Most popular orthodox churches Most popular orthodox churches Orthodox churches mapSee on the map+BELGRADESerbiaChurch of St. Sava+SOFIABulgariaSt. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral+SOFIABulgariaOrthodox church of St. George+VORONEȚRomaniaVoroneț Monastery+BÂRSANARomaniaBârsana Monastery+NESEBARBulgariaSt. Sofia Orthodox Church+BACHKOVOBulgariaBachkovo Monastery+TINOSGreecePanagia Evangelistria of Tinos+TIMIȘOARARomaniaTimișoara Orthodox Cathedral+VARNABulgariaVarna Cathedral+ORESHAKBulgariaTrojan Monastery+SIBIURomaniaHoly Trinity Cathedral+SOFIABulgariaSt. Sophia Church+HELSINKIFinlandUspenski Cathedral+SUCEVIȚARomaniaSuceviţa Monastery+LARNACACyprusChurch of St. Lazarus+BELGRADESerbiaChurch of St. Mark+SOFIABulgariaSveta Nedelya Church+NICEFranceSt. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral+MĂNĂSTIREA HUMORULUIRomaniaHumor Monastery+DRYANOVOBulgariaDryanovo Monastery+KARLOVY VARYCzechiaOrthodox church of St. Peter and St. Paul+PATRAGreeceHoly Church of Saint Andrew+DESPOTOVACSerbiaManasija Monastery+SOFIABulgariaBoyana Church+PAROSGreeceChurch of the Virgin Mary Ekatontapyliani+SOFIABulgariaChurch of St. Nicholas the Miracle-Maker+MÂNĂSTIREA NEAMȚRomaniaNeamț Monastery+BOROVOBulgariaKrastova Gora+IASIRomaniaThree Hierarchs MonasteryRanking - orthodox churches AlbaniaShow all+number 5 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaOrthodox Cathedral Resurrection of Christ+number 2 in the cityKORÇËAlbaniaOrthodox Cathedral Resurrection of Christ+number 9 in the citySHKODËRAlbaniaOrthodox church of the Nativity+number 8 in the cityBERATAlbaniaChurch of the Holy Trinity+number 9 in the cityBERATAlbaniaChurch of St. Theodore+number 16 in the cityDURRËSAlbaniaCathedral of St. Paul And St. Astius+number 12 in the cityBERATAlbaniaCathedral of St. Demetrius+number 1 in the cityFIERAlbaniaSt George's Cathedral+number 9 in the cityGJIROKASTËRAlbaniaGjirokastra Orthodox Cathedral+number 2 in the cityVOSKOPOJËAlbaniaSt. Athanasius' ChurchRanking - orthodox churches AustriaShow all+number 139 in the cityVIENNAAustriaGreek Church of the Holy Trinity+number 3 in the cityLEOBENAustriaOrthodox ChurchRanking - orthodox churches Bosnia and HerzegovinaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTREBINJEBosnia and HerzegovinaHercegovačka Gračanica Monastery+number 3 in the cityBANJA LUKABosnia and HerzegovinaCathedral of Christ the Saviour+number 27 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaThe Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos+number 36 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaOld Orthodox Church+number 5 in the cityTREBINJEBosnia and HerzegovinaCathedral of Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord+number 9 in the cityBANJA LUKABosnia and HerzegovinaOrthodox Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin+number 3 in the cityBIJELJINABosnia and HerzegovinaCathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary+number 11 in the cityBANJA LUKABosnia and HerzegovinaHoly Trinity Orthodox Church+number 2 in the cityDOBOJBosnia and HerzegovinaOrthodox Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin+number 3 in the cityDOBOJBosnia and HerzegovinaChurch of the Holy Apostles Peter and PaulRanking - orthodox churches BulgariaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the citySOFIABulgariaSt. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral+TOPnumber 2 in the citySOFIABulgariaOrthodox church of St. George+TOPnumber 2 in the cityNESEBARBulgariaSt. Sofia Orthodox Church+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBACHKOVOBulgariaBachkovo Monastery+TOPnumber 2 in the cityVARNABulgariaVarna Cathedral+TOPnumber 1 in the cityORESHAKBulgariaTrojan Monastery+TOPnumber 5 in the citySOFIABulgariaSt. Sophia Church+TOPnumber 12 in the citySOFIABulgariaSveta Nedelya Church+TOPnumber 1 in the cityDRYANOVOBulgariaDryanovo Monastery+TOPnumber 13 in the citySOFIABulgariaBoyana ChurchRanking - orthodox churches CroatiaShow all+number 42 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaSerbian Orthodox CathedralRanking - orthodox churches CyprusShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLARNACACyprusChurch of St. Lazarus+number 1 in the cityAGIOS GEORGIOSCyprusChurch of St. George+number 6 in the cityLIMASSOLCyprusAyia Napa Cathedral+number 7 in the cityLIMASSOLCyprusHoly Trinity Church+number 1 in the cityPACHYAMMOSCyprusOrthodox Church of Saint Raphael+number 1 in the citySTROVOLOSCyprusOrthodox Church of Ayia Sofia+number 15 in the cityNICOSIA (GREEK)CyprusOrthodox Church of St. Anthony+number 1 in the cityKYPEROUNTACyprusAyios Arsenios Orthodox Church+number 16 in the cityNICOSIA (GREEK)CyprusOrthodox Church of Saint Saba+number 2 in the cityKOLOSSICyprusOrthodox Church of Saint EfstathiosRanking - orthodox churches CzechiaShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityKARLOVY VARYCzechiaOrthodox church of St. Peter and St. Paul+number 27 in the cityBRNOCzechiaThe Orthodox Church of Sts. Wenceslas+number 21 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaChurch of St. Gorazd+number 8 in the cityHRADEC KRALOVECzechiaOrthodox church of St. Nicholas+number 9 in the cityFRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚCzechiaOrthodox Church of St OlgaRanking - orthodox churches DenmarkShow all+number 69 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkSt. Alexander Nevsky ChurchRanking - orthodox churches EstoniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKUREMÄE KÜLAEstoniaMonastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God+number 63 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaSaint Nicholas' Orthodox Church+number 6 in the cityNARVAEstoniaCathedral of the Resurrection of Jesus+number 101 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaOrthodox Church of the Transfiguration+number 3 in the citySILLAMÄE LINNEstoniaSillamäe Orthodox Church+number 12 in the cityNARVAEstoniaOrthodox Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary+number 23 in the cityTARTUEstoniaOrthodox Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God+number 4 in the cityRAKVERE LINNEstoniaOrthodox Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God+number 9 in the cityKURESSAAREEstoniaSt. Nicholas Orthodox Church+number 9 in the cityHAAPSALU LINNEstoniaOrthodox Church of Mary MagdaleneRanking - orthodox churches FinlandShow all+TOPnumber 10 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandUspenski Cathedral+number 24 in the cityTAMPEREFinlandChurch of St. Alexander Nevalainen+number 68 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandHoly Trinity Orthodox ChurchRanking - orthodox churches FranceShow all+TOPnumber 5 in the cityNICEFranceSt. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral+number 13 in the cityBIARRITZFranceAlexander Nevsky Church+number 25 in the citySTRASBOURGFranceRussian Orthodox Church+number 9 in the cityCANNESFranceOrthodox church of St. Michael the Archangel+number 64 in the cityNICEFranceOrthodox church of Saint Nicholas and Saint Alexandra+number 362 in the cityPARISFranceSt. Sergius Orthodox Church+number 65 in the cityMARSEILLEFranceMelkite Church of Saint-Nicolas-de-Myre+number 2 in the citySYLVANÈSFranceRussian Chapel of SylvanèsRanking - orthodox churches GermanyShow all+number 8 in the cityWIESBADENGermanyRussian Orthodox Church Wiesbaden+number 8 in the cityDARMSTADTGermanyOrthodox Church of St. Mary Magdalene+number 10 in the cityBADEN-BADENGermanyOrthodox Church of the Transfiguration+number 21 in the cityLEIPZIGGermanyOrthodox Church of Remembrance+number 41 in the cityDRESDENGermanyRussian Orthodox Church+number 66 in the cityHAMBURGGermanyOrthodox Church of St. John of Kronstadt+number 33 in the cityDÜSSELDORFGermanyOrthodox Church Saint Andrew+number 81 in the cityMUNICHGermanyOrthodox Church of Salvator+number 15 in the cityBADEN-BADENGermanyStourdza Chapel+number 42 in the cityNUREMBERGGermanyOrthodox Church of St PaulRanking - orthodox churches GreeceShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTINOSGreecePanagia Evangelistria of Tinos+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPATRAGreeceHoly Church of Saint Andrew+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPAROSGreeceChurch of the Virgin Mary Ekatontapyliani+number 1 in the cityPARALIAGreeceHoly Church of Saint Photine+number 1 in the cityAGIASOSGreeceOur Lady Church+number 2 in the cityGLYFADAGreeceChurch of Saints Constantine and Helen+number 1 in the citySOUROTIGreeceMonastery St John the Theologian+number 2 in the cityKRITSAGreecePanaghia Kera+number 7 in the cityPIRAEUSGreeceChurch Holy Trinity+number 10 in the cityPIRAEUSGreeceChurch of St. NicholasRanking - orthodox churches HungaryShow all+number 15 in the cityEGERHungaryRac Temple+number 10 in the citySZENTENDREHungaryBelgrade Church+number 12 in the citySZEGEDHungarySt. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church+number 66 in the cityBUDAPESTHungarySaint George of Serbian Orthodox church+number 17 in the cityMISKOLCHungaryHungarian Orthodox Church+number 24 in the citySZÉKESFEHÉRVÁRHungarySerbian Orthodox Church+number 4 in the cityTOKAJHungarySt. Nicholas Orthodox ChurchRanking - orthodox churches IsraelShow all+number 39 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelHoly Trinity Cathedral+number 50 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelRussian Monastery of Ascension+number 66 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelChurch of Mary MagdaleneRanking - orthodox churches ItalyShow all+number 2 in the citySANREMOItalyChurch of Christ the Savior+number 71 in the cityFLORENCEItalyOrthodox Church of the Nativity of Christ+number 64 in the cityTURINItalyChurch of Santa Croce+number 363 in the cityROMEItalyChurch of Santa Caterina martire+number 390 in the cityROMEItalyChurch of Saints Sergius and Bacchus of the Ukrainians+number 105 in the cityPALERMOItalyOrthodox Church of St. AlexanderRanking - orthodox churches LatviaShow all+TOPnumber 18 in the cityRIGALatviaOrthodox Cathedral of the Nativity+number 3 in the cityLIEPAJALatviaOrthodox Church of St. Nicholas+number 31 in the cityRIGALatviaSt. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Church+number 7 in the cityMITAWALatviaSt. Simeon and St. Anne's Orthodox Church+number 64 in the cityRIGALatviaOrthodox Church of the Annunciation+number 69 in the cityRIGALatviaSt. Archangel Michael Orthodox Church+number 73 in the cityRIGALatviaOrthodox Church of St. John the Baptist+number 2 in the cityVECSTĀMERIENALatviaSt. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Church+number 8 in the cityKULDYGALatviaOrthodox Church of the Assumption+number 25 in the cityLIEPAJALatviaHoly Trinity Orthodox CathedralRanking - orthodox churches LithuaniaShow all+number 49 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaOrthodox Church of St Konstantin and Michael+number 51 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaSt. Martyrs Paraskeve Orthodox Church+number 55 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaCathedral of the Most Holy Mother of God+number 8 in the cityDRUSKIENIKILithuaniaChurch of the Icon of the Mother of God+number 76 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaThe Icon of the Mother of God Orthodox Church+number 80 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaSt. Nicholas Orthodox Church+number 92 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaOrthodox Monastery of the Holy Spirit+number 95 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaSt. Euphrosinia Orthodox Church+number 106 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaGreek Catholic St. Trinity Church+number 2 in the cityVISAGINASLithuaniaOrthodox Church of St. PanteleimonRanking - orthodox churches MontenegroShow all+number 9 in the cityKOTORMontenegroSt. Luke's Orthodox Church+number 1 in the cityBEČIĆIMontenegroSt. Thomas Church+number 14 in the cityKOTORMontenegroChurch of St. Nicholas+number 19 in the cityKOTORMontenegroSt. Michael Orthodox Church+number 3 in the cityRISANMontenegroOrthodox Church of St. Peter and Paul+number 1 in the cityBIJELO POLJEMontenegroChurch of St NicholasRanking - orthodox churches North MacedoniaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityOHRIDNorth MacedoniaChurch of St. John Kaneo+TOPnumber 3 in the cityOHRIDNorth MacedoniaChurch of St. Sophia+number 9 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaCathedral of St. Clement of Ohrid+number 2 in the cityGORNO NEREZINorth MacedoniaOrthodox Church of St. Panteleimon+number 9 in the cityOHRIDNorth MacedoniaChurch of Sts Clement and Panteleimon+number 1 in the cityGORNJANENorth MacedoniaSt. Nicetas Church+number 3 in the cityMAVROVONorth MacedoniaOld Mavrovo Church+number 12 in the cityOHRIDNorth MacedoniaHoly Mother of God Peribleptos Church+number 2 in the cityMATKANorth MacedoniaMatka Monastery+number 26 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaSt. Elijah ChurchRanking - orthodox churches PolandShow all+number 1 in the citySZUMIŁÓWKAPolandOrthodox church of the Transfiguration+number 2 in the citySZUMIŁÓWKAPolandHoly Mountain of Grabarka+number 1 in the cityHAJNÓWKAPolandHoly Trinity Cathedral+number 127 in the cityWARSAWPolandOrthodox Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene+number 9 in the cityBIAŁYSTOKPolandChurch of the Holy Spirit+number 25 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandOrthodox church of St. Alexander Nevsky+number 10 in the cityBIAŁYSTOKPolandOrthodox church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker+number 1 in the cityKWIATOŃPolandOrthodox church of St. Paraskeva+number 1 in the citySMOLNIKPolandOrthodox church of St. Michael the Archangel+number 1 in the cityŁOPIENKAPolandOrthodox church of St. Paraskevi the Virgin MartyrRanking - orthodox churches RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityVORONEȚRomaniaVoroneț Monastery+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBÂRSANARomaniaBârsana Monastery+TOPnumber 2 in the cityTIMIȘOARARomaniaTimișoara Orthodox Cathedral+TOPnumber 6 in the citySIBIURomaniaHoly Trinity Cathedral+TOPnumber 1 in the citySUCEVIȚARomaniaSuceviţa Monastery+TOPnumber 1 in the cityMĂNĂSTIREA HUMORULUIRomaniaHumor Monastery+number 1 in the cityMÂNĂSTIREA NEAMȚRomaniaNeamț Monastery+number 6 in the cityIASIRomaniaThree Hierarchs Monastery+number 24 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaChurch of St. Anthony the Old Court+number 1 in the cityORȘOVARomaniaSaint Ana MonasteryRanking - orthodox churches SerbiaShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaChurch of St. Sava+TOPnumber 9 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaChurch of St. Mark+TOPnumber 1 in the cityDESPOTOVACSerbiaManasija Monastery+number 32 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaCathedral Church of the Holy Archangel Michael+number 37 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaChurch of St. Alexander Nevsky+number 40 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaRužica Church+number 1 in the cityĆUPRIJASerbiaRavanytsa Monastery+number 48 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaSaint Petka Church+number 7 in the citySOMBORSerbiaChurch of St. George+number 16 in the citySUBOTICASerbiaSerbian Orthodox ChurchRanking - orthodox churches SlovakiaShow all+number 2 in the cityMEDZILABORCESlovakiaOrthodox Church of the Holy Spirit+number 10 in the cityPREŠOVSlovakiaCathedral of St. John the Baptist+number 1 in the cityRUSKÝ POTOKSlovakiaChurch of St. Michael Archanjela+number 1 in the cityTOPOĽASlovakiaSt. Michal archanjel church+number 13 in the cityPREŠOVSlovakiaCathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky+number 2 in the cityRUSKÝ POTOKSlovakiaChurch of the Ascension of Jesus ChristRanking - orthodox churches SloveniaShow all+number 30 in the cityLJUBLJANASloveniaSts. Cyril and Methodius ChurchRanking - orthodox churches SpainShow all+number 1 in the cityALTEASpainChurch of Saint Michael the ArchangelRanking - orthodox churches SwedenShow all+number 42 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenSerbian Orthodox Church+number 19 in the cityHELSINGBORGSwedenSerbian Orthodox Church+number 34 in the cityMALMÖSwedenSerbian Orthodox Church in MalmöRanking - orthodox churches SwitzerlandShow all+number 19 in the cityGENEVASwitzerlandRussian Orthodox ChurchRanking - orthodox churches United KingdomShow all+number 267 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomRussian Orthodox Cathedral of the Dormition+number 342 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomCathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God and the Royal Martyrs+number 411 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomGreek Orthodox Church of Saints Constantine and HelenOther categories:Ancient templesMegalithsParksGardensBeachesStreetsLookoutsMilitary museumsPalacesMonumentsFunicularsPyramidsGondola liftsWaterfallsCathedralsAnimalsBoardwalksCastlesLakesCavesGorgesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries