GermanyBrandenburgFinsterwaldeFINSTERWALDE tourist attractions+1 attraction Finsterwalde tourist mapSee on the mapFinsterwalde top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityFINSTERWALDEGermanyFinsterwalde CastleOther categories:CastlesFinsterwalde Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityDRESDENGermanyZwinger+3attractions inside TOPnr 1 in the cityHALBEGermanyTropical IslandsTOPnr 2 in the cityDRESDENGermanyChurch of the Virgin Mary+1Attraction inside TOPnr 1 in the cityMORITZBURGGermanyMoritzburg CastleTOPnr 3 in the cityDRESDENGermanySemperoperTOPnr 4 in the cityDRESDENGermanyBig garden+1Attraction inside TOPnr 5 in the cityDRESDENGermanyGreen VaultTOPnr 6 in the cityDRESDENGermanyDresden ZooTOPnr 1 in the cityLÜBBEN (SPREEWALD)GermanySpreewald Biosphere ReserveTOPnr 7 in the cityDRESDENGermanyRoyal Palace+2attractions inside TOPnr 1 in the cityBAUTZENGermanyDinosaur ParkTOPnr 8 in the cityDRESDENGermanyPillnitz Castle+1Attraction inside TOPnr 9 in the cityDRESDENGermanyGerman Hygiene MuseumTOPnr 1 in the cityMEISSENGermanyAlbrecht's CastleTOPnr 10 in the cityDRESDENGermanyOld Masters Picture GalleryTOPnr 11 in the cityDRESDENGermanyMilitary History Museum of the BundeswehrTOPnr 12 in the cityDRESDENGermanyTransport MuseumTOPnr 13 in the cityDRESDENGermanyKunsthof passageTOPnr 14 in the cityDRESDENGermanyPanometer DresdenTOPnr 1 in the cityLÜBBENAU/SPREEWALDGermanySkansen Lehde