Most popular chapels Most popular chapels Chapels mapSee on the map+VATICAN CITYVaticanSistine Chapel+PARISFranceHoly Chapel+PADUAItalyScrovegni Chapel+PAMPULHABrasilChapel of São Francisco de Assis+VILNIUSLithuaniaGates of Dawn+GRANADASpainRoyal Chapel of Granada+LUBLINPolandHoly Trinity Chapel+BRASILIABrasilDon Bosco Chapel+ZAGREBCroatiaStone Gate+JERUSALEMIsraelChapel on the spot of the Tomb of Christ+AACHENGermanyPalatinate chapel+BERMEOSpainIslet and Hermitage of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe+AACHENGermanyChoir of the Aachen Cathedral+POZNAŃPolandGolden Chapel+VILNIUSLithuaniaDawn Gate Chapel of the Virgin Mary+JERUSALEMIsraelChapel at the site of the Crucifixion of Christ+ZUMAIASpainSan Telmo hermitage+JERUSALEMIsraelVia Dolorosa+HELSINKIFinlandKamppi Chapel+KRAKOWPolandQueen Sophia's Chapel+KRAKOWPolandHoly Cross Chapel+VILNIUSLithuaniaSt. Casimir's Chapel+TURINItalyChapel of the Holy Shroud+QUITOEcuadorThe Chapel of Man+ORVIETOItalyChapel of San Brizio+FLORENCEItalyMedici Chapel+FLORENCEItalyChapel of Spagnoli - Via Veritas+STUTTGARTGermanyGrave Chapel+KUDOWA-ZDRÓJPolandSkull Chapel+INNSBRUCKAustriaHofkircheRanking - chapels AustriaShow all+number 8 in the cityINNSBRUCKAustriaHofkirche+number 1 in the cityOBERNDORF BEI SALZBURGAustriaChapel of Silent Night+number 5 in the cityKLOSTERNEUBURGAustriaLourdesgrotte Chapel+number 2 in the cityFORCHTENSTEINAustriaRosalia Chapel+number 36 in the cityINNSBRUCKAustriaSilver chapel+number 45 in the citySALZBURGAustriaSt George's Church+number 50 in the citySALZBURGAustriaMariazell chapel+number 51 in the citySALZBURGAustriaMargaret chapel+number 3 in the cityKIRCHDORF AM INNAustriaCastle chapel+number 6 in the cityTANNHEIMAustriaMariahilf ChapelRanking - chapels BelgiumShow all+number 49 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumEmperor's chapel+number 52 in the cityGHENTBelgiumChapel of Saint VincentRanking - chapels BrasilShow all+number 3 in the cityPAMPULHABrasilChapel of São Francisco de Assis+number 7 in the cityBRASILIABrasilDon Bosco ChapelRanking - chapels BulgariaShow all+number 2 in the cityTRANBulgariaChapel of Saint Petka+number 1 in the cityPOTSARNENTSIBulgariaChapel St. Joan Letni+number 1 in the citySTAROZAGORSKI BANIBulgariaVirgin Mary's Step+number 1 in the cityAVRENBulgariaRock monastery KisheshlikaRanking - chapels ChileShow all+number 39 in the citySANTIAGOChileChapel The Maternity of MaryRanking - chapels CroatiaShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaStone Gate+number 35 in the citySPLITCroatiaBell tower and chapel of St. Raynerius+number 3 in the citySLAVONSKI BRODCroatiaSt. Anne's ChapelRanking - chapels CyprusShow all+number 2 in the cityAGIOS GEORGIOSCyprusSt. George's ChapelRanking - chapels CzechiaShow all+number 1 in the cityKUTNÁ HORACzechiaChapel of Skulls+number 1 in the cityDOLNÍ BEČVACzechiaChapel of Saints Cyril and Methodius+number 64 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaChapel of the Holy Cross - Holy Treasure+number 94 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaBethlehem Chapel+number 6 in the cityMIKULOVCzechiaChapel of St. Sebastian+number 125 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaChapel of Our Lady+number 149 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaSanta Casa Loreta+number 23 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaChapel of St. John Sarkandra+number 171 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaChapel of the Fallen+number 228 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaImperial ChapelRanking - chapels DenmarkShow all+number 3 in the cityNÆSTVEDDenmarkGavnø Castle ChapelRanking - chapels EcuadorShow all+number 17 in the cityQUITOEcuadorThe Chapel of ManRanking - chapels FinlandShow all+TOPnumber 16 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandKamppi ChapelRanking - chapels FranceShow all+TOPnumber 12 in the cityPARISFranceHoly Chapel+number 9 in the cityVERSAILLESFranceRoyal Chapel+number 1 in the cityRONCHAMPFranceChapel of Notre Dame du Haut+number 1 in the citySIX-FOURS-LES-PLAGESFranceChapel of Our Lady of May+number 1 in the cityMOUSTIERS-SAINTE-MARIEFranceChapel of Notre-Dame de Beauvoir+number 146 in the cityPARISFranceChapel Our Lady of the Miraculous Medalion+number 1 in the citySAINT-JEAN-TROLIMONFranceChapel of Our Lady of Tronoën+number 1 in the cityÉQUEMAUVILLEFranceChapel of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce+number 1 in the cityDREUXFranceSaint-Louis Royal Chapel+number 2 in the cityLA CIOTATFranceChapel of Notre-Dame de la GardeRanking - chapels GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityAACHENGermanyPalatinate chapel+TOPnumber 4 in the cityAACHENGermanyChoir of the Aachen Cathedral+TOPnumber 9 in the citySTUTTGARTGermanyGrave Chapel+number 1 in the cityALTÖTTINGGermanyChapel of Mercy+number 9 in the cityWÜRZBURGGermanyMaria Chapel+number 1 in the cityBERGGermanyMemorial Chapel of St. Ludwig+number 2 in the cityUNTERREITGermanyForest Rope Park Oberreith+number 3 in the cityBINGEN AM RHEINGermanySt. Roch's Chapel+number 7 in the cityFRIEDRICHSHAFENGermanyNew Year's Chapel+number 9 in the cityGÖRLITZGermanyChapel Holy TombRanking - chapels GreeceShow all+number 8 in the cityLINDOSGreeceChapel of St. PaulRanking - chapels HungaryShow all+number 25 in the citySZÉKESFEHÉRVÁRHungarySt. Anna Chapel+number 50 in the cityPÉCSHungaryCalvary ChapelRanking - chapels IrelandShow all+number 96 in the cityDUBLINIrelandChapel RoyalRanking - chapels IsraelShow all+number 8 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelChapel on the spot of the Tomb of Christ+number 9 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelChapel at the site of the Crucifixion of Christ+number 14 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelVia Dolorosa+number 22 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelChapel of the Ascension+number 58 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelSaint Peter in Gallicantu lower church+number 16 in the cityHAIFAIsraelSacred Heart Chapel+number 87 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelBirth place of the Virgin MaryRanking - chapels ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityPADUAItalyScrovegni Chapel+number 18 in the cityTURINItalyChapel of the Holy Shroud+number 3 in the cityORVIETOItalyChapel of San Brizio+number 32 in the cityFLORENCEItalyMedici Chapel+number 33 in the cityFLORENCEItalyChapel of Spagnoli - Via Veritas+number 13 in the cityPALERMOItalyPalatine Chapel+number 2 in the cityPIZZOItalyPiedigrotta Church+number 41 in the cityMILANItalyOssuary+number 2 in the cityCHIUSDINOItalyChapel of San Galgano Montesiepi+number 128 in the cityROMEItalyChapel of the RelicsRanking - chapels LithuaniaShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaGates of Dawn+TOPnumber 13 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaDawn Gate Chapel of the Virgin Mary+TOPnumber 16 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaSt. Casimir's Chapel+number 1 in the cityŠILUVALithuaniaChapel of The Apparition+number 107 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaChapel in the Palace GardenRanking - chapels LuxembourgShow all+number 37 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgSaint-Quirin ChapelRanking - chapels MaltaShow all+number 2 in the cityDINGLIMaltaSt. Mary Magdalene Chapel+number 11 in the cityATTARDMaltaKappella Tal-Madonna Tal-Pilar+number 13 in the cityMDINAMaltaChapel of Carmelite+number 14 in the cityMDINAMaltaSt. Roque's Chapel+number 13 in the cityRABAT (VICTORIA)MaltaSt Joseph's Chapel+number 3 in the cityGHARBMaltaChapel of San DimitriRanking - chapels MonacoShow all+number 26 in the cityMONACOMonacoChapel of St. Devota+number 40 in the cityMONACOMonacoChapel of MercyRanking - chapels NetherlandsShow all+number 4 in the cityGOUDANetherlandsChapel of Agnes+number 48 in the cityTHE HAGUENetherlandsChapel Nieuwe BadRanking - chapels PolandShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityLUBLINPolandHoly Trinity Chapel+TOPnumber 8 in the cityPOZNAŃPolandGolden Chapel+TOPnumber 24 in the cityKRAKOWPolandQueen Sophia's Chapel+TOPnumber 25 in the cityKRAKOWPolandHoly Cross Chapel+number 3 in the cityKUDOWA-ZDRÓJPolandSkull Chapel+number 26 in the cityWROCŁAWPolandHochberg Chapel+number 71 in the cityKRAKOWPolandSt. Mary's Chapel+number 72 in the cityKRAKOWPolandChapel of Our Lady of Piasek+number 25 in the cityZAKOPANEPolandJaszczurówka Chapel+number 76 in the cityKRAKOWPolandVasa ChapelRanking - chapels PortugalShow all+number 35 in the cityPORTOPortugalChapel of Souls+number 2 in the cityBATALHAPortugalImperfect Chapels+number 166 in the cityLISBONPortugalChapel of Paço da Bemposta+number 10 in the cityAVEIROPortugalSão Gonçalinho Chapel+number 189 in the cityLISBONPortugalChapel and Memorial of the Combatant+number 51 in the cityFUNCHALPortugalSacristy+number 7 in the cityPONTA DO SOLPortugalViewpoint Chapel of St. Sebastian+number 202 in the cityLISBONPortugalChapel of Santo Amaro+number 18 in the cityCOIMBRAPortugalChapel of São Miguel+number 7 in the citySÃO VICENTEPortugalN. S. Fatima ChapelRanking - chapels RomaniaShow all+number 2 in the cityION CORVINRomaniaCave of the Holy Apostle Andrew+number 5 in the cityODORHEIU SECUIESCRomaniaCatholic Chapel+number 10 in the citySINAIARomaniaȘtirbei chapelRanking - chapels SerbiaShow all+number 96 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaRoyal ChapelRanking - chapels SlovakiaShow all+number 9 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaChapel of St. Michael+number 9 in the cityTRNAVASlovakiaChapel of the ScourgeRanking - chapels SloveniaShow all+number 4 in the cityKRANJSKA GORASloveniaRussian ChapelRanking - chapels SpainShow all+TOPnumber 4 in the cityGRANADASpainRoyal Chapel of Granada+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBERMEOSpainIslet and Hermitage of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe+number 1 in the cityZUMAIASpainSan Telmo hermitage+number 17 in the citySARAGOSSASpainHoly Chapel of the Pilar of Zaragoza+number 39 in the citySEVILLESpainChapel of the Mariners+number 3 in the cityPALOS DE LA FRONTERASpainOur Lady of Miracles+number 1 in the cityCARRASCAL DEL RÍOSpainSan Frutos Chapel+number 4 in the citySANTILLANA DEL MARSpainChapel of Santa Justa+number 1 in the cityÚBEDASpainSacred Chapel of the Savior+number 108 in the cityMADRIDSpainChapel of the VirginRanking - chapels SwitzerlandShow all+number 21 in the cityGENEVASwitzerlandChapel of the Maccabees+number 1 in the cityESCHENZSwitzerlandChapel of St. Otmara on the island Werd+number 3 in the cityHERGISWILSwitzerlandKlimsen Chapel+number 2 in the citySCHINZNACH-BADSwitzerlandSpa Chapel+number 14 in the cityST. GALLENSwitzerlandGuardian Angel ChapelRanking - chapels United KingdomShow all+number 134 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomOld Royal Naval College+number 257 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomKing's College Chapel+number 327 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomWesley's Chapel+number 38 in the cityGLASGOWUnited KingdomUniversity of Glasgow Memorial ChapelRanking - chapels UruguayShow all+number 11 in the cityMALDONADOUruguayChapel of San AntonioRanking - chapels VaticanShow all+number 3 in the cityVATICAN CITYVaticanSistine ChapelOther categories:PyramidsMegalithsGondola liftsAnimalsLookoutsMilitary museumsBoardwalksCastlesGorgesLakesCavesAncient templesParksGardensBeachesWaterfallsFunicularsPalacesMonumentsStreetsCathedralsFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries