Museum of Wooden Architecture of Siedlce Region
Local name: Muzeum Architektury Drewnianej Regionu Siedleckiego
It is a larch classicist manor. Its interiors represent the character of the Polish nobility and the gallery of paintings. The facility is part of the Open-air Museum of the Wooden Museum and in the surrounding park there are two larches classified as natural monuments.
The building was erected in 1743 on the initiative of the castellan of Liwie Ignacy Cieszewski. In 1787 the king himself visited King Stanislaw August Poniatowski, but in 1843 the object was enriched with a three-ported portico where Cieszkowski's coat was painted. By 1988, the mansion had fallen into ruin, but after a thorough renovation, on the 250th anniversary of its foundation, it was reopened as a museum object.
At one of the friezes in the court is a Latin sentence saying "Under the old roof, but the parent".