Museum Broeker Veiling
Local name: Museum Broeker Veiling
The Broeker Veiling Museum is an unusual place whose main attraction is the extensive auction house. It was the first place of this type in the Netherlands - farmers came here with goods by boat, and buyers bid on products. You can visit the huge interior, exhibitions devoted to farm animals, the Empire of a Thousand Islands and agricultural products specific to this country. You can also take part in the auction in which the winning bid receives a sack of apples. The ticket price also includes a boat ride.
The wooden auction building was built in 1912. He stands on stilts driven into the water, thanks to which gardeners could swim through the auction room with barges loaded with vegetables. In 1973, the auctions were discontinued. Currently, they only take place as part of the Broeker Veiling tour. You can find out, for example, how the auction clock works, what the referee does, and what fruits and vegetables are available in the season.
Attractions inside