Poland    West Pomerania    Wolin    Slavs and Vikings' Center
number 1 in the city

Slavs and Vikings' Center

Local name: Centrum Słowian i Wikingów

The Centre of Slavs and Vikings is an open-air museum, which consists of reconstructed residential and craft buildings from the early Middle Ages. Additionally, there are numerous attractions for adults as well as for children. Visitors can take part in blacksmithing, weaving or pottery workshops and learn how to shoot with a bow and arrow. A playground for children in the historical style was built. Each year Centre organizes popular Festival of Slavs and Vikings.

On the area of the open-air ethnographic museum there is, among others, an amber craftman's house, a pursemaker's house, a potter's house, a fisherman's house, as well as a cantor, a book bindery, and a merchant's warehouse. Inside the buildings there are placed various everyday objects and furniture. Interestingly, everyone can touch the equipment, lie on the bed, or sit on a wooden chair. Thanks to this, visitors can get to know better everyday life of the ancestors. Museum staff dressed in traditional costumes, play the roles of medieval craftsmen.


Attractions inside

    Slavs and Vikings' Center map
    Recław 3772-410 Wolin , Poland