Italy    Emilia-Romagna    Parma    Parma Cathedral
number 1 in the city

Parma Cathedral

Local name: Cattedrale di Parma

The cathedral was built at the turn of the 11th and 12th century. It is a Romanesque three-nave basilica with a transpet and dome over the intersection of naves. Adjacent to the facade is a soaring, Gothic tower from the 13th century. The interior of the church is covered with frescoes, the oldest of which from the 13th century have survived only in the frames.

At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries, several Italian artists created the largest group of paintings, and among them the masterpiece of the dome decorating the interior of the dome is the illusionist scene of the Assumption by Antonio da Correggio.


Attractions inside

    Parma Cathedral map
    Piazza Duomo 743121 Parma , Italy