NetherlandsNetherlands (Europe)North HollandTexelTEXEL tourist attractions+2 attractions Texel tourist mapSee on the mapTexel top attractions Show allTOPnr 1 in the cityTEXELNetherlandsNational Park Dunes of Texelnr 2 in the cityTEXELNetherlandsLighthouse TexelTexel Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityENKHUIZENNetherlandsZuiderzee Museumnr 2 in the cityENKHUIZENNetherlandsFairytale wonderlandnr 1 in the cityLEEUWARDENNetherlandsFries Museumnr 1 in the cityHOLLANDS KROONNetherlandsZoo Hoenderdaellnr 2 in the cityLEEUWARDENNetherlandsOldehovenr 1 in the cityHARLINGENNetherlandsRederij Doeksennr 1 in the cityBERGENNetherlandsBeach Hargennr 1 in the cityDEN HELDERNetherlandsDutch Navy Museumnr 1 in the cityDE FRYSKE MARRENNetherlandsD.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Stationnr 2 in the cityDEN HELDERNetherlandsFort Kijkduinnr 1 in the cityLANGEDIJKNetherlandsMuseum Broeker Veilingnr 2 in the cityBERGENNetherlandsSea Aquarium Bergen aan Zeenr 1 in the cityALKMAARNetherlandsBig Alkmaar Churchnr 1 in the cityHOORNNetherlandsMuseum SteamTram Hoorn-Medembliknr 2 in the cityHOORNNetherlandsMuseum of the 20th Centurynr 1 in the cityTERSCHELLINGNetherlandsWadden Seanr 1 in the cityMEDEMBLIKNetherlandsCastle Radboudnr 1 in the cityAMELANDNetherlandsLighthouse Amelandnr 3 in the cityLEEUWARDENNetherlandsFryslân Natural History Museumnr 4 in the cityLEEUWARDENNetherlandsCeramics Museum Princessehof