ItalySicilyPalma di MontechiaroPALMA DI MONTECHIARO tourist attractions+2 attractions Palma di Montechiaro tourist mapSee on the mapPalma di Montechiaro top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityPALMA DI MONTECHIAROItalyMontechiaro Castlenr 2 in the cityPALMA DI MONTECHIAROItalyMarina Palma beachOther categories:BeachesPalma di Montechiaro Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyValley of the TemplesTOPnr 1 in the cityPIAZZA ARMERINAItalyRoman Villa of the CasaleTOPnr 1 in the cityREALMONTEItalyStair of the TurksTOPnr 2 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyTemple of Junonr 3 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyTemple of Concordnr 1 in the cityENNAItalyLombardy Castlenr 4 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyBirthplace of Luigi Pirandellonr 1 in the cityFAVARAItalyFarm Cultural Parknr 5 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyTemple of Herculesnr 6 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyCathedral of San Gerlandonr 7 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyRegional Archaeological Museum Pietro Griffonr 2 in the cityENNAItalyCathedral of the Most Holy Mary of the Visitationnr 8 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyKolymbethra Garden+1Attraction inside nr 1 in the cityCATTOLICA ERACLEAItalyEraclea Minoa Beachnr 1 in the citySICULIANAItalyTorre Salsa Nature Reservenr 2 in the cityREALMONTEItalyGiallonardo Beachnr 1 in the cityCALTANISSETTAItalyCathedral of Santa Maria La Novanr 2 in the cityPIAZZA ARMERINAItalyCathedral of Piazza Armerinanr 9 in the cityAGRIGENTOItalyTemple of Castor and Polluxnr 2 in the cityCATTOLICA ERACLEAItalyFoce del Fiume Platani Reserve