Most popular theaters Most popular theaters Theaters mapSee on the map+PALERMOItalyTheater Massimo+TAORMINAItalyAncient theatre of Taormina+MILANItalyTeatr alla Scala+LONDONUnited KingdomShakespeare's Globe+VENICEItalyTeatro La Fenice+SYRACUSEItalyGreek Theatre+VICENZAItalyOlympic Theater+STRATFORD-UPON-AVONUnited KingdomRoyal Shakespeare Theatre+NAPLESItalySan Carlo theater+POZNAŃPolandStanisław Moniuszko Grand Theater+SOFIABulgariaIvan Vazov National Theatre+CATANIAItalyMassimo Bellini Teatr+JERUSALEMIsraelJerusalem Theatre+CALATAFIMI SEGESTAItalyGreek Theater+MADRIDSpainRoyal Theatre+BILBAOSpainTeatro Arriaga+BELGRADESerbiaNational Theatre+COPENHAGENDenmarkThe Royal Theatre+EPISKOPIBritish Sovereign Base AreasRoman Theatre of Kourion+DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIANSpainVictoria Eugenia Theater+CLUJ-NAPOCARomaniaLucian Blaga National Theater+MANTUAItalyBibiena Scientific Theater+ARLESFranceArles Roman Theater+WARSAWPolandTeatr Wielki Opera Narodowa+VIENNAAustriaRonacher+KRAKOWPolandJuliusz Słowacki Theatre+KOŠICESlovakiaState Theater Košice+BOLOGNAItalyBologna Municipal Theater+ANTWERPBelgiumStadsschouwburg Antwerp+GDYNIAPolandDanuta Baduszkowa Music Theatre in GdyniaRanking - theaters AlbaniaShow all+number 13 in the cityDURRËSAlbaniaAleksandër Moisiu Theatre+number 4 in the cityPOJANAlbaniaOdeon Theater+number 6 in the cityKORÇËAlbaniaAndon Zako Çajupi Theatre+number 7 in the cityELBASANAlbaniaSkampa TheaterRanking - theaters AustriaShow all+number 70 in the cityVIENNAAustriaRonacher+number 103 in the cityVIENNAAustriaBurgtheater+number 146 in the cityVIENNAAustriaVolkstheater+number 13 in the cityBADEN BEI WIENAustriaCity Theater Baden+number 151 in the cityVIENNAAustriaPuppet Theater Schönbrunn PalaceRanking - theaters BelgiumShow all+number 14 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumStadsschouwburg Antwerp+number 33 in the cityANTWERPBelgiumToneelhuis+number 43 in the cityBRUGESBelgiumMunicipal Theater BrugesRanking - theaters British Sovereign Base AreasShow all+number 1 in the cityEPISKOPIBritish Sovereign Base AreasRoman Theatre of KourionRanking - theaters BulgariaShow all+TOPnumber 9 in the citySOFIABulgariaIvan Vazov National TheatreRanking - theaters CroatiaShow all+number 15 in the citySPLITCroatiaCroatian National TheaterRanking - theaters CzechiaShow all+number 12 in the cityPILZNOCzechiaJ.K. Tyl Theater+number 16 in the cityLIBERECCzechiaF. X. Šalda Theater+number 120 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaState Theater+number 145 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaTheater on Vinohrady+number 156 in the cityPRAGUECzechiaNational TheatreRanking - theaters DenmarkShow all+TOPnumber 21 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkThe Royal Theatre+number 12 in the cityODENSEDenmarkOdeonRanking - theaters EstoniaShow all+number 95 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaHorse MillRanking - theaters FranceShow all+number 3 in the cityARLESFranceArles Roman Theater+number 135 in the cityPARISFranceThe French Comedy+number 145 in the cityPARISFranceParis Theater+number 154 in the cityPARISFranceRanelagh Theater+number 158 in the cityPARISFranceOdeon Theater of Europe+number 21 in the cityTOULOUSEFranceLe Capitole - Hotel de Ville+number 185 in the cityPARISFranceMogador Theater+number 228 in the cityPARISFranceChamps Elysees Theater+number 265 in the cityPARISFranceFolies Bergère+number 13 in the cityANGERSFranceThe Grand TheaterRanking - theaters GermanyShow all+number 77 in the cityMUNICHGermanyCuvilliés Theater+number 34 in the citySTUTTGARTGermanyNational theatre+number 78 in the cityMUNICHGermanyGerman Theater Munich+number 98 in the cityMUNICHGermanyBavarian National Theater+number 6 in the cityERLANGENGermanyMargravial Theater+number 19 in the cityBADEN-BADENGermanyTheater Baden-BadenRanking - theaters GreeceShow all+number 2 in the cityDODONIGreeceTheatre of Dodona+number 4 in the cityDIONGreeceHellenistic Theatre of Dion+number 3 in the cityMAVROMMATIGreeceAncient theatre of Messene+number 6 in the cityLARISSAGreece2nd Ancient Theater of Larissa+number 97 in the cityATHENSGreeceNational Theater+number 6 in the cityDELOSGreeceAncient Theater of Delos+number 6 in the cityDIONGreeceAncient Roman theatre of Dion+number 18 in the cityRHODESGreeceOdeon+number 6 in the cityARCHAIA KORINTHOSGreeceRoman Odeon of Corinth+number 8 in the cityARCHAIA KORINTHOSGreeceAncient Greek Theatre of CorinthRanking - theaters HungaryShow all+number 18 in the cityPÉCSHungaryBobita Puppet TheaterRanking - theaters IsraelShow all+number 11 in the cityJERUSALEMIsraelJerusalem TheatreRanking - theaters ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityPALERMOItalyTheater Massimo+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTAORMINAItalyAncient theatre of Taormina+TOPnumber 7 in the cityMILANItalyTeatr alla Scala+TOPnumber 10 in the cityVENICEItalyTeatro La Fenice+TOPnumber 6 in the citySYRACUSEItalyGreek Theatre+TOPnumber 2 in the cityVICENZAItalyOlympic Theater+TOPnumber 21 in the cityNAPLESItalySan Carlo theater+TOPnumber 8 in the cityCATANIAItalyMassimo Bellini Teatr+number 3 in the cityCALATAFIMI SEGESTAItalyGreek Theater+number 7 in the cityMANTUAItalyBibiena Scientific TheaterRanking - theaters LithuaniaShow all+number 44 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaNational Opera and Ballet TheaterRanking - theaters PolandShow all+TOPnumber 11 in the cityPOZNAŃPolandStanisław Moniuszko Grand Theater+number 63 in the cityWARSAWPolandTeatr Wielki Opera Narodowa+number 63 in the cityKRAKOWPolandJuliusz Słowacki Theatre+number 12 in the cityGDYNIAPolandDanuta Baduszkowa Music Theatre in Gdynia+number 14 in the cityGDYNIAPolandSummer Stage of the Municipal Theater+number 21 in the cityTORUŃPolandBaj Pomorski Theatre+number 18 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandGrand Theater+number 97 in the cityKRAKOWPolandHelena Modrzejewska National Stary Theater+number 19 in the cityRZESZÓWPolandWanda Siemaszkowa Theatre+number 19 in the cityLUBLINPolandOld TheatreRanking - theaters PortugalShow all+number 131 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Theater D. Maria II+number 133 in the cityLISBONPortugalNational Theater of São CarlosRanking - theaters RomaniaShow all+number 8 in the cityCLUJ-NAPOCARomaniaLucian Blaga National Theater+number 5 in the cityTARGU MURESRomaniaNational theatre+number 1 in the cityORAVIȚARomaniaMihai Eminescu Theater+number 8 in the cityARADRomaniaIoan Slavici Classical TheaterRanking - theaters SerbiaShow all+number 12 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaNational Theatre+number 1 in the citySOMBORSerbiaNational theatre in Sombor+number 6 in the citySUBOTICASerbiaNational TheatreRanking - theaters SlovakiaShow all+number 4 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaState Theater Košice+number 2 in the cityPREŠOVSlovakiaJonáš Záborský Theater+number 28 in the cityBRATISLAVASlovakiaSlovak National Theatre+number 4 in the cityŽILINASlovakiaŽilina City Theater+number 9 in the cityNITRASlovakiaAndrej Bagar Theater in Nitra+number 8 in the cityTRNAVASlovakiaJán Palák TheaterRanking - theaters SpainShow all+number 55 in the cityMADRIDSpainRoyal Theatre+number 14 in the cityBILBAOSpainTeatro Arriaga+number 20 in the cityDONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIANSpainVictoria Eugenia Theater+number 172 in the cityBARCELONASpainTeatre LliureRanking - theaters SwedenShow all+number 4 in the cityKRISTIANSTADSwedenKristianstad Theater+number 50 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenDramatic TheaterRanking - theaters United KingdomShow all+TOPnumber 32 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomShakespeare's Globe+number 3 in the citySTRATFORD-UPON-AVONUnited KingdomRoyal Shakespeare Theatre+number 29 in the cityGLASGOWUnited KingdomSharmanka Kinetic TheaterOther categories:LookoutsCathedralsAncient templesPyramidsMegalithsCavesCastlesStreetsNatural history museumsMonumentsLakesBoardwalksParksGardensGorgesWaterfallsFortressesMilitary museumsAnimalsGondola liftsAquariumsFunicularsPalacesBeachesMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries