PIACENZA tourist attractions

+8 attractions

Piacenza is a historic city whose main attraction is the Romanesque cathedral decorated with magnificent Baroque frescoes.

The city was founded by the Romans in the 3rd century BC as one of the centers defending the state borders. After the fall of the empire, Piacenza experienced a decline of several centuries, and was reborn in the 9th century under the rule of the Franks. In 1095, a synod was held here, during which the German Emperor Henry IV was condemned and the beginning of the fight against the Empire was announced.

The city center has retained its historical character with numerous buildings from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. They are centered around Piazza Cavalli, where you can find many restaurants and cafes. The most important monument and attraction of Piacenza, the cathedral of St. Justyna of Padua. Completed in the 13th century, it has Romanesque features, but its interior is covered with baroque frescoes by Camillo Procaccini, Ludovico Carracci and Giovanni Francesco Barbieri.

The centuries-long development of Piacenza was associated with the Farnese family. They cared not only for the economy, but also for the city's culture. The Renaissance Palazzo Farnese now houses museums that showcase the city's development from ancient times to the unification of Italy in the 19th century. There is also a preserved court chapel with decorations from the 16th and 17th centuries.

PiacenzaPopular in the area

(distance from city center)