BulgariaPleven ProvincePLEVEN PROVINCE tourist attractions+13 attractions Pleven province tourist mapSee on the mapPleven province most popular citiesSee all cities+Pleven+11attractions +Knezha+1attraction +Плевен+1attraction Pleven province the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaPleven Panoramanumber 4 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaRegional History Museumnumber 7 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaTsar Liberator Alexander II Museumnumber 11 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaMuseum of WineChurchesShow allnumber 6 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaSt. Paraskeva Churchnumber 10 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaChapel-Mausoleum of St. George the VictoriousParksShow allnumber 2 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaCity Gardennumber 3 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaKailaka ParkAnimalsShow allnumber 1 in the cityKNEZHABulgariaGergana Zoonumber 5 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaPleven ZooArt galleriesShow allnumber 1 in the cityПЛЕВЕНBulgariaArt Center - Plevennumber 9 in the cityPLEVENBulgariaIliya Beshkov Art GalleryOther categories:Fortresses