The National Museum of Archeology presents prehistoric artifacts from excavations. We will see here, among others exhibits documenting the prehistory of the Maltese Islands - finds from the period from 5200 BC, i.e. the time of the first settlement to 2500 BC The second large exhibition presents objects from the early Neolithic period. The museum is famous for thousands of years terracotta figurines of women with lush shapes, headed by a statue of the so-called Venus from Malta.
The museum has reconstructed tombs carved into the rock, referring to archeological discoveries in the Xagħra Stone Circle and Hypogeum Ħal Saflieni. From this last place comes the famous Sleeping Venus - a figurine of a woman with a disproportionately small head and an obese body, who rests on a curtained bed. It was probably used for fertility rituals.
The museum is located in the former Provencal inn. This is one of the eight beds in Valletta, corresponding to eight "languages", i.e. national and territorial groups in the Order of St. John (Order of Malta), who ruled the island from the mid 16th century to the 19th century
Attractions inside