LatviaLatgaleLATGALE tourist attractions+37 attractions Latgale tourist mapSee on the mapLatgale most popular citiesSee all cities+Dyneburg+7attractions +Ludza+5attractions +Lipuški+1attraction +Rzeżyca+4attractions +Krasław+4attractions +Lūznava+1attraction +Līvāni+1attraction +Naujene+1attraction +Butiški+1attraction +Teirumnīki+1attraction Latgale the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 1 in the cityLĪVĀNILatviaLīvāni Glass Museumnumber 4 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaŠmakovkas Museumnumber 5 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaHistory and Art Museumnumber 1 in the cityBALVILatviaRegional History Museumnumber 1 in the citySLUTIŠĶILatviaSlutišķi Village and Believers’ Rural Courtyardnumber 3 in the cityLUDZALatviaLocal History Museumnumber 1 in the cityANDRUPENES PAGASTSLatviaMuseum Farmstead of Andrupenenumber 4 in the cityKRASŁAWLatviaHistory and Art Museumnumber 2 in the cityVIĻĀNILatviaLocal History MuseumChurchesShow allnumber 2 in the cityRZEŻYCALatviaCathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesusnumber 1 in the cityVIĻAKALatviaChurch of the Sacred Heart of Jesusnumber 1 in the cityVIĻĀNILatviaSt. Archangel Michael Churchnumber 7 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaSt. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Chapelnumber 4 in the cityRZEŻYCALatviaSt. Nicholas Orthodox Churchnumber 4 in the cityLUDZALatviaChurch of the Assumption of the Blessed Virginnumber 5 in the cityLUDZALatviaChurch of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryParksShow allnumber 3 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaDubrovina Parknumber 2 in the cityLUDZALatviaCity Parknumber 6 in the cityDYNEBURGLatviaCentral Parknumber 1 in the cityMALNAVALatviaManor ParkLookoutsShow allnumber 1 in the cityNAUJENELatviaVasargelišķi Lookout Towernumber 2 in the cityKRASŁAWLatviaPriedaine Observation Towernumber 1 in the cityNŪMIERŅALatviaNūmierņa Lookout TowerOther categories:MonumentsPublic squaresFortressesPalacesCathedrals