SlovakiaBanská Bystrica RegionModrý KameňMODRÝ KAMEŇ tourist attractions+1 attraction Modrý Kameň tourist mapSee on the mapModrý Kameň top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityMODRÝ KAMEŇSlovakiaModrý Kameň CastleOther categories:CastlesModrý Kameň Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityBÍŇASlovakiaParish Church in Bíňanr 1 in the cityBANSKÁ BYSTRICASlovakiaSlovak National Uprising Squarenr 1 in the cityZVOLENSlovakiaZvolen Castlenr 1 in the cityČIERNY BALOGSlovakiaČiernohronská Forest Railwaynr 1 in the cityHOLLÓKŐHungaryHollókő Castlenr 2 in the cityBANSKÁ BYSTRICASlovakiaSNP Museumnr 1 in the cityBANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICASlovakiaCalvary Banská Štiavnicanr 2 in the cityBANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICASlovakiaOld castlenr 1 in the cityLUČENECSlovakiaGalician castle hotelnr 1 in the cityLEVICESlovakiaLevice Castlenr 1 in the citySLOVENSKÁ ĽUPČASlovakiaSlovenská Ľupča Castlenr 3 in the cityBANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICASlovakiaMining Museumnr 1 in the cityŠIATORSKÁ BUKOVINKASlovakiaŠomoška Castlenr 2 in the cityZVOLENSlovakiaAbandoned Castlenr 1 in the cityVÍGĽAŠSlovakiaVíglas Castlenr 1 in the cityHODRUŠA-HÁMRESlovakiaSalamandra ski resortnr 1 in the cityFIĽAKOVOSlovakiaFiľakovo Castlenr 1 in the cityŽARNOVICASlovakiaRevište Castlenr 1 in the cityDIVÍNSlovakiaDivín Castlenr 1 in the cityKREMNICASlovakiaTown Castle Kremnica