MontenegroKotor MunicipalityKOTOR MUNICIPALITY tourist attractions+39 attractions Kotor municipality tourist mapSee on the mapKotor municipality most popular citiesSee all cities+Kotor+23attractions +Perast+8attractions +Dobrota+3attractions +Risan+4attractions +Prčanj+1attraction Kotor municipality the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allTOPnumber 5 in the cityKOTORMontenegroSt. Tryphon's Cathedral+1Attraction inside number 1 in the cityPERASTMontenegroOur Lady of the Rocksnumber 3 in the cityPERASTMontenegroSt. Nicholas Church+1Attraction inside number 9 in the cityKOTORMontenegroSt. Luke's Orthodox Churchnumber 14 in the cityKOTORMontenegroChurch of St. Nicholasnumber 15 in the cityKOTORMontenegroChurch of Our Lady of Remedynumber 16 in the cityKOTORMontenegroSt Mary's Collegiate Churchnumber 2 in the cityDOBROTAMontenegroChurch of St. Eustachiusnumber 19 in the cityKOTORMontenegroSt. Michael Orthodox Churchnumber 3 in the cityDOBROTAMontenegroSt. Matthew's ChurchMuseumsShow allnumber 7 in the cityKOTORMontenegroKotor Cat Museumnumber 11 in the cityKOTORMontenegroKotor Maritime Museumnumber 12 in the cityKOTORMontenegroCathedral Museumnumber 1 in the cityRISANMontenegroRoman mosaicsnumber 5 in the cityPERASTMontenegroPerast City Museumnumber 20 in the cityKOTORMontenegroSaint Paul's ChurchLookoutsShow allnumber 2 in the cityRISANMontenegroBanja Monasterynumber 4 in the cityRISANMontenegroLookout Sopotnumber 23 in the cityKOTORMontenegroPeakFortressesShow allTOPnumber 2 in the cityKOTORMontenegroKampana TowerTOPnumber 4 in the cityKOTORMontenegroCastle of St. Johnnumber 10 in the cityKOTORMontenegroFort GorazdaMonasteriesShow allnumber 4 in the cityPERASTMontenegroIsland of Saint Georgenumber 2 in the cityRISANMontenegroBanja MonasteryOther categories:BeachesBoardwalksCathedrals