Most popular old towns Most popular old towns Old Towns mapSee on the map+MATERAItalySassi di Matera+MEDELLÍNColombiaPueblito Paisa+DUBROVNIKCroatiaOld City of Dubrovnik+BUDVAMontenegroOld Town+VILNIUSLithuaniaVilnius Historic Centre+COLONIA DEL SACRAMENTOUruguayStreet of Sighs+LUXEMBOURGLuxembourgLuxembourg Old Town+SALZBURGAustriaOld Town of Salzburg+TROGIRCroatiaHistoric City of Trogir+PLOVDIVBulgariaPlovdiv Old Town+NICEFranceOld City+GARDAItalyGarda historical center+TALLINNEstoniaTallinn Old Town+RHODESGreeceOld Town of Rhodes+SYRACUSEItalyOrtigia Sicily+RIGALatviaHistoric Centre of Riga+SOZOPOLBulgariaSozopol Old Town+STAVANGERNorwayOld Stavanger+SIGHIȘOARARomaniaSighișoara medieval city+CONCARNEAUFranceVille Close+TOURSFranceOld Town of Tours+CEFALÙItalyCefalù historic center+STOCKHOLMSwedenOld Town+DÜSSELDORFGermanyDusseldorf Old Town+MOGÁNSpainOld Town with flowers+IBIZASpainDalt Vila+MAZARA DEL VALLOItalyKasbah Mazara del Vallo+ÖREBROSwedenWadköping+BERNSwitzerlandOld Town+QUEDLINBURGGermanyOld Town of QuedlinburgRanking - old towns AlbaniaShow all+number 2 in the cityBERATAlbaniaOld Town of Berat+number 2 in the cityGJIROKASTËRAlbaniaOld Town of GjirokastërRanking - old towns AustriaShow all+TOPnumber 6 in the citySALZBURGAustriaOld Town of SalzburgRanking - old towns Bosnia and HerzegovinaShow all+TOPnumber 14 in the citySARAJEVOBosnia and HerzegovinaPočitelj+number 1 in the citySTOLACBosnia and HerzegovinaOld Town StolacRanking - old towns BrasilShow all+number 11 in the cityCURITIBABrasilHistoric Center of CuritibaRanking - old towns BulgariaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityPLOVDIVBulgariaPlovdiv Old Town+TOPnumber 1 in the citySOZOPOLBulgariaSozopol Old Town+number 24 in the cityNESEBARBulgariaOld town of NessebarRanking - old towns ColombiaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityMEDELLÍNColombiaPueblito PaisaRanking - old towns CroatiaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityDUBROVNIKCroatiaOld City of Dubrovnik+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTROGIRCroatiaHistoric City of TrogirRanking - old towns CzechiaShow all+number 9 in the cityTABORCzechiaOld TownRanking - old towns EcuadorShow all+number 28 in the cityQUITOEcuadorQuito Historic CenterRanking - old towns EstoniaShow all+TOPnumber 10 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaTallinn Old TownRanking - old towns FranceShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityNICEFranceOld City+TOPnumber 1 in the cityCONCARNEAUFranceVille Close+TOPnumber 2 in the cityTOURSFranceOld Town of Tours+number 3 in the cityVAISON-LA-ROMAINEFranceMedieval Vaison-la-Romaine+number 1 in the citySEMUR-EN-AUXOISFranceMedieval CityRanking - old towns GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 8 in the cityDÜSSELDORFGermanyDusseldorf Old Town+number 1 in the cityQUEDLINBURGGermanyOld Town of Quedlinburg+number 3 in the cityBIELEFELDGermanyOld Market+number 6 in the cityLÜBECKGermanyLübeck Old Town+number 2 in the cityBERNKASTEL-KUESGermanyOld Town+number 3 in the cityBAMBERGGermanyOld Town of Bamberg+number 77 in the cityBERLINGermanyOld town Spandau+number 3 in the cityGÖRLITZGermanyOld Town of Görlitz+number 3 in the cityLINDAU (BODENSEE)GermanyHistorical Island Town of Lindau+number 5 in the cityPASSAUGermanyOld Town of PassauRanking - old towns GreeceShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityRHODESGreeceOld Town of RhodesRanking - old towns ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityMATERAItalySassi di Matera+TOPnumber 1 in the cityGARDAItalyGarda historical center+TOPnumber 10 in the citySYRACUSEItalyOrtigia Sicily+number 3 in the cityCEFALÙItalyCefalù historic center+number 1 in the cityMAZARA DEL VALLOItalyKasbah Mazara del Vallo+number 2 in the cityTERMOLIItalyAncient Village of Termoli+number 11 in the cityNOTOItalyNoto Antica+number 5 in the cityURBINOItalyHistoric Center of Urbino+number 11 in the citySASSARIItalySassari Historic Center+number 4 in the cityVALEGGIO SUL MINCIOItalyBorghetto sul MincioRanking - old towns LatviaShow all+TOPnumber 9 in the cityRIGALatviaHistoric Centre of Riga+number 6 in the cityMITAWALatviaJelgava Old TownRanking - old towns LithuaniaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaVilnius Historic CentreRanking - old towns LuxembourgShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityLUXEMBOURGLuxembourgLuxembourg Old TownRanking - old towns MontenegroShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBUDVAMontenegroOld Town+number 12 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroOld TownRanking - old towns NetherlandsShow all+number 7 in the cityGOOISE MERENNetherlandsHistoric City of NaardenRanking - old towns NorwayShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayOld StavangerRanking - old towns RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the citySIGHIȘOARARomaniaSighișoara medieval cityRanking - old towns SpainShow all+number 3 in the cityMOGÁNSpainOld Town with flowers+number 4 in the cityIBIZASpainDalt Vila+number 21 in the cityDONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIANSpainOld town+number 3 in the citySANTA CRUZ DE LA PALMASpainOld city of Santa Cruz de La Palma+number 1 in the cityFRIGILIANASpainHistoric Center of Frigiliana+number 2 in the cityLOS TOJOSSpainBárcena Mayor+number 2 in the cityAÍNSA-SOBRARBESpainHistoric Center of Ainsa+number 2 in the cityPUEBLA DE SANABRIASpainOld Town+number 1 in the cityBELCHITESpainOld Town of BelchiteRanking - old towns SwedenShow all+TOPnumber 13 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenOld Town+TOPnumber 2 in the cityÖREBROSwedenWadköping+number 1 in the cityGAMMELSTADSwedenGammelstad Kyrkstad+number 58 in the citySTOCKHOLMSwedenRiddarholmenRanking - old towns SwitzerlandShow all+TOPnumber 5 in the cityBERNSwitzerlandOld Town+number 1 in the cityZUGSwitzerlandZug Old TownRanking - old towns UruguayShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityCOLONIA DEL SACRAMENTOUruguayStreet of SighsOther categories:BoardwalksLakesCathedralsGondola liftsAncient templesPyramidsMegalithsParksNatural history museumsGardensMilitary museumsAnimalsLookoutsFortressesPalacesCastlesWaterfallsMonumentsGorgesFunicularsBeachesCavesStreetsAquariumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries