BelgiumWalloon RegionHouyetHOUYET tourist attractions+1 attraction Houyet tourist mapSee on the mapHouyet top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityHOUYETBelgiumCastle of VêvesOther categories:CastlesHouyet Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityDINANTBelgiumCitadel of DinantTOPnr 1 in the cityCHARLEVILLE-MÉZIÈRESFrancePlace DucaleTOPnr 1 in the cityBOURG-FIDÈLEFranceRegional Natural Park of the Ardennesnr 1 in the citySEDANFranceSedan CastleTOPnr 1 in the cityBASTOGNEBelgiumBastogne War MuseumTOPnr 1 in the cityBOUILLONBelgiumCastle of Bouillonnr 4 in the cityLIÈGEBelgiumSt. Paul's Cathedral Liègenr 1 in the cityHOTTONBelgiumHotton Cavesnr 5 in the cityLIÈGEBelgiumAquarium-Museum of Liègenr 2 in the cityDINANTBelgiumDinant Evasion - Lesse Kayaksnr 1 in the cityDURBUYBelgiumThe Labyrinth of Barvaux-sur-Ourthenr 8 in the cityLIÈGEBelgiumThe City Mirrornr 1 in the cityLA GRANDVILLEFranceAnimal Park of Charleville-Mézièresnr 9 in the cityLIÈGEBelgiumThe Boverie Liegenr 10 in the cityLIÈGEBelgiumBotanical Gardennr 2 in the cityBOUILLONBelgiumAnimal Park of Bouillonnr 2 in the cityBASTOGNEBelgiumMuseum of the Barracksnr 3 in the cityDINANTBelgiumHouse Leffenr 1 in the cityGIVETFranceCitadel of Givetnr 2 in the cityCHARLEVILLE-MÉZIÈRESFranceArthur Rimbaud Museum