Pest is the most developed of the Hungarian counties. It is located in the northern part of the country and surrounds the capital Budapest. In its western part there is the picturesque Danube Bend with beautiful towns and castles, and in the eastern part you can see some interesting noble residences.
In the west of Pest lies the Danube Bend, often visited by tourists. The river breaks through the hills of the Hungarian Highland. On one of them stands the Vysehrad Castle, the former seat of the Hungarian kings. Its walls offer a magnificent view of the Danube Valley. A little further towards Budapest lies the town of Szentendre known not only for its charming buildings, but also for the production of marzipan and the country's largest Marzipan Museum. An interesting place in this area are also the ruins of the medieval abbey from Zsembek.
The eastern part of the region abounds with magnate mansions from the period from the 17th to the 19th century. in Pomaz, Fot, Törökbálint and Gödöllő.