Most popular mini zoo Most popular mini zoo Mini zoo mapSee on the map+PSZCZYNAPolandEuropean bison farm+BIAŁOWIEŻAPolandEuropean bison reserve+SĂLICEARomania"Moara de Vânt" Leisure Park+SALVANSwitzerlandMarécottes zoo and swimming pool+MUCZNEPolandEuropean bison farm+ANTIBESFranceKid's Island+YVRÉ-L'ÉVÊQUEFranceMaison de la Prairie+MALLOWIrelandDonkey Sanctuary+CONSTANTARomaniaMicroreserve+INWAŁDPolandMini Zoo KUCYK+BERLINGermanyWater buffalo farm on the Tegeler River+GOŁUCHÓWPolandAnimal show farm+NIKIELKOWOPolandNikielkowo Mini Zoo+JANTARPolandMini ZOO in Jantar+AMSTERDAMNetherlandsCenter for cats+WOLISKOPolandEuropean bison farm+DEN HELDERNetherlandsThe Hero Valley+ST. PÖLTENAustriaHammer Park+BERLINGermanyAviary on the Peacock Island+VICTORIASeychellesGiant Tortoise enclosure+WARSAWPolandSquirrels+PRASLINSeychellesBig turtles enclosure+CURIEUSESeychellesTurtle sanctuaryRanking - mini zoo AustriaShow all+number 2 in the cityST. PÖLTENAustriaHammer ParkRanking - mini zoo FranceShow all+number 12 in the cityANTIBESFranceKid's Island+number 3 in the cityYVRÉ-L'ÉVÊQUEFranceMaison de la PrairieRanking - mini zoo GermanyShow all+number 89 in the cityBERLINGermanyWater buffalo farm on the Tegeler River+number 156 in the cityBERLINGermanyAviary on the Peacock IslandRanking - mini zoo IrelandShow all+number 1 in the cityMALLOWIrelandDonkey SanctuaryRanking - mini zoo NetherlandsShow all+number 72 in the cityAMSTERDAMNetherlandsCenter for cats+number 3 in the cityDEN HELDERNetherlandsThe Hero ValleyRanking - mini zoo PolandShow all+TOPnumber 3 in the cityPSZCZYNAPolandEuropean bison farm+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBIAŁOWIEŻAPolandEuropean bison reserve+number 1 in the cityMUCZNEPolandEuropean bison farm+number 2 in the cityINWAŁDPolandMini Zoo KUCYK+number 2 in the cityGOŁUCHÓWPolandAnimal show farm+number 1 in the cityNIKIELKOWOPolandNikielkowo Mini Zoo+number 1 in the cityJANTARPolandMini ZOO in Jantar+number 1 in the cityWOLISKOPolandEuropean bison farm+number 235 in the cityWARSAWPolandSquirrelsRanking - mini zoo RomaniaShow all+number 1 in the citySĂLICEARomania"Moara de Vânt" Leisure Park+number 21 in the cityCONSTANTARomaniaMicroreserveRanking - mini zoo SeychellesShow all+number 7 in the cityVICTORIASeychellesGiant Tortoise enclosure+number 3 in the cityPRASLINSeychellesBig turtles enclosure+number 1 in the cityCURIEUSESeychellesTurtle sanctuaryRanking - mini zoo SwitzerlandShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the citySALVANSwitzerlandMarécottes zoo and swimming poolOther categories:Ancient templesPyramidsAnimalsGondola liftsBoardwalksLookoutsParksMilitary museumsGorgesMegalithsGardensBeachesWaterfallsLakesCavesStreetsCathedralsFunicularsPalacesMonumentsCastlesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsMuseumsArt galleriesPublic squaresFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries