Strahov paintings and jewels
Local name: Strahovska obrazarna a klenotnice
The picture gallery and the sacred exhibit at Strahov are housed in a monastery building on the Strahov Strauss. The exhibition of the gallery is divided into sections: Painting and sculpture from 1300 - 1550, paintings by Rudolfin, Flemish painting, Italian painting, Central European painting from the 17th - 19th centuries. The sacral exhibit features liturgical,
The gallery was founded in 1835, currently contains about one and a half thousand paintings. Painting and sculpture from 1300 - 1550 represent, among others. the Madonna of Strahov from 1340 and the altar from Litoměřice, the Rudolfi section is represented by: B. Spranger H. von Aachen, DP de Ravesteyn.
Flemish paintings include such artists as J. Mostaert, G. v. Valckenborch, A. van Dyck, Italian department: L. Cambiaso, S. Ricci, P. Batoni, and Central Europe: JK Loth, KJ Fox, VR Reiner. , FM Purgau, JG Beitler. The sacred exhibit features the work of Czech and European goldsmiths and liturgical vestments.
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