LatviaLatgaleLīvāniLĪVĀNI tourist attractions+1 attraction Līvāni tourist mapSee on the mapLīvāni top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityLĪVĀNILatviaLīvāni Glass MuseumOther categories:MuseumsLīvāni Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityKOKNESELatviaKoknese Castle RuinsTOPnr 1 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaDaugavpils Fortressnr 1 in the citySTELMUŽĖLithuaniaStelmužė Oaknr 1 in the cityROKIŠKISLithuaniaRokiškis Manornr 1 in the cityALKSNIAILithuaniaIlzenberg Manornr 1 in the cityBARŠĖNŲLithuaniaLake Sartai Observation Towernr 2 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaVienības Squarenr 2 in the cityROKIŠKISLithuaniaRegional Museumnr 3 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaDubrovina Parknr 1 in the cityKRISTAKRŪGSLatviaTeiči Nature Reservenr 4 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaŠmakovkas Museumnr 3 in the cityROKIŠKISLithuaniaChurch of St. Matthewnr 1 in the cityJAUNKALSNAVALatviaKalsnava Arboretumnr 1 in the cityGĀRSENELatviaGārsene Castlenr 1 in the cityJAKUBOWOLatviaKrustpils Castlenr 1 in the cityNAUJENELatviaVasargelišķi Lookout Towernr 5 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaHistory and Art Museumnr 6 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaCentral Parknr 2 in the cityKRISTAKRŪGSLatviaObservation Towernr 1 in the cityTEIRUMNĪKILatviaTeirumniki walking trail