ItalyPiemontValenzaVALENZA tourist attractions+1 attraction Valenza tourist mapSee on the mapValenza top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityVALENZAItalyCathedral Of ValenzaOther categories:CathedralsChurchesValenza Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 8 in the cityMILANItalyNational Museum of Science and TechnologyTOPnr 10 in the cityMILANItalyMudecTOPnr 12 in the cityMILANItalyTicinese gateTOPnr 1 in the cityVIGEVANOItalyPiazza Ducalenr 2 in the cityVIGEVANOItalySforzesco Castle+3attractions inside nr 21 in the cityMILANItalyNaviglio Pavese Canalnr 1 in the cityGOVONEItalyRoyal Castle of Govonenr 1 in the cityCERANESIItalySanctuary of the Madonna della Guardianr 1 in the cityPRALORMOItalyPralormo Castlenr 1 in the cityOLEGGIOItalyTicino Valley Natural Parknr 29 in the cityMILANItalySan Siro stadiumnr 1 in the cityALESSANDRIAItalyCitadel of Alexandria+1Attraction inside nr 30 in the cityMILANItalyBasilica of Sant'Eustorgio+1Attraction inside nr 31 in the cityMILANItalyAbbey of Chiaravallenr 1 in the cityACQUI TERMEItalyFountain of the Bollentenr 1 in the cityNOVARAItalyBasilica of San Gaudenzionr 1 in the cityBOBBIOItalyPenice Passnr 1 in the cityCASALE MONFERRATOItalyPaleologi Castlenr 1 in the cityALBAItalyCathedral of San Lorenzonr 2 in the cityNOVARAItalyNovara Cathedral+1Attraction inside