Most popular historical museums Most popular historical museums Historical museums mapSee on the map+EDINBURGHUnited KingdomNational Museum of Scotland+PETRÓPOLISBrasilImperial Museum+THESSALONIKIGreeceWhite Tower of Thessaloniki+BERLINGermanyDDR Museum+BRASILIABrasilJK Memorial+MEDELLÍNColombiaCastle Museum+LIVERPOOLUnited KingdomMuseum of Liverpool+BUENOS AIRESArgentinaCasa Rosada Museum+MARSEILLEFranceMuCEM - Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean+HILLERØDDenmarkFrederiksborg Castle+BUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Romanian History+MEDELLÍNColombiaMemory Museum+TEREZÍNCzechiaSmall Fortress+SIGHETU MARMAȚIEIRomaniaMuseum of Victims of Communism and Resistance+STOCKHOLMSwedenThe Nordic Museum+NARVAEstoniaNarva Castle+LONDONUnited KingdomHorniman Museum and Gardens+BARCELONASpainMuseum of History of Catalonia+DUBLINIrelandEPIC The Irish Emigration Museum+JOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaApartheid Museum+TAMPEREFinlandVapriikki Museum Center+JOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaConstitution Hill+LIMAPeruPlace of Memory+SANTIAGOChileNational Historical Museum+STOCKHOLMSwedenMedelhavsmuseet+LONDONUnited KingdomMuseum of London Docklands+CAPE TOWNSouth AfricaRobben Island Museum+DUBLINIrelandDublinia+VIZILLEFranceChâteau de Vizille - Museum of the French Revolution+SANTILLANA DEL MARSpainMuseum of Torture - InquisitionRanking - historical museums AlbaniaShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational History Museum+number 8 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaHouse of Leaves+number 5 in the citySHKODËRAlbaniaShkodra History Museum+number 1 in the cityLUSHNJËAlbaniaHistory MuseumRanking - historical museums ArgentinaShow all+number 7 in the cityBUENOS AIRESArgentinaCasa Rosada MuseumRanking - historical museums AustriaShow all+number 1 in the cityST. PÖLTENAustriaMuseum Lower Austria+number 22 in the cityGRAZAustriaMuseum of History+number 2 in the cityPOGGSTALLAustriaMuseum of the History of LawRanking - historical museums BelgiumShow all+number 16 in the cityBRUGESBelgiumTorture Museum Oude Steen+number 85 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumMuseum of Eroticism and Mythology in Brussels+number 44 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumMaidens museum+number 104 in the cityBRUSSELSBelgiumNational Museum of Resistance+number 4 in the cityVEURNEBelgiumExperience Center - Free FatherlandRanking - historical museums Bosnia and HerzegovinaShow all+number 1 in the cityJABLANICABosnia and HerzegovinaMuseum of the Battle for the Wounded at Neretva+number 25 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaWar Childhood Museum+number 26 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaMuseum of Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide+number 29 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaHistorical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina+number 6 in the cityMOSTARBosnia and HerzegovinaMuseum Of War And Genocide Victims+number 8 in the cityBANJA LUKABosnia and HerzegovinaMuseum of Republika Srpska+number 4 in the cityTREBINJEBosnia and HerzegovinaHerzegovina Museum+number 38 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaSarajevo Museum 1878-1918+number 4 in the cityTRAVNIKBosnia and HerzegovinaRegional Museum of Travnik+number 3 in the cityDERABosnia and HerzegovinaMuseum of Kozara National ParkRanking - historical museums BrasilShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPETRÓPOLISBrasilImperial Museum+number 6 in the cityBRASILIABrasilJK Memorial+number 9 in the cityCURITIBABrasilMuseum of Paraná+number 10 in the cityBELO HORIZONTEBrasilAbílio Barreto Historical Museum+number 15 in the cityBELÉMBrasilState Museum of Pará+number 20 in the citySALVADORBrasilRio Branco Palace+number 57 in the cityRIO DE JANEIROBrasilIngá Museum+number 20 in the cityBRASILIABrasilBrasilia Historical MuseumRanking - historical museums BulgariaShow all+TOPnumber 18 in the citySOFIABulgariaRegional History Museum+TOPnumber 21 in the citySOFIABulgariaNational Museum of History+number 2 in the cityKAZANLAKBulgariaRose Museum+number 1 in the cityKAKRINABulgariaKukrinsko Hanche Museum+number 3 in the cityRUSEBulgariaRegional Historical Museum+number 3 in the citySTARA ZAGORABulgariaRegional Historical Museum+number 3 in the cityKAZANLAKBulgariaHistorical Museum+number 1 in the cityKARDZHALIBulgariaMuseum of History Kardzhali+number 2 in the cityPANAGYURISHTEBulgariaThe Panagyurishte Historical Museum+number 4 in the cityPLISKABulgariaThe Courtyard of the Cyrillic AlphabetRanking - historical museums ChileShow all+number 18 in the citySANTIAGOChileNational Historical MuseumRanking - historical museums ColombiaShow all+number 7 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaCastle Museum+number 10 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaMemory Museum+number 10 in the cityCARTAGENAColombiaHistorical Museum of Cartagena+number 3 in the cityVILLA DE LEYVAColombiaAntonio Nariño Museum+number 27 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaIndependence Museum+number 8 in the citySANTA MARTAColombiaThe Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino+number 44 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaMuseum of Natural History+number 48 in the cityBOGOTAColombiaHistorical Museum of the National PoliceRanking - historical museums CroatiaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKRAPINACroatiaKrapina Neanderthal Museum+number 7 in the cityPULACroatiaHistorical and Maritime Museum of Istria+number 7 in the cityRIJEKACroatiaMaritime and History Museum+number 1 in the cityVELIKA GORICACroatiaMuseum of Turopolje+number 39 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaCroatian History Museum+number 42 in the cityDUBROVNIKCroatiaHomeland War Museum+number 46 in the cityDUBROVNIKCroatiaCultural History MuseumRanking - historical museums CzechiaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTEREZÍNCzechiaSmall Fortress+number 1 in the cityLIDICECzechiaLidice Memorial+number 3 in the cityTEREZÍNCzechiaTerezín Memorial+number 1 in the cityROKYTNICE V ORLICKÝCH HORÁCHCzechiaHanička fortress+number 8 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaHistory Museum+number 2 in the cityJINDŘICHŮV HRADECCzechiaMuseum of Jindřichohradecka+number 4 in the cityPÍSEKCzechiaPrácheň Museum+number 3 in the cityJIHLAVACzechiaBohemian-Moravian Highlands Museum+number 1 in the cityTĚCHONÍNCzechiaFort Bouda - Museum+number 1 in the cityVŠESTARYCzechia1866 War MuseumRanking - historical museums DenmarkShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityHILLERØDDenmarkFrederiksborg Castle+TOPnumber 1 in the cityHORSENSDenmarkFængslet+TOPnumber 1 in the citySLAGELSEDenmarkVikingeborgen Trelleborg+number 1 in the cityNØRRESUNDBYDenmarkLindholm Høje Museum+number 4 in the cityRIBEDenmarkRibe Viking Museum+number 2 in the cityHVIDE SANDEDenmarkFiskeriets Hus+number 10 in the cityAARHUSDenmarkThe Viking Museum+number 1 in the cityPADBORGDenmarkFrøslev Camp+number 1 in the cityODENSE CDenmarkMøntergården+number 2 in the cityPADBORGDenmarkFrøslev Camp MuseumRanking - historical museums EcuadorShow all+number 22 in the cityQUITOEcuadorAlberto Mena Camano Museum+number 23 in the cityQUITOEcuadorHomeland Museum+number 13 in the cityCUENCAEcuadorRemigio Crespo Toral MuseumRanking - historical museums EstoniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityNARVAEstoniaNarva Castle+TOPnumber 2 in the cityNARVAEstoniaNarva Museum+TOPnumber 21 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaKiek in de Kök Museum and Bastion Tunnels+TOPnumber 26 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaEstonian History Museum+number 33 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaVabamu+number 36 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaKGB Prison Cells+number 1 in the cityVIIMSI ALEVIKEstoniaEstonian War Museum+number 48 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaPatarei Prison+number 52 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaTallinn Legends+number 8 in the cityTARTUEstoniaUniversity of Tartu MuseumRanking - historical museums FinlandShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTAMPEREFinlandVapriikki Museum Center+number 1 in the cityINARIFinlandSiida+number 13 in the cityTAMPEREFinlandFinnish Labor Museum Werstas+number 11 in the cityTURKUFinlandPharmacy Museum and Qwensel House+number 5 in the cityOULUFinlandMuseum of Northern Ostrobothnia+number 1 in the cityJÄRVENPÄÄFinlandAinola+number 3 in the cityMARIEHAMNFinlandÅland Museum of Cultural History+number 3 in the cityKUOPIOFinlandOld Kuopio Museum+number 1 in the cityVAASAFinlandOstrobothnian Museum+number 7 in the cityKUOPIOFinlandCultural History MuseumRanking - historical museums FranceShow all+TOPnumber 5 in the cityMARSEILLEFranceMuCEM - Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean+TOPnumber 1 in the cityVIZILLEFranceChâteau de Vizille - Museum of the French Revolution+number 1 in the cityHELFAUTFranceThe Coupole+number 4 in the cityANNECYFranceThe Palace of the Island+number 1 in the cityAJACCIOFranceMaison Bonaparte+number 2 in the cityTULONFranceMemorial of the Liberation of Provence+number 2 in the citySAINT-LEUFranceStella Matutina Museum+number 1 in the cityALBERTFranceSomme Museum 1916+number 1 in the cityPÉRONNEFranceMuseum of the Great War+number 6 in the citySAINT-PAULFranceThe Historical Museum of VillèleRanking - historical museums GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 15 in the cityBERLINGermanyDDR Museum+TOPnumber 3 in the cityBREMERHAVENGermanyGerman Emigration Center+TOPnumber 2 in the cityBERCHTESGADENGermanyDocumentation Obersalzberg+number 3 in the cityESSENGermanyRuhr Museum+number 25 in the cityHAMBURGGermanyKZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme+number 4 in the cityPASSAUGermanyVeste Museum Oberhaus+number 3 in the citySULZ AM NECKARGermanyFarmers Museum+number 4 in the cityWITTENBERGGermanyLuther House Wittenberg+number 2 in the cityBAUTZENGermanyGedenkstätte Bautzen - Stasi Prison+number 83 in the cityBERLINGermanyEphraim Palace MuseumRanking - historical museums GreeceShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTHESSALONIKIGreeceWhite Tower of Thessaloniki+TOPnumber 1 in the cityNISOS IOANNINONGreeceAli Pasha Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityIOANNINAGreeceVrellis Greek History Museum+number 8 in the cityHERAKLIONGreeceHistorical Museum of Crete+number 9 in the cityCORFUGreeceSerbian Museum of Corfu+number 7 in the cityCHANIAGreeceNaval Museum of Crete+number 2 in the cityGAZIGreeceEl Greco Museum+number 1 in the cityIDRAGreeceMuseum of Hydra+number 1 in the cityGITHIOGreeceTzannetakis Tower+number 6 in the cityIOANNINAGreeceByzantine Museum of IoanninaRanking - historical museums IcelandShow all+number 14 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandSaga Museum+number 1 in the cityPATREKSFJÖRÐURIcelandHnjótur Museum+number 2 in the cityÍSAFJÖRÐURIcelandWestfjord History Museum+number 8 in the cityAKUREYRIIcelandAkureyri Museum+number 3 in the cityEGILSSTAÐIRIcelandThe farm of SænautaselRanking - historical museums IrelandShow all+TOPnumber 14 in the cityDUBLINIrelandEPIC The Irish Emigration Museum+TOPnumber 17 in the cityDUBLINIrelandDublinia+TOPnumber 18 in the cityDUBLINIrelandNational Museum of Ireland: Decorative Arts & History+number 1 in the cityGREAT ISLANDIrelandTitanic Experience Cobh+number 2 in the cityGREAT ISLANDIrelandCobh Heritage Centre+number 1 in the cityWICKLOWIrelandWicklow Gaol+number 41 in the cityDUBLINIrelandKilmainham Gaol+number 1 in the cityDALKEYIrelandDalkey Castle & Heritage Centre+number 3 in the cityWATERFORDIrelandMedieval Museum+number 4 in the cityWATERFORDIrelandReginald's TowerRanking - historical museums IsraelShow all+number 10 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelThe Yitzhak Rabin Center+number 24 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelMenachem Begin Heritage Center+number 20 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelIsraeli Museum+number 34 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelUnderground Prisoners Museum+number 26 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelEtzel Museum+number 28 in the cityTEL AVIV JAFFAIsraelJaffa Museum+number 54 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelChamber of the Holocaust+number 12 in the cityEILATIsraelEilat City Historical Museum+number 73 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelTerra Sancta MuseumRanking - historical museums ItalyShow all+number 9 in the cityCAGLIARIItalyCitadel of the Museums+number 6 in the cityMATERAItalyCasa Grotta+number 2 in the cityDESENZANO DEL GARDAItalyMonumental of San Martino della Battaglia+number 3 in the cityCASSINOItalyMonte Cassino Abbey Museum+number 2 in the cityROVERETOItalyItalian War History Museum+number 7 in the cityBERGAMOItalyMuseum of the Histories of Bergamo+number 129 in the cityROMEItalyNapoleonic Museum+number 8 in the cityPERUGIAItalyPerugina Historical Museum+number 5 in the cityUDINEItalyMuseum of the Risorgimento+number 1 in the citySALÒItalyMuSa - Museum of SalòRanking - historical museums LatviaShow all+TOPnumber 15 in the cityRIGALatviaLatvian War Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityZYGWOLDLatviaTuraida Museum Reserve+TOPnumber 17 in the cityRIGALatviaCorner House+number 2 in the cityKIEŚLatviaCesis History and Art Museum+number 25 in the cityRIGALatviaMuseum of the Occupation of Latvia+number 29 in the cityRIGALatviaMuseum of History and Navigation+number 1 in the cityDOLESMUIŽALatviaDaugavas Museum+number 1 in the cityALŪKSNELatviaAluksne Museum+number 5 in the cityKULDYGALatviaKuldiga District Museum+number 45 in the cityRIGALatviaŽanis Lipke MemorialRanking - historical museums LithuaniaShow all+number 20 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaGenocide Victims Museum+number 5 in the cityTROKILithuaniaTrakai Historical Museum+number 7 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuaniaKlaipeda Castle Museum+number 2 in the cityROKIŠKISLithuaniaRegional Museum+number 48 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaThe House of Signatories+number 1 in the cityPLATELIAILithuaniaPlateliai Manor+number 30 in the cityKAUNASLithuania"Stumbras" Museum+number 14 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuaniaMuseum of the History of Lithuania Minor+number 1 in the cityTAURAGĖLithuaniaRegion Museum+number 5 in the cityBIRSZTANYLithuaniaBirstonas MuseumRanking - historical museums LuxembourgShow all+number 1 in the cityDIEKIRCHLuxembourgNational Museum of Military History+number 11 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgDraï Eechelen Museum+number 14 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgNational Museum of History and Art+number 2 in the cityESCH-SUR-ALZETTELuxembourgNational Museum of Resistance+number 3 in the cityDIEKIRCHLuxembourgHistory MuseumRanking - historical museums MauritiusShow all+number 1 in the cityPAMPLEMOUSSESMauritiusL'Aventure du Sucre+number 1 in the cityMAHÉBOURGMauritiusMahebourg Museum+number 5 in the cityPORT LOUISMauritiusBlue Penny MuseumRanking - historical museums MontenegroShow all+number 6 in the cityCETINJEMontenegroNational Museum of MontenegroRanking - historical museums NetherlandsShow all+number 1 in the cityURKNetherlandsMuseum het Oude RaadhuisRanking - historical museums North MacedoniaShow all+number 10 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaMuseum of the Macedonian Struggle+number 4 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaMuseum of the National Liberation WarRanking - historical museums NorwayShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityTROMSØNorwayPolar Museum+number 18 in the cityOSLONorwayCultural History Museum+number 1 in the cityVEMORKNorwayNorwegian Industrial Workers Museum+number 4 in the cityÅNDALSNESNorwayThe Troll Wall Visitor Center+number 3 in the cityTROMSØNorwayTromsø Museum - University Museum+number 1 in the cityNARVIKNorwayNarvik War Museum+number 1 in the cityRØROSNorwayRøros Museum+number 1 in the cityBORRENorwayMidgard Viking Center+number 1 in the cityGJØVIKNorwayGård Farm+number 1 in the cityHERDLANorwayHerdla FortRanking - historical museums ParaguayShow all+number 4 in the cityASUNCIÓNParaguayIndependence Muzeum+number 2 in the cityVILLARRICAParaguayMuseum Fermin LopezRanking - historical museums PeruShow all+number 8 in the cityLIMAPeruPlace of Memory+number 12 in the cityCUSCOPeruInka Museum+number 18 in the cityLIMAPeruMetropolitan Museum of Lima+number 14 in the cityCUSCOPeruRegional Historical MuseumRanking - historical museums PolandShow all+number 2 in the cityNOWY DWÓR GDAŃSKIPolandŻuławy Historical Park+number 2 in the cityKROKOWAPolandRegional MuseumRanking - historical museums PortugalShow all+number 138 in the cityLISBONPortugalResistance and Freedom Museum of AljubeRanking - historical museums RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 10 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Museum of Romanian History+TOPnumber 1 in the citySIGHETU MARMAȚIEIRomaniaMuseum of Victims of Communism and Resistance+number 22 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaOld Princely Court Museum+number 10 in the cityCONSTANTARomaniaMuseum of National History and Archeology+number 3 in the citySUCEAVARomaniaBukovina Museum+number 3 in the cityBISTRIȚARomaniaBistriţa-Năsăud Museum Complex+number 17 in the cityCLUJ-NAPOCARomaniaNational Museum of History of Transylvania+number 10 in the cityORADEARomaniaMuseum of the Crișana Region+number 5 in the cityALBA IULIARomaniaNational Museum of the Union+number 14 in the cityIASIRomaniaUnion MuseumRanking - historical museums SerbiaShow all+number 21 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaMuseum of YugoslaviaRanking - historical museums SeychellesShow all+number 8 in the cityVICTORIASeychellesNational Museum of HistoryRanking - historical museums SlovakiaShow all+number 5 in the cityŽILINASlovakiaPovažské MuseumRanking - historical museums SloveniaShow all+number 2 in the cityPTUJSloveniaPtuj Ormož Regional Museum+number 2 in the cityMARIBORSloveniaRegional Museum+number 2 in the cityKOBARIDSloveniaKobarid Museum+number 2 in the cityŠKOFJA LOKASloveniaŠkofja Loka Museum+number 1 in the cityBREŽICESloveniaPosavina Museum Brezice+number 3 in the cityCELJESloveniaNational Museum of Contemporary History+number 40 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaNational Museum of Contemporary History+number 14 in the cityMARIBORSloveniaMuseum of National Liberation+number 2 in the cityMURSKA SOBOTASloveniaMuseum of Murska Sobota+number 44 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaVirtual MuseumRanking - historical museums South AfricaShow all+number 5 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaApartheid Museum+number 6 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaConstitution Hill+number 8 in the cityCAPE TOWNSouth AfricaRobben Island Museum+number 11 in the cityCAPE TOWNSouth AfricaIziko Bo-Kaap Museum+number 7 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaHector Pieterson Memorial and Museum+number 15 in the cityCAPE TOWNSouth AfricaDistrict Six Museum+number 22 in the cityCAPE TOWNSouth AfricaIziko Slave Lodge+number 18 in the cityJOHANNESBURGSouth AfricaMuseum AfricaRanking - historical museums SpainShow all+number 58 in the cityBARCELONASpainMuseum of History of Catalonia+number 3 in the citySANTILLANA DEL MARSpainMuseum of Torture - Inquisition+number 31 in the cityVALENCIASpainMuseum of Silk Art+number 32 in the cityVALENCIASpainMuseum of Enlightenment and Modernity+number 98 in the cityBARCELONASpainSaló del Tinell+number 16 in the cityLAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIASpainCanary Museum+number 72 in the cityMADRIDSpainSan Isidro Museum+number 3 in the cityLUGOSpainLugo Provincial Museum+number 2 in the cityCULLERASpainDragut Cave Museum+number 3 in the citySAN CRISTÓBAL DE LA LAGUNASpainTenerife History MuseumRanking - historical museums SwedenShow all+TOPnumber 6 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenThe Nordic Museum+TOPnumber 9 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenMedelhavsmuseet+TOPnumber 14 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenThe historical Museum+TOPnumber 2 in the cityMALMÖSwedenMalmö Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityÖSTERSUNDSwedenJamtli+number 3 in the cityLUNDSwedenKulturen+number 2 in the cityDEGERHAMNSwedenEketorps Borg+number 1 in the cityUDDEVALLASwedenBohuslän Museum+number 1 in the cityUMEÅSwedenVästerbotten Museum+number 2 in the cityKALMARSwedenKalmar County MuseumRanking - historical museums SwitzerlandShow all+TOPnumber 7 in the cityBERNSwitzerlandBern Historical Museum+number 4 in the cityZERMATTSwitzerlandMatterhorn Museum - Zermatlantis+number 7 in the cityLAUSANNESwitzerlandMuseum of Archeology and History+number 2 in the cityYVERDON-LES-BAINSSwitzerlandMuseum of the Yverdon Region+number 1 in the cityREGENSBERGSwitzerlandRound Tower+number 13 in the cityBASELSwitzerlandThe Basel Historical Museum+number 6 in the cityNEUCHÂTELSwitzerlandMuseum of Art and History+number 20 in the cityLUCERNESwitzerlandHistorical Museum Lucerne+number 3 in the cityZUGSwitzerlandZug Castle Museum+number 22 in the cityLAUSANNESwitzerlandLausanne Historical MuseumRanking - historical museums United KingdomShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityEDINBURGHUnited KingdomNational Museum of Scotland+number 3 in the cityLIVERPOOLUnited KingdomMuseum of Liverpool+number 59 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomHorniman Museum and Gardens+number 72 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomMuseum of London Docklands+number 6 in the cityYORKUnited KingdomThe York Dungeon+number 1 in the cityMALTONUnited KingdomEden Camp Modern History Theme Museum+number 1 in the citySTOCKTON-ON-TEESUnited KingdomPreston Park Museum & Grounds+number 6 in the cityBELFASTUnited KingdomUlster Museum+number 168 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomBank of England Museum+number 212 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomMuseum of the HomeRanking - historical museums UruguayShow all+number 40 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayAndes Museum 1972+number 44 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayNational historical museum+number 45 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayCabildo de Montevideo Historical Museum+number 51 in the cityMONTEVIDEOUruguayGaucho Museum+number 8 in the cityCOLONIA DEL SACRAMENTOUruguayCologne Museum+number 12 in the cityCOLONIA DEL SACRAMENTOUruguayIndígena Museum+number 14 in the cityCOLONIA DEL SACRAMENTOUruguayRegional Museum and Archive+number 15 in the cityCOLONIA DEL SACRAMENTOUruguaySpanish MuseumOther categories:Gondola liftsPyramidsAncient templesMilitary museumsAnimalsCathedralsLookoutsBoardwalksParksLakesCavesGorgesPalacesMegalithsAquariumsNatural history museumsWaterfallsFunicularsFortressesMuseumsArt galleriesBeachesStreetsPublic squaresMonumentsGardensCastlesFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries