Most popular museums of applied arts Most popular museums of applied arts Museums of applied arts mapSee on the map+SANTIAGO DE SURCOPeruGold Museum of Peru+COPENHAGENDenmarkDanish Museum of Art & Design+ROUBAIXFranceLa Piscine Museum+LONDONUnited KingdomV&A Museum of Childhood+BARCELONASpainDesign Museum of Barcelona+NOTTINGHAMUnited KingdomNottingham Castle, Museum & Art Gallery+TRIESTEItalyRevoltella Museum+WEIMARGermanyBauhaus Museum Weimar+MADRIDSpainRoyal Tapestry Manufacture+WINGEN-SUR-MODERFranceLalique Museum+ZAGREBCroatiaMuseum of Arts and Crafts+ALBACETESpainMunicipal Museum of Cutlery+BARCELONASpainMuseum of Catalan Modernism+HARRACHOVCzechiaMuzeum skla+VILANOVA I LA GELTRÚSpainMasia d'en Cabanyes+BERLINGermanyBröhan Museum+CASTHEDDU/CASTELSARDOItalyMediterranean Basketry Museum+LĪVĀNILatviaLīvāni Glass Museum+THIERSFranceCutlery Museum+MÁLAGASpainMuseum of Popular Arts and Customs+LAUSANNESwitzerlandPlateforme 10+GÄVLESwedenGävleborg County Museum+ÅKERSBERGASwedenWira Bruk+GÖTEBORGSwedenRöhsska Museum+TALLINNEstoniaMuseum of Applied Art and Design+ALCORCÓNSpainMunicipal Museum of Glass Art Mava+BELOSLAVBulgariaMuseum of Glass+COLONIA DEL SACRAMENTOUruguayTile Museum+VENDEUVREFranceMiniature Furniture Museum+BELGRADESerbiaMuseum of Applied ArtsRanking - museums of applied arts BelgiumShow all+number 13 in the cityMONSBelgiumFrançois Duesberg Museum+number 21 in the cityLIÈGEBelgiumAnsembourg Museum+number 51 in the cityBRUGESBelgiumGruuthuse MuseumRanking - museums of applied arts BulgariaShow all+number 1 in the cityBELOSLAVBulgariaMuseum of Glass+number 10 in the cityVELIKO TARNOVOBulgariaNational Revival and Constituent Assembly Museum+number 3 in the cityKOTELBulgariaGalatan SchoolRanking - museums of applied arts CroatiaShow all+number 24 in the cityZAGREBCroatiaMuseum of Arts and CraftsRanking - museums of applied arts CyprusShow all+number 9 in the cityNICOSIA (GREEK)CyprusByzantine MuseumRanking - museums of applied arts CzechiaShow all+number 2 in the cityHARRACHOVCzechiaMuzeum sklaRanking - museums of applied arts DenmarkShow all+TOPnumber 12 in the cityCOPENHAGENDenmarkDanish Museum of Art & DesignRanking - museums of applied arts EstoniaShow all+number 68 in the cityTALLINNEstoniaMuseum of Applied Art and DesignRanking - museums of applied arts FranceShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityROUBAIXFranceLa Piscine Museum+number 1 in the cityWINGEN-SUR-MODERFranceLalique Museum+number 1 in the cityTHIERSFranceCutlery Museum+number 2 in the cityVENDEUVREFranceMiniature Furniture Museum+number 9 in the cityMULHOUSEFranceMuseum of Printed Textiles+number 1 in the cityBACCARATFranceCrystal MuseumRanking - museums of applied arts GermanyShow all+number 4 in the cityWEIMARGermanyBauhaus Museum Weimar+number 81 in the cityBERLINGermanyBröhan Museum+number 12 in the cityDARMSTADTGermanyKünstlerkolonie Museum+number 14 in the cityDARMSTADTGermanyPalace Museum Darmstadt+number 44 in the cityDÜSSELDORFGermanyGlass Museum Hentrich+number 2 in the cityPÄHLGermanyFischen Copper Museum+number 2 in the cityZWIESELGermanyTheresienthal MuseumRanking - museums of applied arts ItalyShow all+number 10 in the cityTRIESTEItalyRevoltella Museum+number 3 in the cityCASTHEDDU/CASTELSARDOItalyMediterranean Basketry Museum+number 26 in the cityPARMAItalyGlauco Lombardi Museum+number 67 in the cityGENOAItalyWolfsoniana Museum+number 33 in the cityTRIESTEItalyOriental Art Museum+number 46 in the cityPADUAItalyMuseum of Applied and Decorative Arts+number 4 in the cityCOLLE DI VAL D'ELSAItalyCrystal MuseumRanking - museums of applied arts LatviaShow all+number 1 in the cityLĪVĀNILatviaLīvāni Glass MuseumRanking - museums of applied arts NorwayShow all+number 3 in the cityDRAMMENNorwayDrammens Museum+number 1 in the cityHOKKSUNDNorwayNøstetangen Norwegian Glass Museum+number 1 in the cityVINJENorwayLocal History MuseumRanking - museums of applied arts PeruShow all+number 1 in the citySANTIAGO DE SURCOPeruGold Museum of PeruRanking - museums of applied arts RomaniaShow all+number 97 in the cityBUCHARESTRomaniaMuseum of Romanian RecordsRanking - museums of applied arts SerbiaShow all+number 52 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaMuseum of Applied ArtsRanking - museums of applied arts SpainShow all+number 90 in the cityBARCELONASpainDesign Museum of Barcelona+number 94 in the cityMADRIDSpainRoyal Tapestry Manufacture+number 3 in the cityALBACETESpainMunicipal Museum of Cutlery+number 173 in the cityBARCELONASpainMuseum of Catalan Modernism+number 7 in the cityVILANOVA I LA GELTRÚSpainMasia d'en Cabanyes+number 35 in the cityMÁLAGASpainMuseum of Popular Arts and Customs+number 1 in the cityALCORCÓNSpainMunicipal Museum of Glass Art MavaRanking - museums of applied arts SwedenShow all+number 2 in the cityGÄVLESwedenGävleborg County Museum+number 1 in the cityÅKERSBERGASwedenWira Bruk+number 22 in the cityGÖTEBORGSwedenRöhsska Museum+number 1 in the citySURTESwedenThe Museum of GlassworksRanking - museums of applied arts SwitzerlandShow all+number 11 in the cityLAUSANNESwitzerlandPlateforme 10+number 17 in the cityLAUSANNESwitzerlandMudac+number 6 in the cityWINTERTHURSwitzerlandWinterthur Gewerbe MuseumRanking - museums of applied arts United KingdomShow all+number 80 in the cityLONDONUnited KingdomV&A Museum of Childhood+number 2 in the cityNOTTINGHAMUnited KingdomNottingham Castle, Museum & Art GalleryRanking - museums of applied arts UruguayShow all+number 9 in the cityCOLONIA DEL SACRAMENTOUruguayTile MuseumOther categories:Gondola liftsPyramidsMegalithsAncient templesAnimalsBoardwalksLookoutsParksMilitary museumsGorgesGardensBeachesWaterfallsLakesCavesStreetsCathedralsFunicularsPalacesMonumentsCastlesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries