The exhibition hall "13" is one of the branches of the West Bohemian Gallery. It is located in a historic, Gothic middle-class house within the Old Town. Currently, there is a small permanent exhibition presenting mainly 19th and 20th century Czech painting.
The West Bohemian Gallery is currently undergoing a major reorganization. A new exhibition building is being built, which will hold a permanent exhibition of its collections in the future. At present, Exhibition Hall "13" serves as the main exhibition building. The exhibition presented here, however, does not show the full picture of the collections gathered in Pilzno due to the small spaces. You can see here mainly the paintings and graphics of contemporary Czech artists. Works from the Gothic and Renaissance periods are also presented, mainly in the form of religious art.
The building "13" itself is noteworthy. It is a corner, multi-story tenement house with a stone, carved portal. It is covered with a hip roof. Inside, there are Gothic wooden ceilings decorated with paintings.
Attractions inside