BulgariaPleven ProvinceПлевенПЛЕВЕН tourist attractions+1 attraction Плевен tourist mapSee on the mapПлевен top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityПЛЕВЕНBulgariaArt Center - PlevenOther categories:Art galleriesПлевен Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityORESHAKBulgariaTrojan MonasteryTOPnr 1 in the cityKRUSHUNABulgariaKrushuna WaterfallsTOPnr 1 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaPleven PanoramaTOPnr 1 in the cityLOVECHBulgariaCovered BridgeTOPnr 1 in the cityDEVETAKIBulgariaDevetashka CaveTOPnr 1 in the cityЛОЗЕТОBulgariaSaeva Dupka Cavenr 2 in the cityKRUSHUNABulgariaKrushuna National Parknr 2 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaCity Gardennr 1 in the cityGLOZHENEBulgariaGlozhene Monasterynr 1 in the cityCHERNI OSAMBulgariaMuseum of Natural Historynr 1 in the cityTROYANBulgariaMuseum of Folk Arts and Craftsnr 1 in the cityKAKRINABulgariaKukrinsko Hanche Museumnr 2 in the cityLOVECHBulgariaLovech Zoonr 3 in the cityKRUSHUNABulgariaKrushuna Mineral poolnr 1 in the cityPAVLIKENIBulgariaPavlikeni Zoonr 3 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaKailaka Parknr 2 in the cityORESHAKBulgariaOrshak National Art and Craft Exhibitionnr 4 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaRegional History Museumnr 1 in the cityKNEZHABulgariaGergana Zoonr 1 in the citySVISHTOVBulgariaAleko Konstantinov Museum