Most popular open-air museums Most popular open-air museums Open-air museums mapSee on the map+STOCKHOLMSwedenSkansen+ARNHEMNetherlandsDutch Open Air Museum+SIBIURomaniaAstra Museum+BEAMISHUnited KingdomThe Living Museum of the North+BUCHARESTRomaniaNational Village Museum+BUNRATTYIrelandBunratty Castle & Folk Park+ZAANSTADNetherlandsZaans Museum+CARDIFFUnited KingdomSt. Fagans National Museum of History+GABROVOBulgariaEtar Ethnographic Open Air Museum+DUDLEYUnited KingdomBlack Country Living Museum+TALLINNEstoniaEstonian Open-Air Museum+UHLDINGEN-MÜHLHOFENGermanyOpen-Air Museum Unteruhldingen+ENKHUIZENNetherlandsZuiderzee Museum+TIMIȘOARARomaniaBanat Village Museum+RIGALatviaLatvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum+ALPHEN AAN DEN RIJNNetherlandsArcheon Museum Park+UNGERSHEIMFranceOpen-air museum of Alsace+MADELEYUnited KingdomBlists Hill Victorian Town+NEU-ANSPACHGermanyOpen Air Museum Hessenpark+GUTACH (SCHWARZWALDBAHN)GermanyBlack Forest Open Air Museum+LINKÖPINGSwedenOpen Air Museum Old Linköping+CAJETINA MUNICIPALITYSerbiaSirogojno Open-Air Museum+LÜBBENAU/SPREEWALDGermanySkansen Lehde+SLANEY MANORIrelandIrish National Heritage Park+RIBEDenmarkRibe Vikinge Center+DETMOLDGermanyLWL Open-Air Museum+TARAMUNDISpainEthnographic Ensemble of Teixois+INARIFinlandSiida+ÖREBROSwedenWadköping+ZUBERECSlovakiaMuseum of the Orava VillageRanking - open-air museums AustriaShow all+number 1 in the cityGRATWEIN-STRASSENGELAustriaStübing Open-air Museum+number 1 in the cityMÖNCHHOFAustriaMönchhof Open-air Museum+number 1 in the citySULZ IN THE WEINVIERTELAustriaNiedersulz Open-air Museum+number 2 in the cityROSEGGAustriaKeltenwelt+number 1 in the cityGERERSDORF-SULZAustriaEnsemble Open Air Museum+number 2 in the cityKRAMSACHAustriaTyrolean Open-air Museum+number 1 in the cityVORAUAustriaVorau Open-air Museum+number 1 in the cityKRUMBACHAustriaKrumbach Open-air Museum+number 1 in the citySCHWARZENBACHAustriaCeltic VillageRanking - open-air museums BelgiumShow all+number 5 in the cityOSTENDBelgiumRaversydeRanking - open-air museums Bosnia and HerzegovinaShow all+number 1 in the cityLJUBAČEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaEthno Village - Museum Ljubačke DolineRanking - open-air museums BulgariaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityGABROVOBulgariaEtar Ethnographic Open Air MuseumRanking - open-air museums CzechiaShow all+number 1 in the cityZLATÉ HORYCzechiaZlatokopecky Open-air Museum+number 1 in the cityPŘEROV NAD LABEMCzechiaPolabian Ethnographic Museum+number 1 in the cityMODRÁCzechiaModra Archaeological Heritage Village+number 1 in the cityKOUŘIMCzechiaMuseum of Folk Architecture+number 1 in the cityZUBRNICECzechiaOpen air museum Zubrnice+number 1 in the cityVYSOČINACzechiaOpen Air Museum+number 1 in the cityKOCOBĘDZCzechiaArchaeological Park+number 1 in the cityDOUBRAVACzechiaDoubrava Open-air Museum+number 2 in the cityROŽNOV POD RADHOŠTĚMCzechiaWooden Town+number 2 in the cityVELHARTICECzechiaOpen-air Museum VelharticeRanking - open-air museums DenmarkShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityRIBEDenmarkRibe Vikinge Center+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKONGENS LYNGBYDenmarkThe Open Air Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityVINDERUPDenmarkThe Open-air Museum Hjerl Hede+TOPnumber 4 in the cityODENSEDenmarkThe Funen Village+number 1 in the cityNYKØBING FALSTERDenmarkThe Medieval Center+number 1 in the cityHOBRODenmarkViking Center Fyrkat+number 3 in the cityGUDHJEMDenmarkBornholm's Medieval Center+number 3 in the cityMARIBODenmarkThe Open Air Museum+number 10 in the citySKAGENDenmarkCoastal Museum Skagen+number 1 in the cityGRINDSTEDDenmarkBillund Open-air MuseumRanking - open-air museums EstoniaShow all+TOPnumber 7 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaEstonian Open-Air Museum+number 1 in the cityPRINGI KÜLAEstoniaViimsi Open Air Museum+number 1 in the cityKOGUVA KÜLAEstoniaMuhu Museum+number 1 in the cityKARILATSI KÜLAEstoniaKarilatsi Open Air Museum+number 1 in the cityVIKI KÜLAEstoniaMihkli Farm Museum+number 1 in the cityMALVASTE KÜLAEstoniaMihkli Farm MuseumRanking - open-air museums FinlandShow all+number 1 in the cityINARIFinlandSiida+number 5 in the cityTURKUFinlandLuostarinmäki Open-Air Museum+number 23 in the cityHELSINKIFinlandSeurasaari Open-Air Museum+number 9 in the cityTURKUFinlandKylämäki Village+number 2 in the citySUNDFinlandJan Karlsgården Open Air MuseumRanking - open-air museums FranceShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityUNGERSHEIMFranceOpen-air museum of Alsace+number 1 in the cityQUISTINICFrancePoul-Fetan Village Park+number 1 in the cityVILLENEUVE-D'ASCQFranceOpen Air Museum+number 1 in the citySABRESFranceEcomuseum Marquèze+number 1 in the citySAINT-ANDRÉ-D'ALLASFranceThe Cabanes du Breuil+number 1 in the cityNANCRAYFranceComtoises Open-Air Museum+number 1 in the citySAINTE-MARIE-DU-LAC-NUISEMENTFranceVillage Museum of Der+number 1 in the cityKUTZENHAUSENFranceRural House of the Outer ForestRanking - open-air museums GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityUHLDINGEN-MÜHLHOFENGermanyOpen-Air Museum Unteruhldingen+TOPnumber 1 in the cityNEU-ANSPACHGermanyOpen Air Museum Hessenpark+TOPnumber 1 in the cityGUTACH (SCHWARZWALDBAHN)GermanyBlack Forest Open Air Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLÜBBENAU/SPREEWALDGermanySkansen Lehde+TOPnumber 2 in the cityDETMOLDGermanyLWL Open-Air Museum+number 1 in the cityGROSSWEILGermanyOpen-air Museum Glentleiten+number 1 in the cityMESSKIRCHGermanyCampus Galli+number 3 in the cityIMMENSTADT IM ALLGÄUGermanyAllgäu Mountain Farming Museum+number 1 in the citySCHLIERSEEGermanyMarkus Wasmeier Open-Air Museum+number 1 in the cityKRONBURGGermanySwabian Farm Museum IllerbeurenRanking - open-air museums GreeceShow all+number 3 in the cityHERSONISSOSGreeceLychnostatis Open Air MuseumRanking - open-air museums HungaryShow all+number 1 in the citySZENTENDREHungarySzentendre Open Air Ethnographic Museum+number 3 in the cityNYÍREGYHÁZAHungaryVillage Museum+number 7 in the citySZÉKESFEHÉRVÁRHungaryPalotavarosi Open-air MuseumRanking - open-air museums IcelandShow all+number 15 in the cityREYKJAVÍKIcelandÁrbær Open Air Museum+number 2 in the citySKÓGARIcelandSkogar Museum+number 2 in the cityGRINDAVÍKIcelandSelatangar Old Sttlement+number 1 in the cityHÓLAR Í HJALTADALIcelandThe House NyibærRanking - open-air museums IrelandShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBUNRATTYIrelandBunratty Castle & Folk Park+number 1 in the citySLANEY MANORIrelandIrish National Heritage Park+number 1 in the cityLAGACURRYIrelandDoagh Famine VillageRanking - open-air museums ItalyShow all+number 1 in the cityLEDROItalyMuseum of the Palafitte of Lake Ledro+number 2 in the cityBRUNECKItalyFolklore Museum+number 2 in the citySCHNALS - SENALESItalyArcheoParc+number 1 in the cityCASTELNUOVO RANGONEItalyTerramara di Montale+number 5 in the cityCAORLEItalyThe Caorle LagoonRanking - open-air museums LatviaShow all+TOPnumber 7 in the cityRIGALatviaLatvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum+number 3 in the cityJURMAŁALatviaJurmala Open Air Museum+number 3 in the cityWINDAWALatviaSeaside Open-Air MuseumRanking - open-air museums LithuaniaShow all+number 7 in the cityNERYNGALithuaniaNida Fisherman's Ethnographic HomesteadRanking - open-air museums NetherlandsShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityARNHEMNetherlandsDutch Open Air Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityZAANSTADNetherlandsZaans Museum+TOPnumber 1 in the cityENKHUIZENNetherlandsZuiderzee Museum+number 1 in the cityALPHEN AAN DEN RIJNNetherlandsArcheon Museum Park+number 2 in the cityEINDHOVENNetherlandsPrehistoric Village+number 2 in the cityEMMENNetherlandsOpen-air Museum Veen+number 1 in the cityOPSTERLANDNetherlandsOpen air museum It DamshûsRanking - open-air museums North MacedoniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityELSHANINorth MacedoniaMuseum on Water+number 40 in the citySKOPJENorth MacedoniaTumba MadžariRanking - open-air museums NorwayShow all+number 1 in the cityÅLESUNDNorwaySunnmøre museum+number 10 in the cityBERGENNorwayOld Bergen Museum+number 1 in the cityHAUGE I DALANENorwayHelleren in Jøssingfjord+number 1 in the cityGUDVANGENNorwayViking Valley+number 1 in the citySØRVÅGENNorwayNorwegian Fishing Village Museum+number 1 in the cityMOLDENorwayRomsdal Museum+number 1 in the cityAVALDSNESNorwayViking Village at Bukkøy+number 12 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayThe Iron Age Farm+number 2 in the cityELVERUMNorwayThe Glomdal Museum+number 6 in the cityKRISTIANSANDNorwayKristiansand MuseumRanking - open-air museums PolandShow all+number 1 in the citySZYMBARKPolandRegional Centre of Education and Promotion+number 1 in the cityWOLINPolandSlavs and Vikings' Center+number 1 in the cityTOKARNIAPolandEthnographic Park in Tokarnia+number 7 in the cityKOŁOBRZEGPolandMaritime Open-Air Museum+number 1 in the citySIERPCPolandMuseum of the Mazovian Countryside+number 4 in the cityCHORZÓWPolandUpper Silesian Ethnographic Park+number 1 in the cityCHABÓWKAPolandRolling-Stock Heritage Park+number 1 in the cityDOBCZYCEPolandDobczyce Royal Castle and the Open-Air Museum+number 1 in the cityIZNOTAPolandGalindia - Masuria's Eden+number 1 in the cityOLSZTYNEKPolandMuseum of Folk ArchitectureRanking - open-air museums RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the citySIBIURomaniaAstra Museum+TOPnumber 6 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaNational Village Museum+TOPnumber 3 in the cityTIMIȘOARARomaniaBanat Village Museum+number 2 in the citySIGHETU MARMAȚIEIRomaniaMaramureș Village Museum+number 10 in the cityCLUJ-NAPOCARomania"Romulus Vuia" Ethnographic Park+number 1 in the cityDRAGOMIREȘTIRomaniaRomanian Peasant Museum+number 3 in the cityBAIA MARERomaniaVillage Museum+number 4 in the citySUCEAVARomaniaMuseum of the Bucovinean Village+number 1 in the cityCURTIȘOARARomaniaGorj Museum of Folk Architecture+number 2 in the cityIEUDRomaniaEthnographic MuseumRanking - open-air museums SerbiaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityCAJETINA MUNICIPALITYSerbiaSirogojno Open-Air Museum+number 9 in the cityPOŽAREVACSerbiaEthno Park TulbaRanking - open-air museums SlovakiaShow all+number 1 in the cityZUBERECSlovakiaMuseum of the Orava Village+number 2 in the citySTARÁ ĽUBOVŇASlovakiaStara Lubowla Open-Air Museum+number 1 in the cityPRIBYLINASlovakiaMuseum of Liptov Village+number 2 in the cityMARTINSlovakiaMuseum of the Slovakian VillageRanking - 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