SlovakiaKošice RegionSlanecSLANEC tourist attractions+1 attraction Slanec tourist mapSee on the mapSlanec top attractions Show allnr 1 in the citySLANECSlovakiaCastle SlanecOther categories:CastlesSlanec Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaSt. Elisabeth Cathedral+1Attraction inside TOPnr 2 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaKošice Zoonr 3 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaSinging Fountainnr 1 in the cityKALUŽASlovakiaThermalpark Siravanr 4 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaState Theater Košicenr 1 in the cityPREŠOVSlovakiaNeptune's Fountainnr 5 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaJakab's palacenr 2 in the cityPREŠOVSlovakiaJonáš Záborský Theaternr 6 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaJahodná ski resortnr 3 in the cityPREŠOVSlovakiaSt. Nicholas Cathedralnr 1 in the cityJASOVSlovakiaJasovská Cavenr 1 in the cityVEĽKÝ ŠARIŠSlovakiaŠariš Castlenr 1 in the cityVINNÉSlovakiaVinné Castlenr 7 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaChurch of the Most Holy Trinitynr 1 in the cityTURŇA NAD BODVOUSlovakiaTurna Castlenr 1 in the cityKRÁSNOHORSKÉ PODHRADIESlovakiaCastle Krásna Hôrkanr 1 in the cityBREKOVSlovakiaCastle Brekovnr 8 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaKošice Castlenr 1 in the cityJASENOVSlovakiaJasenov Castlenr 9 in the cityKOŠICESlovakiaChapel of St. Michael