCELONASpainPicasso Museum+TOPnumber 3 in the cityMÁLAGASpainPicasso Museum Malaga+TOPnumber 10 in the citySEVILLESpainMuseum of Fine Arts of Seville+TOPnumber 5 in the cityBILBAOSpainBilbao Fine Arts Museum+number 11 in the cityMÁLAGASpainCarmen Thyssen Museum+number 7 in the cityMÉRIDASpainNational Museum of Roman Art+number 24 in the cityVALENCIASpainMuseum of Fine Arts+number 14 in the cityMÁLAGASpainMalaga MuseumRanking - art museums SwedenShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityMALMÖSwedenMalmö Art Museum+TOPnumber 8 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenGothenburg Art Museum+number 2 in the cityKALMARSwedenKalmar County Museum+number 4 in the cityLUNDSwedenMuseum of Sketches+number 4 in the cityVÄSTERÅSSwedenKarlsgatan 2+number 2 in the cityGÄVLESwedenGävleborg County Museum+number 2 in the cityJÖNKÖPINGSwedenJönköping County Museum+number 3 in the cityNORRKÖPINGSwedenNorrköping Art Museum+number 3 in the cityBORGHOLMSwedenVida Museum & Art Gallery+number 9 in the cityUPPSALASwedenUppsala Art MuseumRanking - art museums SwitzerlandShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityBASELSwitzerlandArt Museum Basel+TOPnumber 14 in the cityGENEVASwitzerlandMuseum of Art and History+TOPnumber 6 in the cityBASELSwitzerlandMuseum Tinguely+number 13 in the cityBERNSwitzerlandMuseum of Fine Arts Bern+number 8 in the cityLAUSANNESwitzerlandCollection of the Art Brut+number 13 in the cityLUCERNESwitzerlandCollection Rosengart+number 6 in the cityNEUCHÂTELSwitzerlandMuseum of Art and History+number 4 in the cityWINTERTHURSwitzerlandArt Museum Winterthur+number 18 in the cityBASELSwitzerlandCartoon Museum Basel+number 32 in the cityGENEVASwitzerlandRath MuseumRanking - art museums United KingdomShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomBritish Museum+TOPnumber 35 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomTate Britain+TOPnumber 2 in the cityGLASGOWUnited KingdomKelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityLIVERPOOLUnited KingdomWorld Museum+number 3 in the cityBIRMINGHAMUnited KingdomBirmingham Museum & Art Gallery+number 2 in the cityOXFORDUnited KingdomAshmolean Museum+number 70 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomThe Wallace Collection+number 1 in the cityCAMBRIDGEUnited KingdomThe Fitzwilliam Museum+number 223 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomApsley House+number 283 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomThe CharterhouseRanking - art museums UruguayShow all+number 10 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayNational Museum of Visual Arts+number 12 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayJuan Manuel Blanes Museum+number 2 in the cityMALDONADOUruguayPablo Atchugarry Foundation+number 32 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayMuseum of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous Art+number 33 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayMuseum of Art History+number 1 in the cityCIUDAD VIEJAUruguayTorres García Museum+number 43 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayGurvich MuseumRanking - art museums VaticanShow all+number 6 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanPinacoteca+number 9 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanGallery of Geographical Maps+number 12 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanGallery of the Candelabra+number 20 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanGregoriano Profano MuseumRanking - art museums VenezuelaShow all+number 16 in the cityCARACASVenezuelaMuseum of Fine ArtsOther categories:MegalithsAncient templesLookoutsCavesBoardwalksPalacesMonumentsCathedralsWaterfallsGorgesMuseumsArt galleriesMilitary museumsAnimalsPyramidsAquariumsNatural history museumsFunicularsCastlesLakesParksGardensBeachesGondola liftsFortressesPublic squaresStreetsFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries