The Stanisławowski Theater is located in the east wing of the Old Orangery. It is one of the few 18th-century court scenes preserved in Europe. In the building you can admire the original decoration of the audience, royal coats of arms above the stage and medallions with images of playwrights valued by King Stanisław August Poniatowski (Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Molier). Original devices have also been preserved, e.g. a gutter to produce sound effects imitating thunder. The interior is characterized by great acoustics.
The building miraculously survived World War II. The order to demolish the palace did not involve the destruction of the theater building, thanks to which the monument survived. The facility has been open to visitors since 1962.
The Stanisławowski Theater was opened in 1788. It was intended mainly for the king and people around him. In 1788, on the anniversary of the Vienna Relief, a solemn spectacle was held on stage for a larger audience. The auditorium can seat up to 200 people.
Attractions inside