PolandŁódź ProvinceSulejówSULEJÓW tourist attractions+1 attraction Sulejów tourist mapSee on the mapSulejów top attractions Show allnr 1 in the citySULEJÓWPolandChurch of Virgin Mary and St. Thomas of CanterburyOther categories:ChurchesSulejów Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandPiotrkowska StreetTOPnr 2 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandIzrael Poznański Palace - Museum of the City of ŁodzTOPnr 3 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandWhite Factory - Museum of Textiles+1Attraction inside TOPnr 4 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandOFF PiotrkowskaTOPnr 5 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandManufaktura+2attractions inside nr 1 in the cityTOMASZÓW MAZOWIECKIPolandBlue Springsnr 6 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandZoo Łódźnr 7 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandHerbst Palace Museum+2attractions inside nr 8 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandŁódź Palm Housenr 1 in the cityROGÓWPolandArboretum of Warsaw University of Life Sciences+1Attraction inside nr 9 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandJ. Mowszowicz Botanical Gardennr 10 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandOld Art Gallerynr 2 in the cityTOMASZÓW MAZOWIECKIPolandUnderground tourist route "Groty Nagórzyckie"nr 11 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandKarol Scheibler Palace - Museum of Cinematographynr 12 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandArchcathedral pw. St. Stanisława Kostkanr 1 in the cityINOWŁÓDZPolandRuins of the Inowłódz Castlenr 13 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandHerbst Palace Gardennr 2 in the cityINOWŁÓDZPoland“Bunker in Konewka” tourist routenr 14 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandMS2 Museum of Artnr 15 in the cityŁÓDŹPolandRosa's Passage