Breitnau is a mountain tourist destination in the Höllental Valley in the Black Forest. It is picturesquely situated among the mountains and rocky gorges and is a good base for hiking in the area.
From the Middle Ages, a trade route from Austria to France ran through the Höllental Valley. In 1755, Marie Antoinette's wedding procession traveled along it, which is commemorated by a painting on the wall of the historic Hofgute Sternen inn. In the 19th century, a railway line was built here, which is still a great attraction of Breitnau today.
The town does not form a compact development, but consists of many hamlets and individual farms scattered on the slopes of the mountain. Some of them have retained their original appearance, characteristic of the Black Forest, with sloping roofs reaching almost to the ground, which made it easier to get rid of the snow.
The main attraction of the Breintnau area are mountain terrains with numerous hiking trails. The Piketfelsen rocks are a popular viewpoint and excursion destination. In turn, the narrowing of the Höllental valley in a place called Hirschsprung, or Jeleni Skok, is related to the legend of a deer that was supposed to jump over this place to escape from hunters.