Chapel of the Holy Cross - Holy Treasure
Local name: Kaple svatého Kříže - svatovíský poklad
The Chapel of the Holy Cross is located in the second courtyard of the Royal Castle in Prague. It was built in the late baroque style. There are antique frescoes, gildings and statues depicting Saint. Piotr and Paweł. Today, it serves as an exhibition hall for the treasury of St. Wit. There is also a tourist information point.
The chapel was built in 1756-1764 in cooperation with the architects Anselm Martin Lurag, Mikołaj Pacassi and Maria Teresa. The Chapel of the Holy Cross was created as part of the expansion of the Royal Castle, whose intention was to give the baroque royal residence a more representative form.
The chapel was built on the premises of earlier office buildings and the coronation kitchen of Charles VI. The author of the fresco decorations inside the Chapel of the Holy Cross is Josef Navrátil. Statues of St. Piotr and Paweł were made by Emanuel Max. In the mid-nineteenth century, the building underwent adaptation in the Classicist interface. It currently does not fulfill its original role.
Attractions inside