BulgariaSofia ProvinceРибарицаРИБАРИЦА tourist attractions+2 attractions Рибарица tourist mapSee on the mapРибарица top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityРИБАРИЦАBulgariaVarovitets Waterfallnr 2 in the cityРИБАРИЦАBulgariaEtropole MonasteryOther categories:MonasteriesChurchesWaterfallsРибарица Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the citySOFIABulgariaSt. Alexander Nevsky CathedralTOPnr 2 in the citySOFIABulgariaOrthodox church of St. GeorgeTOPnr 4 in the citySOFIABulgariaVitosha BoulevardTOPnr 1 in the cityORESHAKBulgariaTrojan MonasteryTOPnr 5 in the citySOFIABulgariaSt. Sophia ChurchTOPnr 6 in the citySOFIABulgariaBridge of the EaglesTOPnr 7 in the citySOFIABulgariaCentral Sofia Market HallTOPnr 8 in the citySOFIABulgariaBulgarian Archeological MuseumTOPnr 9 in the citySOFIABulgariaIvan Vazov National TheatreTOPnr 10 in the citySOFIABulgariaRoyal Palace - National Art GalleryTOPnr 11 in the citySOFIABulgariaNational Palace of CultureTOPnr 12 in the citySOFIABulgariaSveta Nedelya ChurchTOPnr 1 in the cityVRATSABulgariaVrachanski Balkan Nature ParkTOPnr 14 in the citySOFIABulgariaBanja Bassi MosqueTOPnr 15 in the citySOFIABulgariaCity GardenTOPnr 16 in the citySOFIABulgariaRussian Monument SquareTOPnr 1 in the cityЖИДОВ ДОЛBulgariaCentral Balkans National ParkTOPnr 17 in the citySOFIABulgariaChurch of St. Nicholas the Miracle-MakerTOPnr 18 in the citySOFIABulgariaRegional History MuseumTOPnr 19 in the citySOFIABulgariaSofia Zoo