PolandOpole ProvinceKorfantówKORFANTÓW tourist attractions+1 attraction Korfantów tourist mapSee on the mapKorfantów top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityKORFANTÓWPolandChurch of the Holy TrinityOther categories:ChurchesKorfantów Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityMOSZNAPolandMoszna Castle+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the cityVÁPENNÁCzechiaNa Pomezi Cavenr 1 in the cityLIPOVÁ-LÁZNĚCzechiaForest Barnr 1 in the cityZŁOTY STOKPolandGold Minenr 1 in the cityKLETNOPolandNiedźwiedzia Cavenr 1 in the cityZLATÉ HORYCzechiaZlatokopecky Open-air Museumnr 1 in the cityZĄBKOWICE ŚLĄSKIEPolandLeaning Towernr 1 in the cityKRASIEJÓWPolandJuraPark Krasiejównr 1 in the cityJAVORNÍKCzechiaJansky Vrch Castlenr 1 in the cityOPOLEPolandOpole Market Squarenr 1 in the cityKAMIENIEC ZĄBKOWICKIPolandMarianna Orańska Palacenr 1 in the cityMĚSTO ALBRECHTICECzechiaHranicni vrch observation towernr 2 in the cityMOSZNAPolandRobot Factorynr 1 in the cityBRZEGPolandCastle of Silesian Piasts+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the cityGÓRA ŚWIĘTEJ ANNYPolandSanctuary of St. Annenr 2 in the cityOPOLEPolandOpole Village Museumnr 1 in the cityKRNOVCzechiaCvilin lookout towernr 2 in the cityKLETNOPolandOld Uranium Mine - underground tourist routenr 2 in the cityVELKÉ LOSINYCzechiaManual papermillnr 3 in the cityOPOLEPolandOpole Zoo