Do you have photos of this attraction?Add the first photo and get an additional 2 points Latvia Latgale Līvāni Līvāni Glass Museum See attractions in LīvāniSee attractions in Līvāninumber 1 in the cityLĪVĀNILatviaLīvāni Glass MuseumLocal name: Līvānu Stikla un amatniecības centrsLessAttractions insideFacilitiesIt may be closed due to COVID-19Līvāni Glass Museum mapSEE ON THE MAP awaySee the distance and estimated time of arrivalDomes iela 15316 Līvāni , LatviaWebsiteTags: Museums of applied arts in the world Līvāni Glass Museum popular in the area(distance from the attraction)nr 1 in the cityKRISTAKRŪGSLatviaTeiči Nature Reservenr 1 in the cityGĀRSENELatviaGārsene Castlenr 1 in the cityJAKUBOWOLatviaKrustpils Castlenr 2 in the cityKRISTAKRŪGSLatviaObservation Towernr 1 in the cityNĪCGALELatviaNīcgale Great Stone