LatviaLatgaleTeirumnīkiTEIRUMNĪKI tourist attractions+1 attraction Teirumnīki tourist mapSee on the mapTeirumnīki top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityTEIRUMNĪKILatviaTeirumniki walking trailTeirumnīki Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityLIPUŠKILatviaRāzna National Parknr 1 in the cityRZEŻYCALatviaRezekne Castle Hillnr 1 in the cityCESVAINELatviaCesvaine Castlenr 1 in the cityLUDZALatviaLudza Castle Ruinsnr 1 in the cityLŪZNAVALatviaLuznava Manor Housenr 1 in the cityKRISTAKRŪGSLatviaTeiči Nature Reservenr 1 in the cityLĪVĀNILatviaLīvāni Glass Museumnr 1 in the cityVECSTĀMERIENALatviaStāmeriena Castlenr 1 in the cityJAUNKALSNAVALatviaKalsnava Arboretumnr 2 in the cityLUDZALatviaCity Parknr 2 in the cityKRISTAKRŪGSLatviaObservation Towernr 1 in the cityBALVILatviaRegional History Museumnr 2 in the cityCESVAINELatviaCesvaine Museumnr 2 in the cityRZEŻYCALatviaCathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesusnr 3 in the cityLUDZALatviaLocal History Museumnr 1 in the cityGULBENELatviaGulbene Museumnr 3 in the cityCESVAINELatviaCesvaine Manor Park+2attractions inside nr 1 in the cityANDRUPENES PAGASTSLatviaMuseum Farmstead of Andrupenenr 1 in the cityNŪMIERŅALatviaNūmierņa Lookout Towernr 2 in the cityVECSTĀMERIENALatviaSt. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Church