AlbaniaTirana CountyTIRANA COUNTY tourist attractions+29 attractions Tirana county tourist mapSee on the mapTirana county most popular citiesSee all cities+Tirana+13attractions +Dajt+4attractions +Golem+1attraction +Farkë+1attraction +Prezë+1attraction +Petrelë+1attraction +Bërzhitë+1attraction +Gosë+1attraction +Shëngjergj+1attraction +Pezë+2attractions Tirana county the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allTOPnumber 3 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational History Museumnumber 6 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational Gallery of Artsnumber 7 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational Archaeological Museumnumber 8 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaHouse of Leavesnumber 9 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaMosaic of Tirananumber 1 in the cityKAVAJËAlbaniaEthnographic Museum of KavajaBeachesShow allnumber 1 in the cityGOLEMAlbaniaGolem Beachnumber 1 in the citySYNEJAlbaniaCastle BeachCastlesShow allnumber 1 in the cityPREZËAlbaniaPreza Castlenumber 1 in the cityPETRELËAlbaniaPetrela CastleArt galleriesShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityDAJTAlbaniaBunk'artnumber 6 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaNational Gallery of ArtsLakesShow allnumber 1 in the cityKRRABËAlbaniaCyclops' Eyenumber 1 in the cityPEZËAlbaniaFjolla LakeFortressesShow allnumber 1 in the cityGOSËAlbaniaFortress of Bashtovënumber 11 in the cityTIRANAAlbaniaFortress of JustinianOther categories:CathedralsLookoutsPublic squaresWaterfallsCavesChurchesGondola liftsAnimals