Basel Cathedral
Local name: Basler Münster
Basler Münster in Basel is a cathedral built of red sandstone in the period from the 11th to the 16th century. Its facade combines two styles - Romanesque and Gothic. The most characteristic element are two high towers - St. George and Saint. Marcin's topped with glazed tiles. In the cathedral you can admire the oldest portal sculpture in Switzerland - the Gallus portal.
Statues of saints George and Marcin were placed on the facade under the towers. The south tower has a large clock. Initially, the cathedral had 5 towers, but they were destroyed during the earthquake in the fourteenth century.
The sculptures decorating the facade of the building are mostly copies. The originals are kept at the Museum Kleines Kingental. The museum exhibition also includes historic elements of the interior of the cathedral, such as grave sculptures and decorative stalls.
Attractions inside