United KingdomEnglandWiltshireWILTSHIRE tourist attractions+8 attractions Wiltshire tourist mapSee on the mapWiltshire most popular citiesSee all cities+Salisbury+3attractions +Avebury+4attractions +Stourton+1attraction Wiltshire the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allTOPnumber 1 in the citySALISBURYUnited KingdomStonehengeTOPnumber 2 in the citySALISBURYUnited KingdomStonehenge Visitor Centrenumber 1 in the cityAVEBURYUnited KingdomAvebury Stone Circlesnumber 3 in the cityAVEBURYUnited KingdomAlexander Keiller MuseumChurchesShow allnumber 3 in the citySALISBURYUnited KingdomSalisbury Cathedralnumber 4 in the cityAVEBURYUnited KingdomSt James' ChurchGardensShow allnumber 1 in the citySTOURTONUnited KingdomStourhead House and Gardennumber 2 in the cityAVEBURYUnited KingdomAvebury Manor & GardenOther categories:CathedralsAncient temples