LA HAGUE tourist attractions

+2 attractions

La Hague is a town situated on the peninsula of the same name. The traditional Normandy architecture has been preserved here, and the coastal areas around the town are perfect for walks.

The La Hague peninsula is infamous because it is home to nuclear waste recycling plants. However, it does not affect the possibility of recreation on the coast and is distant from it. The vicinity of the town is known for its beautiful rural landscapes, and the entire peninsula has retained its natural character, not damaged by mass tourism.

When visiting La Hague, you can see stone houses mainly from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, although there are also older ones. There is also a museum here - the family home of Jean-François Millet, a French painter who worked in the 19th century.

A big attraction of La Hague are its sandy beaches, which are perfect for long walks, and in summer also for relaxation. Not too high, green shores fall towards the sea, turning into fields and meadows. There are many walking and cycling routes between them, and active recreation is the most popular form of tourism in this place.

La HaguePopular in the area

(distance from city center)