Most popular rock formations Most popular rock formations Rock formations mapSee on the map+KALAMPAKAGreeceMeteora+BUSHMILLSUnited KingdomGiant's Causeway+CASCAISPortugalBoca do Inferno+ODDANorwayTrolltunga+YAIZASpainLos Hervideros+BIARRITZFranceRocher de la Vierge+MAZARRÓNSpainGredas de Bolnuevo+RUSTRELFranceThe Provence Colorado+CANCALEFrancePointe du Grouin+CUENCASpainThe Enchanted City+ÉTRETATFranceFalaise d'Aval+TORTOLÌItalyRed Rocks Beach+MOROENIRomaniaRock formations Sphinx+ILLE-SUR-TÊTFranceLes Orgues d'Ille-sur-Tet+ALMUÑÉCARSpainRocks of San Cristobal+SEGONZANOItalyPyramids of Segonzano Trento+KORITHIGreeceBlue Caves+CASTHEDDU/CASTELSARDOItalyRock of the Elephant+STOMOPLOBulgariaBeglik Tash Sanctuary+KUDOWA-ZDRÓJPolandErrant Rocks+SAINT-PALAIS-SUR-MERFranceLe Pont Du Diable+PARACASPeruParacas National Reserve, La Cattedrale+LLANESSpainCuevas del Mar+THINGEYRARIcelandHvítserkur Rock+WAREHAMUnited KingdomDurdle Door+BRASOVRomaniaSolomon's Rock Formations+SAINT-HILAIRE-DE-RIEZFranceDevil Hole+VÍK Í MÝRDALIcelandDyrhólaey+PALAUItalyRock of the Bear+LLANESSpainJesters of ArenillasRanking - rock formations BoliviaShow all+number 1 in the cityJUNTACHABoliviaÁrbol de PiedraRanking - rock formations BulgariaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the citySTOMOPLOBulgariaBeglik Tash Sanctuary+number 1 in the citySVOGEBulgariaLakatnik Rocks+number 2 in the cityPROVADIABulgariaWonderful Rocks+number 1 in the cityLILACZEBulgariaGod's Bridge+number 1 in the cityEFREMBulgariaDeaf Stones+number 4 in the cityDEVINBulgariaDevil's Bridge+number 5 in the cityVELINGRADBulgariaPashovi skali+number 2 in the cityAYTOSBulgariaThree Brothers rock formation+number 1 in the cityVELIKI PRESLAVBulgariaKhan Krum Rock Monastery+number 1 in the citySTRELCHABulgariaSkumsale megalithic complexRanking - rock formations CroatiaShow all+number 2 in the cityBRELACroatiaBrela StoneRanking - rock formations CzechiaShow all+number 1 in the cityPOTŮČKYCzechiaWolf Pit+number 3 in the cityJETŘICHOVICECzechiaDwarven rocks+number 1 in the cityMARTÍNKOVICECzechiaStone gate+number 3 in the cityKOŘENOVCzechiaPytlacke Stones+number 1 in the cityDOUPOVSKÉ HRADIŠTĚCzechiaGoblin Rocks+number 9 in the cityÚSTÍ NAD LABEMCzechiaVrkoč+number 8 in the cityADRŠPACHCzechiaMouse HoleRanking - rock formations DenmarkShow all+number 1 in the cityIDESTRUPDenmarkThe Lion's HeadsRanking - rock formations FranceShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityBIARRITZFranceRocher de la Vierge+TOPnumber 1 in the cityRUSTRELFranceThe Provence Colorado+TOPnumber 1 in the cityCANCALEFrancePointe du Grouin+TOPnumber 2 in the cityÉTRETATFranceFalaise d'Aval+number 1 in the cityILLE-SUR-TÊTFranceLes Orgues d'Ille-sur-Tet+number 1 in the citySAINT-PALAIS-SUR-MERFranceLe Pont Du Diable+number 1 in the citySAINT-HILAIRE-DE-RIEZFranceDevil Hole+number 5 in the citySAINT-MALOFranceSculpted Rocks+number 1 in the cityLA ROQUE-SAINTE-MARGUERITEFranceCité de Pierres à Montpellier-le-Vieux+number 2 in the cityL'ÉTANG-SALÉFranceLe Gouffre de l'Étang-SaléRanking - rock formations GermanyShow all+number 1 in the cityLANDAU AN DER ISARGermanyWachsender Felsen+number 1 in the cityOBERGÜNZBURGGermanyTeufelsküche+number 2 in the cityVIECHTACHGermanyGroßer Pfahl+number 1 in the cityRATHENGermanyGamrig+number 1 in the cityBAD SCHANDAUGermanyMonkey stones+number 4 in the cityFURTWANGEN IM SCHWARZWALDGermanyGünterfelsen+number 2 in the cityRATHENGermanyValley guardianRanking - rock formations GreeceShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKALAMPAKAGreeceMeteora+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKORITHIGreeceBlue Caves+number 1 in the cityARTEMISIAGreeceΚορακονήσι+number 2 in the cityKENTRIKO ZAGORIGreeceΠέτρινο Δάσος+number 2 in the cityGAIOSGreeceΑψίδα Τρυπητός+number 1 in the cityVOIAGreecePetrified Forest+number 1 in the cityLAMPIGreeceSleeping Dragon rock formationRanking - rock formations IcelandShow all+number 1 in the cityTHINGEYRARIcelandHvítserkur Rock+number 1 in the cityVÍK Í MÝRDALIcelandDyrhólaey+number 1 in the cityÞJÓÐVEGURIcelandDwarf Rocks+number 4 in the cityMÝRDALSHREPPURIcelandReynisdrangar rocks+number 5 in the cityMÝRDALSHREPPURIcelandRock columns ReynisfjaraRanking - rock formations IrelandShow all+number 1 in the cityBUNDORANIrelandFairy Bridges+number 1 in the cityBALLYHILLINIrelandHell's Hole+number 1 in the cityGLENADEIrelandEagle's RockRanking - rock formations ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityTORTOLÌItalyRed Rocks Beach+number 1 in the citySEGONZANOItalyPyramids of Segonzano Trento+number 1 in the cityCASTHEDDU/CASTELSARDOItalyRock of the Elephant+number 1 in the cityPALAUItalyRock of the Bear+number 8 in the cityFAVIGNANAItalyScalo Cavallo+number 6 in the cityARZACHENAItalyRock The Mushroom+number 3 in the citySAN NICOLA ARCELLAItalyArco Magno+number 3 in the cityRITTEN - RENONItalyThe Earth Pyramids of Soprabolzano+number 9 in the cityLIPARIItalyValley of the Monsters+number 6 in the cityCARLOFORTEItalyThe Columns of CarloforteRanking - rock formations LatviaShow all+number 1 in the cityVAIDAVALatviaSietiniezis Rock Formation+number 1 in the cityKĀRĻILatviaZvārte Rock+number 1 in the citySKUĶĪŠILatviaAnfabrika Cliffs+number 21 in the cityZYGWOLDLatviaRaganu katls+number 3 in the cityIERIĶILatviaDzilnas Rock+number 1 in the cityVIDAGALatviaVizlas large boulderRanking - rock formations LuxembourgShow all+number 3 in the cityBERDORFLuxembourgPerekop+number 1 in the cityCONSDORFLuxembourgKuelscheier Rock FormationRanking - rock formations MaltaShow all+number 1 in the cityGHASRIMaltaWied il-Mielah Window+number 6 in the citySAN LAWRENZMaltaFungus RockRanking - rock formations NorwayShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityODDANorwayTrolltunga+number 1 in the cityHAUGE I DALANENorwayBrufjellhålene+number 1 in the cityEGERSUNDNorwayTrollpikken Rock FormationRanking - rock formations PeruShow all+number 3 in the cityPARACASPeruParacas National Reserve, La CattedraleRanking - rock formations PolandShow all+TOPnumber 2 in the cityKUDOWA-ZDRÓJPolandErrant Rocks+number 3 in the citySZKLARSKA PORĘBAPolandKrucze Skały+number 4 in the citySZKLARSKA PORĘBAPolandChybotek+number 10 in the citySZKLARSKA PORĘBAPolandZłoty Widok scenic viewpoint+number 1 in the cityBOROWICEPolandSunflower rock+number 2 in the cityLESKOPolandLesko Stone+number 4 in the citySZCZYTNAPolandMushroom rocks+number 2 in the citySUŁOSZOWAPolandMaczuga Herkulesa+number 14 in the cityKARPACZPolandKrucze Skały+number 12 in the citySZKLARSKA PORĘBAPolandCuckoo RocksRanking - rock formations PortugalShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityCASCAISPortugalBoca do InfernoRanking - rock formations RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityMOROENIRomaniaRock formations Sphinx+number 10 in the cityBRASOVRomaniaSolomon's Rock Formations+number 4 in the cityMOROENIRomaniaBabele+number 5 in the cityBAIA MARERomaniaCock's Comb+number 2 in the cityBORSECRomaniaBear Cave+number 1 in the cityBUȘTENIRomaniaBabele de pe Cocora+number 13 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaSphinx of BanatRanking - rock formations SlovakiaShow all+number 1 in the citySÚĽOV-HRADNÁSlovakiaCastle SúľovRanking - rock formations SpainShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityYAIZASpainLos Hervideros+TOPnumber 1 in the cityMAZARRÓNSpainGredas de Bolnuevo+number 4 in the cityCUENCASpainThe Enchanted City+number 2 in the cityALMUÑÉCARSpainRocks of San Cristobal+number 6 in the cityLLANESSpainCuevas del Mar+number 9 in the cityLLANESSpainJesters of Arenillas+number 3 in the cityVILLAFLORSpainLunar Landscape+number 3 in the citySUANCESSpainThe White Rock+number 2 in the cityMANACORSpainNatural Bridge+number 2 in the citySAN NICOLÁS DEL PUERTOSpainCerro del HierroRanking - rock formations SwedenShow all+number 1 in the cityHERRÄNGSwedenByrums Raukar+number 1 in the cityBURGSVIKSwedenHoburgsgubben+number 1 in the cityFÅRÖSUNDSwedenDigerhuvud+number 4 in the cityMÖLLESwedenJosefinelustRanking - rock formations SwitzerlandShow all+number 1 in the cityLA GRANDE-BÉROCHESwitzerlandCreux du Van+number 1 in the cityPOSCHIAVOSwitzerlandGletschergarten CavagliaRanking - rock formations United KingdomShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBUSHMILLSUnited KingdomGiant's Causeway+number 2 in the cityWAREHAMUnited KingdomDurdle DoorRanking - rock formations UruguayShow all+number 1 in the cityFLORESUruguayPalace CaveOther categories:MegalithsAncient templesGorgesPyramidsBoardwalksGondola liftsStreetsCathedralsPalacesMonumentsLookoutsFunicularsParksGardensMilitary museumsBeachesCastlesWaterfallsLakesCavesAnimalsFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries