Queen Mary's Rose Gardens
Queen Mary's Rose Gardens are the gardens of Queen Mary (Teck), wife of King George V. The gardens became a public place in 1932, and two years later the first rose garden was completed. It is currently the largest cluster of roses in London, which is estimated at 30,000. plants. In addition to roses in the park, you can also admire flower rugs, composed of about 9,000 begonias.
Roses arranged on 85 separate central beds and in different places on the outskirts of the park. There are representatives of about 400 varieties - from classic strains to the latest ones. One of the rebates was entirely planted with the Royal Parks variety - a rose that was grown by local gardeners.
In addition to classic roses with large, single flowers, multiflorous, climbing and groundcover species, as well as several dozen species of miniature roses are grown in Queen Mary's Rose Gardens.