CzechiaMoravian-Silesian RegionHorní MěstoHORNÍ MĚSTO tourist attractions+1 attraction Horní Město tourist mapSee on the mapHorní Město top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityHORNÍ MĚSTOCzechiaRešov FallsOther categories:WaterfallsHorní Město Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityDOLNÍ MORAVACzechiaTrail in the cloudsTOPnr 1 in the cityBOUZOVCzechiaCastle BouzovTOPnr 1 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaZoo OlomoucTOPnr 2 in the cityDOLNÍ MORAVACzechiaBobsled Track U SlonaTOPnr 1 in the cityLITOMYŠLCzechiaCastle in LitomyšlTOPnr 2 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaAstronomical Clocknr 1 in the cityHRADEC NAD MORAVICÍCzechiaHradec nad Moravicí Castlenr 1 in the cityPLUMLOVCzechiaPlumlov Castlenr 1 in the cityVÁPENNÁCzechiaNa Pomezi Cavenr 1 in the cityBARTOŠOVICE V ORLICKÝCH HORÁCHCzechiaChurch of the Assumption of the Virgin Marynr 1 in the cityLIPOVÁ-LÁZNĚCzechiaForest Barnr 3 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaCathedral of St. Vaclav Olomoucnr 1 in the cityZŁOTY STOKPolandGold Minenr 4 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaUpper Squarenr 5 in the cityOLOMOUCCzechiaScience Fortnr 1 in the cityMIĘDZYGÓRZEPolandWilczki Waterfallnr 1 in the cityKLETNOPolandNiedźwiedzia Cavenr 1 in the cityZLATÉ HORYCzechiaZlatokopecky Open-air Museumnr 1 in the cityVELKÉ LOSINYCzechiaVelke Losiny Castlenr 1 in the cityJAVORNÍKCzechiaJansky Vrch Castle