Park of Science and Entertainment in Krasiejów is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the region of Opole. it consists of the dinosaur zone - Jurapark - and the human evolution zone - Park of Evolution. The institution was established in Krasiejów with reason. It's here where many paleontological discoveries were made including those related to prehistoric reptiles.
Jurapark offers museum lessons about dinosaurs. The didactic path running along the former excavation consists of the real-size dinosaurs while Paleontological Pavilion presents the remains of real dinosaurs which were discovered in Krasiejów.
Attractions in Park of Evolution contain various expositions showing the evolution of humans such as collections of old tools and dishes, display presenting kinship of humans, the exhibition showing the development of writing and many more. One of the most interesting stops in Park of Evolution is the glass-case with the oldest human mummy - "Iceman".